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This article aims to help the investigating reader understand the primary scriptural proofs and question the alleged historical evidence that the "contemporary scholars," repeatedly present to their audience to discredit the writings of the 1st Century believers. These are lost scriptures discarded from the canon of the contemporaneous self-appointed Christian establishments.

A believing-inspired student of these scriptures will need to reason with the Mind to comprehend the spiritual meanings of these scriptures frequently poorly translated by paid laborers. To do so, one will also have to research the Greek terms that scholars left untranslated, even confronting foreign expressions, and difficulty arises when ascertaining their meaning and intent. In interpreting His profound letters, it is essential to understand the literary and linguistic styles of the original writers and the developmental, factual, and historical elements of the generation in which they were written. If we do not take a moment to consider and examine them, we can misappropriate their purpose and intended audiences.

The Firm entrusts these paid laborers with these tasks: to translate the scriptures ("codices") found in Egypt, determine their authenticity, and actuate their ages–determined by "educated guesses" influenced by the Irenaeus-curse. Paid laborers often morph the relevancy of these writings with modern applications according to current doctrines, misinterpreting them then rejecting the manuscript written. When they try to do so, nonbeliever paid laborers of the establishment will default to applying their guided misinterpretation to their standard translation method. Even by canonical authors – which explain why one finds these 1st Century writings of believers with titles given by the paid laborers, cursing them as false, as "Pseudoepigrapha" – and directly denying the authors reporting them to have written them in their language.


After denying their author and validation, these scholars next miscalculate dates for these and publish them with copyrights in the hope of preventing its future vindication as genuine. Lost in the process of their eliminating scriptures which they disapprove, is a lack of appreciation for Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa's love for His recycling people with higher knowledge He gives, which the modern Christian, centuries later, has no intimate connection.

Before explaining the controversy, to simply answer the question, a "gnostic" is a derogatory term for a first-century true follower of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa.`

Today, whoever searches the establishment to answer this question finds institutions of paid laborers, the "contemporary scholars," as mentioned previously of trained-tamed pupils of the establishments' doctrines misunderstandings. These are the legacy of the enemies of the "early church," struggling to answer the curious question of Gnosticism—still maligning it as satanist, just as the satanist "church fathers" did. 


Even the rubric "Gnosticism" is a misnomer, as it is a modern term that present time scholars have invented rather than defining' a historical event. The "Gnostics" were the early groups of believers, being the thousands of followers of Yâhuwshúa`, whom the satanic establishment's "Church Fathers" ("the Firm") and today's paid laborers ("contemporary scholars") slandered as being deviant or heretical, with the sobriquet "know it all" – slandering them as 'Gnostics.'

In the ancient world, first-century believers who acknowledged Truth ("Gnostics") represented a form of belief that had exposed the satanism in "Judaism" and "the Firm" and their falsehoods. Because the followers of Yâhuwshúa` had a much clearer understanding of Yâhuwshúa` 's instructions which they received in person from His mouth; they passed along verbally the Testimony of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, and inspired by the Spirit, and possessed the Mind of the Anointed. They learned how to crucify the flesh and denounce worldly things and thus yearned for more spiritual food or knowledge. To avoid early persecution by "the Firm," they gathered in secret places, at times at each other's home, apart from the synagogues.  

His believers shared and wrote wisdom far beyond the comprehension of the archons (demons aka extraterrestrials) and their followers, the Jews or those still being called "Christians" who had lost the knowledge of His names because of Jewish censorship or satanist accusations of "Judaizing."  In the same way, as the archons envied the initially inspired dirt-man ("adam"), whose wisdom they could not comprehend, so too the archon-led dedicated themselves to casting down whoever has the Spirit. Thus the Jews and those still being called "Christians" who lost His names also envied and hated and murdered the "Gnostics" they could not understand and wrote slander about them, which is the surviving epigraphic historical record.  

Most of the inspired writings of the early believers in Yâhuwshúa` were destroyed by these archon authorities, so Yâhuwshúa` was Who led them to store their inspired writings on papyrus and bury them in jars, time-capsules for the unshakeable generation to come today to receive them, who by selection equipped with His true names, thus the Spirit and His will to restore them and comprehend the higher knowledge (gnosis) within them.  Therefore, the ones He meant to have this knowledge are not dissuaded by His enemies' slander against these writings, modern and ancient. The latter paint themselves as legitimate followers to the masses, just as they did back then.

The accounts of the suppression of these alternative scriptures read like an adventure novel – book burnings, secret meetings – of small groups found out by the "authorities," exiles, executions, and persecutions. Every TRUE believer in Yâhuwshúa` knew and knows that the end-result of their path on The Way is physical persecution (death), once our mission is complete, and that their written witnessed accounts of what they see or ever experienced with Yâhuwshúa,` then or now, receives the same awful treatment. 

The Brutal Death of the Pupils

The most extensive suppression of early Christian literature began when Constantine became emperor of Rome. Constantine declared a coded, modified, watered-down version of the Truth to be the approved religion for the decaying Roman Empire. Today, we know it as Christianity, the impure religion they amalgamated with satanic solar-worship and various idols in the process of conversion that occurred over several years, from his initial victory in 312 A.D. to the final defeat of rivals (True believers) in 324 A.D.

In 325 A. D., Constantine convened the Council of Nicaea to decide from a selection of scriptures to form the 'canonical books.' They eliminated scriptures which they would suppress and approved others that would become the standards of the establishment's Church, which later was usurped by the Roman Catholic Church.

​ For many years the Council attacked the inspired scriptures they disapproved. Indeed, even bishops at the Council of Nicaea who disagreed with Constantine's choices were exiled on the spot. One such example is Origen, a bishop of Rome, who wrote compelling interpretations of what he received as Truth, possibly from believers, at that time.

However, the suppression of the inspired scriptures was unsuccessful as we know some texts have survived and passed on since ancient times. Many scraps and fragments turned up in various places over the years, though hardly a significant number and the Irenaeus' curse surfaced along with them.  So, today's establishment followers, upon finding satanic Irenaeus' commentary slandering these inspired scriptures, instead of thinking for themselves, continued the slander, further proving their satanism.

Another way the adversary smears the first-century followers of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` which the authorities of this world calls "Gnostics," is by accusing them of being satanists.  The adversary arranged for his own Firm, the contemporary Jewish scholars, who do not believe in the Testimony nor His names, who do not have His Spirit nor access to His Mind, to be the very first to obtain access to the manuscripts of these "Gnostics," so they might translate them poorly and hide the higher knowledge from most readers. 


Then the adversary brought his weakest followers to study these poor translations and completely misunderstand them to become dedicated satanists, calling themselves "Gnostics."  This made "Gnosticism" become synonymous with "satanism" in the world's eyes to discourage any further study of these scriptures by believers.

They made things much worse for prospective Christians examining their poor translations by adding their own very wrong illustrations of their interpretations when no such images existed in the original manuscripts.  Their archon-level of understanding of various satanic religions misled them to assign similar satanic imagery from those religions to the actual spiritual concepts in the codices.  With their mistranslations, imagery, and confusion, these self-proclaimed modern-day "Gnostics," being satanists, smear the misunderstood inspired authors of the codices and scriptures, falsely, as being satanic.

Another hurdle Christians find challenging to overcome is reconciling the differences in the accounts in the inspired "gnostic" writings compared to that of the establishment's canon of scriptures.  All inspired scripture agrees, and this is the case when comparing "gnostic" writings when adequately translated, to all canonical scriptures, when decoded and adequately translated.  However, neither has been fully restored and published for public access. The general public is only being given the satanic establishment's approved versions. The best earlier manuscripts are jealously guarded, frequently as private stash, from their access by the elite satanic scholars, frequently Jewish.

The satanists have long known and practiced the strategy that they become their opposition to control their opposition. So by eliminating the true Testimony of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` from the writings and oral transmission through these persecutions and book-burnings, they established their satanic terms to be used in their version of the Christian religion. Moreover, they positioned themselves comfortably in its leadership positions, collecting power and authority to themselves, inventing positions beyond the acceptable "elder" and "attendant," such as "bishop" (supervisor/overseer) and "father" and "priest," all of which belong to Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, not us.  With these usurped authority positions, they misled the majority. They held them mainly controlled until the "Protestant Reformation," when they were mainly freed to scatter and pasture themselves for 500 years, from 1521 to 2021.

However, in the 1st and 2nd centuries, Christianity's beginnings were not controlled by a material structure, "church," or a single hierarchy, or a single body.  1st-century believers, the "gnostics," having similar freedom before the later self-appointed satanic authorities, faced similar divisions (or denominations) in their beliefs as we do today within the Body of our Anointed. This explains why a few surviving writings of theirs are not inspired.  Most of the "gnostic" writings latter copies that survive have apparently had the names of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` omitted. 

So to know which are truly inspired requires deeper understanding to which contemporary scholars are not privy, as they also do not profess His names, thus not having His Spirit nor Mind, thus not being able to comprehend the higher knowledge over their archon-level. Modern Christians also would agree and name at least two or more Christian denominations today as cults and are nothing more than false Christians who deny one or more of the essentials of the Christian faith.  Paulus admitted some were preaching the glad tidings 'not purely' and gave praise even for knowing the plan and purpose. However, satanism instead uniformly seeks to kill off its opponents, all varieties of Christianity, especially ones closest to the Truth, with their writings, before they overcome satan with the true Testimony and are out of their reach.  This is why satanists had to eliminate the Testimony from the "Gnostics" before they became vulnerable to their authority.  Any religion killing is satanist since death is a tool of the adversary.

This is why some members from the satanic Firm, such as Irenaeus, silenced dissident voices because those did not endorse the kind of "Christianity" that was their own misled view of "truth." The satanic Firm that created the Roman Catholic Church also teaches that all other Christian denominations are not true churches; an unauthentic assembly viewed as suffering from 'defects.'  So as you see, "Heresy" is defined as incorrect thinking and practice, and "orthodoxy" (straight-preference) is appropriate thinking and practice, terms first coined by Irenaeus and both are relative.  Who was "orthodox" or a "heretic" depended upon where the observer was standing.  Generally, to mainstream or apostolic Christian, one of their own is considered conventional ("orthodox"), and everyone else is a heretic. To the satanic Judaism, their secretive Talmud similarly defines everyone not Jewish, as heathens, and it is legal for them to kill at their will.

Anyone in modern times joining in on the Irenaeus bandwagon of bashing "Gnosticism" in its purer form, of the first-century believers in Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, is joining the adversary in slandering the true believers in Him.

"Run! Run from the paid laborers of satan who require you to "help" support their mission through monetary donations, offerings, or by purchasing scripture translations, books, or full access to their content, all in the name of increasing your knowledge. A loyal servant of our Savior gladly assists honest seekers of the Truth in finding Him, and because Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` provides for us, the information we offer is free. 

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