Satanic Names Substitutes Misidentify Who We Worship
Elohim Wrongly Inserted Into in The Torah (Law)
XXX Elohim (Strong's #430), the plural form of the singular noun elo'ah (Strong's #433), a masculine noun xxxx
[Disclaimer: In this document in which we expose the foreign demons’ terms ’el, ’eloah, and ’elohiym, we quote others using the term “god” although we do not use this term ourselves for the Most High Yâ-hwéh, because “god” is also a term literally meaning “demon” in Hebrew.]
Historical Evidence
The first one to discuss of the distinction between Yâ-hwéh, usually “translated” the LORD, and elohim, traditionally “translated” as god, was their Rabbi Judah “Yehuda” Halevi, 12th Century A.D, in his book The Kuzari. At the beginning of the fourth part of his book, Judah exposes something unbelievable that precedes all modern academic scholarship researched-information on the subject-term ‘elohim.’ Yehuda tells us that the term ‘elohim’ is not original to their traditions as Yehuwdiym Jews rather that the term comes from the pagan world. Their “Rabbi” Yehuda Halevi, a revered philosophical teacher by Jews, points out that the pagan word ‘elohim’ is plural as it refers to forces or powers of nature; while the name Yâ-hwéh was unknown to them because of their tradition to not pronounce His names. So as a result, these followers of the Torah (Law) did not know how to pronounce the name Yâ-hwéh.
The Jews Only Said the Name Yâ-hwéh Once a Year
Scholars tend to agree that ‘Yâ-hwéh’ is a representation of how the ancient sons of Israel initially pronounced the Tetragrammaton (Four-letter word), called “Barbelo” in codices.
According to the Yoma and the Mishnah, the commentaries on it state that “one does not pronounce the ineffable name outside” – the limits of the material temple. But “on the Day of Atonement, ten times did the high priest pronounce His name”; [The Sacred Name – yahweh.org] this occurred while all the priests who gathered around in the material temple did loud chanting so that the public would not hear His name <<Yâ-hweh>> pronounced.
Elohim: Adopted From the Pagan World
The Kna`aníym polytheistic-pantheistic ‘religion’ which pre-dates Judaism, was borrowed from another belief system and had a history created to give it credibility. The New World Encyclopedia describes the belief system of “divine clan, headed by the supreme god El; the gods collectively made up the elohim.”
El— according to The New World Encyclopedia, was the chief deity, god of the sky, father of many lesser gods and ruler of the divine assembly, also worshiped by the apostatizing sons of Israel. In Ugarit, the gods were called 'ilhm (elohim), or the children of El.
Through the centuries, the pantheon of Canaanite gods evolved, so that El and Asherah were more important in earlier times, while Baal and his consorts came to fore in later years. Many of the Kna`aníym deities found their way into the Greek and Roman pantheon. For example, the characteristics of both El and Ba`´al are visible in Zeus.
The polytheists and name-substituters used the Greek ‘theos’ as well as the Ivríyth ’el interchangeably whenever they made references to the True Most-High Yâ-hwéh, just as they did to foreign gods as theoi and ’elohim regardless that the terms theos and ’el is a title they used and not a personal name for Yâ-hwéh. Theos: Occurs in the LXX with few exceptions as a translation for the Hebrew word ’elohim and His name Yâ-hwéh.
However, morphologically-analyzed decoded LXX shows that every instance of theos was not applied to our Yâ-hwéh although post-advent “New Testament” Greek scriptures DO use theos applied to Yâ-hwéh, never the theoi plural form, confirming that ’elohiym was not found in the Hebrew post-advent original scriptures and this points to a post-advent time being when the term ’elohiym was inserted into Hebrew manuscripts.
Theos – Greek translations of Hebrew scriptures correctly translated Hebrew ’Ël to Greek Theos (Strong’s #2304), as both are a generic term for a power/mighty one. Like ’Ël, when not clearly stated to be referring to our Yâ-hwéh, Theos also refers to demons.
Yet, Theos is freely used usually as a component of religious Christian terms such as Theology, Theophany, Theocracy, Theosophy, Atheism, etc. A cursory look at the surrounding terms in Greek lexicons will show you that Strong’s #2303 theion is “brimstone”, sulfur, because it was considered “divine incense, because burning brimstone was regarding as having power to purify, and to ward off disease” (OLB Greek Lexicon).
Reportedly, Sh’ówl stinks, of sulfur among its other smells, because brimstone is associated with demons. The book of Chanówkh (“Enoch”) also reports (interestingly in chapter 66: 6), this:
6 And when all this happened, from that burning molten mass of metal and from the agitation which troubled them in that place, there arose a strong smell of sulfur, which became mixed with the waters; and that valley where the Watchers, who had been guilty of seduction, burned underneath its soil.
Therefore, theos is originally a term referring to these kinds of worshiped entities which are associated to sulfur, demons again.
Whenever they made references to the True Most-High Yâ-hwéh, since these singular terms were routinely found in scriptures, the name-substituters used the Greek ‘theos’ as well as the Ivríyth ’el to substitute out His name they despised, regardless that the terms theos and ’el is merely one description they used and not a personal name for Yâ-hwéh.
The pluralism of “Elohim”
Then the polytheists, just as they pluralized foreign gods as theoi and ’elohim, the polytheist Jewish scribes replaced Yâ-hwéh’s name and most singular ’Ël references with plural ’elohim also.
Although Yâ-hwéh is One (’echâth), a Union, and therefore not plural. In fact, He inhabits those He causes to come to exist, to become within His Union. At the End, when the number of His emanations will be complete A-Z (Alpha through Omega), then He will again become One at the End to do away with darkness.
The misunderstanding of this is likely what commenced those erring into polytheism, and it’s easy to see, particularly when the various emanations of Him get materially personified by the errant, and then Wisdom gets worshipped as “Sophia” etc. etc.
The Septuagint (LXX) is a Greek translation of pre-advent “Old Testament” scriptures, which was written in the 3rd century BC Roman Date, far before the Masoretic text which was altered after Yâhuwshúa`’s coming. The 70 scribes who translated it hid large amounts of information from the heathen Greeks, hiding it in codes. Today, these codes have been decoded and analyzed, and, with regard to theos, it shows that every instance of theos in it was not applied to Yâ-hwéh, every instance of “Theos” occurring next to Yâ-hwéh (which it substitutes Kurios for), it says
“One without regard for the THEOS of ’aharón (light-carrier/lucifer)”,
προς {<3364> “not”} θεος {<2> “aaron”}
Occasionally “theos” has been seen to be plural, ALSO having <2> for ’aharón (light-carrier/lucifer). The other way “theos” is seen in this decoded LXX is as “not a theos” referring to sâtâ´n, because he is not a true power/mighty one.
But in the post-advent “New Testament”, Greek scriptures DO use theos applied to Yâ-hwéh, but never using the theoi plural form, confirming that ’elohiym was not found in the Hebrew scriptures available at that time, and this points to a post-advent time being when the term ’elohiym was inserted into Hebrew manuscripts such as the Masoretic text.
Encyclopedias and Other Writings about Elohim
Agnōstos Theos Ἄγνωστος Θεός” - was found inscribed on Greek altars dedicated "to the unknown god." The inscription had no mystical or theosophical meaning, but arose out of a concern for religious “cultic safety: no one wanted to incur the wrath of” a god, whose name was unknown, but who might exist vexed by the lack of honors. In their ignorance (agnosticism), the Greeks erected an altar to whatever god they might have inadvertently left out of their pantheon.
In the book of Yehuwdâ´h The Gospel of Judas, they call a “Glad Tidings” we read how Yâhuwshúa` corrected the way our brothers, His pupils, praised Him. In one instance Yâhuwshúa` finds them gathered together and seated in reverence to give His Father thanksgiving. Then Yâhuwshúa` laughs at the demons who misguided them to pray in the manner that they did customarily. Had they had the foresight that Who was standing in their midst was Yâ-hwéh within Yâhuwshúa` as One, they would have instead turned their eyes toward Him to praise Him.
“The disciples said to [him], “Master, why are you laughing at [our] prayer of thanksgiving? We have done what is right.
” He answered and said to them,
“I am not laughing at you. You are not doing this because of your own will but because it is through this that your god [’el] will be praised.”
The English translators of this book substituted “god” in the place of theos and the Greek translators of this Hebrew book had translated ’ël as Greek theos. With this information, reconsider why our Father Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` taught His pupils, our brothers, a proper way to pray in MattithYâ´huw 6: 9-20, and that is because our brothers, the first on earth to follow Yâhuwshúa`, had been unwittingly worshiping elohiym, because they were heeding something else that was not Him. Since Yâhuwshúa` was not referring to Himself as the god [’ël] they had praised, the term ’ël there is about a demon.
The 1966 edition of the Unger’s Bible Dictionary, Page 412, states that the word EL is a Kna`aníym “Canaanite” word meaning “God,” or “Devil.” The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, Volume 1, Page 817, under DEMONOLOGY, says: The word ELOHIM, (plural form of EL), means “demons” and or “gods", saying that they adopted this plural form, copying the Canaanites to "summarize all the various manifestations of this deity". It is sad to see that more recent reference-books have had such information removed, to revise history in a huge and quiet cover-up conspiracy to make these terms appear entirely acceptable for those researching them, simply because the truth about ’elohíym is that it ALWAYS refers to demons (and perhaps magistrates) and never Yâ-hwéh. Click here to see a screenshot reference in the book.
According to the Raelian Movement Professor Katherine Bayer writes, the Elohim are a human-like alien race that created life through material scientific processes on Earth. The Elohim “created humanity as an equal, just as their [own] creators once created them as equals. They claim that through this process, intelligent life continues to develop throughout”. The Raelians claim that only they hold that the correct meaning of the word Elohim, as "those who come from the sky." They believe the more traditional translations of the word are in error.
Elohim in Inspired Scripture Codices
In the codices we also read more damning condemnations against the term ‘elohim’:
From The End Times of Këph “The Apocalypse of Peter” - “And the Savior said to me, "Be strong, for you are the one to whom these mysteries have been given, to know them through revelation, that He whom they crucified is the First-born, and a dirt-body [made by means] of demons to dwell in, and the stony vessel in which they dwell [is] of elohim [demons], of the cross, which is under the Law. But He who stands accompanying him is the Living Savior.” –
In another codex, Justin’s Baruch, The Three Principle of the All are: “the Good One, Elohim, and Edem (the Earth). The first two are male; the third is female. The Good possesses the knowledge about the All. The word "Elohim" is called the father of what is [materially] created and father of the Jewish god-demiurge. Therefore, we should not capitalize elohiym as it is not a proper name.
And again in the “Secret book of Yâhuwchânâ´n John”:
“Yaldabaoth raped Eve.
She bore two sons.
Elohim was the name of the first.
Yâ-hwéh was the name of the second.
Elohim has a bear’s face.
Yâ-hwéh has a cat’s face.
One is righteous;
One is not.
Yâ-hwéh is righteous;
Elohim is not.”
Note: The Aramaic “Yaldabaoth” (Yaldabosheth in Hebrew) means Spawn of Shame in English, another term for the adversary who was not acknowledged to be given a formal name at all.
We see here satan made “Elohim”, which we have shown above is “not righteous” (correct), as it never should apply to our Yâ-hwéh.
Scriptures are interpreted spiritually, not materially. With regards only to the term “righteous”, note it means “correct”. The name “Yâ-hwéh” is correct, but the name “Elohim” is not, because it, being plural, does not apply to our Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` Who is One, not plural.
This passage means satan made a Yâ-hwéh underneath himself, which is not the Yâ-hwéh far over him, Who is Yâhuwshúa`. The adversary "satan" also made many other demons and named them with the same names as those in the highest heavens, and this is why the same scripture says true original ones have two names, as our Yâ-hwéh is Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`.
The accuser also made elohim, which we have shown above is not righteous, as it never should apply to our Yâ-hwéh.
"The demons’ (own) names, given by Yaldabaoth, are mighty names
But the Powers’ names reflecting the glory above
Will bring about the demons’ destruction and remove their Power.
That is why each has two names."
I have said, ye are gods, and all of you are children of 'elohiym
We are not elohiym (demons), we are sons of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` and will not violate Yâ-hwéh’s instructions written in our hearts of loving Him more than anything, to not worship the gods, which are elohiym. Our King and Savior revealed Himself to Moshéh as Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, and never as Elohim, a fact obliterated out of the heavily altered Masoretic text, but as Yâ-hwéh said, we should not apply name substitutes to Yâ-hwéh, nor create images or anything which honors elohiym, the demons.
After examining the widespread common use of the term 'gods' which means ‘demons’ in Greek, we can now see how English-speaking deceived Christians use this specific name of the foreign deity ’elohíym, into applying it to Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`. I do hope this article blesses you, the reader, to discover that the use of pagan titles did not originate from the first and original, writings. They were, in fact, only accepted by the people of Israel after coming into the material land which was occupied by Kna`aníym, and adopting their wrong terminology, because the Kna`aníym once spoke Ivríyth; however, their worship was of DEMONS. But the terms finding their way into the public-view scriptures themselves had to be after the ascension of Yâhuwshúa`, as the post-advent scriptures still show knowledge of the material omitted in codes by the LXX scribes.
Considering how our Father Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` commands us to honor His names, publish His names, boastfully praise His names - 5th Book of Moshéh Deuteronomy 30: 17-19, only several hundred years later, satan worked his scribes, the ones working, so that our scriptures became polluted and degutted, substituting Yâ-hwéh’s name out with the pagan titles of plurist elohim, adonai, and satan-specific god, and lord. Though at the time, the use of these pagan terms was accepted and routinely used by the name-censoring copyists to replace Yâ-hwéh’s name to identify Him in their writings, they remain nonspecific at best, and at worst, specific for satan. Moreover, these pagan words cannot call on Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, the name they forgot and did not prefer, because what they prefer are TITLES of satan and his demons, which they obeyed to alter the scriptures.
It is by the intervention of the self-willed-one, the spawn of shame, and lesser god that scholars, who interpret the original Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek Scriptures into English (and other languages) were led to conspire in the removal of His name Yâ-hwéh altogether, and to hide the name of Yâhuwshúa`, Who defeated him, completely; Their excuse? The one often given for this detestable censorship involves a misinterpretation of the Third Law of satan they made by altering our Yâ-hwéh’s Ten Messages, to say not “take His name in vain.” How then can we openly make praise offerings professing His name (Todah Yâ-hwéh) and how then can we boast about our Yâ-hwéh: (Hal’luw Yâ´hu)?
This third law of satan (from the ten commandments) only promotes satan by having people remove specific references to the Most High Yâ-hwéh to forget Him and steal His praise. Therefore, every nonspecific name substitute serves satan unless tied to Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`’s name, and every name substitute specific for satan, like elohim, should never be used for Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa.` The safest best option is to call Him by His dual names and if one needs to say He is our Power or Sovereign or any other description, such as Father, to keep it in English. Let each one take care, in one’s offering of one’s Testimony, to keep it purely about Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, the One without regard for the ’ël or ’elohiym of ’aharon (lucifer/light-carrier), so eliminate elohim and all other deceit of satan.
Feel free to watch our video Elohim Are Demons
Do not trust a Word from the mouths of anyone who comes in the name of demons, 'elohiym' (El), or any other name-substitutes for Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`.
Bibliography & Source Links:
Johnson, Sarah, Religions of the Ancient World, Belknap Press, Cambridge, 2004)
Strong, James, Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Nelson, Nashville, 1990)
The Thirteenth Apostle - What the Gospel of Judas Really Says by April D. DeConick
The Gospel of Judas Translated by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Wurst, in collaboration with François Gaudard
A Dictionary of Christian Biography, Literature, Sects, and Doctrines, Volume 4
The Apocalypse of Baruch: Translated from the Syriac
A Dictionary of Gnosticism Paperback – November 17, 2009, by Andrew Phillip Smith
Cady, Susan, Marian Ronan, and Hal Taussig. Wisdom's Feast: Sophia in Study and Celebration. New York: Harper & Row, 1989.
Camp, Claudia V. Wisdom and the Feminine in the Book of Proverbs. Decatur: Almond, 1985.
Cixous, "The Laugh of the Medusa." The Critical Tradition: Classic Texts and Contemporary Trends. Ed. David H. Richter. Boston: Bedford, 1998. 1453-1471.
Irigaray, Luce. "This Sex Which is Not One." The Critical Tradition: Classic Texts and Contemporary Trends. Ed. David H. Richter. Boston: Bedford, 1998. 1466-1471.
Johnson, Elizabeth A. "Wisdom Was Made Flesh and Pitched Her Tent Among Us." Reconstructing the Christ Symbol: Essays in Feminist Christology. Ed. Maryanne Stevens. New York: Paulist, 1993.
Mollenkott, Virginia Ramey. The Divine Feminine. New York: Crossroad, 1984.
Newman, Barbara. Sister of Wisdom: St. Hildegard's Theology of the Feminine. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987.
Whybray, R.N. Wisdom in Proverbs: The Concept of Wisdom in Proverbs 1-9. Naperville: Allenson, 1965.
"A son of Mine with regard for Perdition (’Avadówn) cares little for the education of Yâ-hwéh, but do not despond under the correction of His Son, oh Yisrâ’ë´l, because whom Yâ-hwéh loves, Yâ-hwéh educates, and Yâ-hwéh scourges everyone that has regard for the Son, whom He acknowledges as His own". - Proverbs מְ 3:11-12 מְשָׁלִ֥ים