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  • The Population Classification Chart| Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`

    CLASSIFYING THE COMPOSITION OF THE POPULATION: According to Codices According to several codices there are three types of population [one codex uses the word “phoenix” (winged-creature) instead of dirt-man] in this world (cosmos), until the end of the world [age/cosmos]. Their circumstances are compared to the three kinds of wing-creatures of pardeç "paradise"(as seen outside of time). The reason for the different descriptions is because during this age, dirt-men and winged-creatures are two of the 4 spiritual animals. Néphesh (“soul”) means insufflation and can be either from The One of Light, or from the one of the darkness. An insufflation from the Light is immortal but the one from the darkness is not. According to one treatise, the composition of the population of this world consists of (1) a body originating from darkness and fire ; (2) a néphesh (“soul”) brought forth through the defilement of the winds and the demons; (3) a particle of Mind (rescued by Spirit) and to whom our Savior granted a Light called ‘Trust’ (“pistis/faith”) and Thought produced by the ‘astonishment’ (EKSTASIS) of the Spirit (4). The Greek word EKSTASIS, from which comes "ecstasy", literally means being outside of one’s self, and is traditionally misinterpreted by scholars translating it as being crazy, astonished, out of sorts, “beside yourself”. But EKSTASIS describes The Mind’s literally transporting outside of one’s self, resulting in the Thought – the response given from the inquiry of the Mind to Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, Who gives freely from the treasures of knowledge and Wisdom. So, 'Thought' is a result of the astonishment (EKSTASIS) of the Mind, to Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`. The combinations of these four constituents (1-4) defines three classes of population, even the hylic (material people), which we have termed “Type C”. These hylics (Type C), are ruled by the néphesh “soul” and belong to darkness – they have body and a néphesh from the darkness. But noetics (mental people), which we have termed “Type B”, who are ruled by the Mind and belong to Trust (“faith”) – they have a body, néphesh, and a mind; yet pneumatics (spiritual people), which we have termed “Type A”, are who are ruled by Thought and belong to Spirit – they have a body, soul, mind and thought). ​ The sum of all of Type A and Type B compose the perfect finite number in the Mind of the Father, A-Z of one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l). Type A were procreated by the Son, and are known in restored LXX-decoded scriptures as yisrâ’ë´l above . Type B were procreated by Wisdom, currently being two daughters, one she procreated alone, B1, and the other she procreated with sâțâ´n, B2. The Son, Yâhuwshúa`, paid for adopting all of Type B, a broad category including all yisrâ’ë´l outside of Him: middle and underneath , per the descriptions of the vessels of yisrâ’ë´l found in LXX-decoded scriptures. But note that since Type C is not of the number of yisrâ’ë´l at all, they are not reckoned a vessel of yisrâ’ë´l and are hardly found mentioned in LXX-decoded scriptures, except the famous mention in Disclosure (Revelation) 20: 8 of the goats being rounded up to attack the last group of newly-existing ones, in coded speech as the ones not being the mountain (Ğowğ) and not from the mountain (Mâ-ğówğ). ​ The Hebrew word yisrâ’ë´l means one overcoming the demon , those outside have not yet come to exist of yisrâ’ë´l. In terms of the Tree (cross) and the Fruit (Yâhuwshúa`), A regards the Fruit, B1 regards the Tree (cross), and B2 does not regard the Tree (cross). With regards to where one goes when one physically dies, Type A goes to the Light, but Type B goes to sh’ówl (the underworld). ​ The chart below contains the information found in codices describing the characteristics found in each of these groups. It contains what we have noted after learning about these three types of characters in LXX decode d scriptures and the books of Baruch and our personal impressions with identifying their components accordingly with the codices and LXX decoded scriptures. We share the chart because inspired scriptures urge us to "know thy self,"; know how what composes each one, know from where each component came, and identify which kind we are, thus to know where we go after physical death. The codices mention three types of population, but we have identified that a group of deeply lost ones (from B2) are currently mixed in with the Type C to be discarded. To summarize , and to further explain the relation of this categorization to the LXX decoded canonical description of the vessels of yisrâ’ë´l: ​ Type A, who is called yisrâ’ë´l in LXX-decoded canonical scriptures, has the Spirit, Mind, and a Néphesh from the Light, and a Material Body and its néphesh, from the darkness. Type A are the offspring of Yâhuwshúa` alone. The Envoy functions as the Mind and provides His Spirit (gifted to the ones , not on loan). His Standing makes the uniqueness for type A to be called Spiritual: pneumatics . The dirt-body (with its fiery one) temporary tabernacle carries His néphesh (f.) inside. Type A loves the Most High, their Father. At the Sixth Seal, when everything returns from where it came, Type A drops one component in their composition made by sâțâ´n, the fiery one, which is the flesh’s néphesh (f.) . Type B, who is middle yisrâ’ë´l and yisrâ’ë´l underneath , have a Mind, Néphesh, and Material Body. Their conscience of there being something higher than they above makes Type B be called Mental ones: noetics. Type B are two daughters of Wisdom, so it has two subgroups, B1 and B2. Type B1 is the Middle "Day" offspring of Sophia alone; these love their Mother, and do have regard for the tree/cross. Type B2 are the offspring of Sophia and sâțâ´n, so codices say they have a choice of which of these two to prefer and take after, although neither have regard for the tree/cross. In LXX-decoded canonical scriptures, Middle "Night" yisrâ’ë´l are B2s are not being the darkness, but the sâțâ´nist widow yisrâ’ë´l underneath are B2s currently loving their father sâțâ´n, and striving to emulate their father sâțâ´n by doing away with their B2 Mind (conscience) as much as possible. ​ Type C, are not, nor will ever be any of the finite perfect number of yisrâ’ë´l, but they are mentioned in codices and described when pertinent in restored canonical scriptures. The Type C group is merely composed of Material body and Néphesh. They have no conscience of anything but material so they are called Material: hylic . Type C goats are expendable, stressors according to codices, designed for destruction, and also noted in MattithYâ´huw 25:32-33. Type C are the goats, and since the adversary has no regard for the finite perfect number, Type C outnumbers the finite perfect number, meaning it composes over half the population of this earth. Moreover, Type C rulers populate the top echelons of the pyramid of the order of this cosmos, which is upside down to make sâțâ´n, the lowest of all, literally the capstone oppressing everyone below him. The terms “above, middle, and underneath” refer to positions in the cosmos of Light, not this one of the darkness. Currently those ruling authorities of this world are mixed with the B2 sâțâ´nist widow Underneath according to their competing for the favor of the adversary. ​ They are those “not being the mountain nor from the mountain” who will be led by the least favored Middle-night B2 ones, who will have been misled by B2 underneath by their “false prophets”, when their Great Anger is released after one thousand years of recycling, and these will lead these Type C goats to surround those newly-existing widow B2 underneath, who by then will have come to reject their current father and accept Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, and the Middle-night B2 ones will burn these ones with the fire of yisrâ’ë´l. : “Him against the material universe (All the ones entering into the cosmos (material universe), resembling a drop originating from the Light, are sent out/forth among My yisrâ’ë´ l of Sabaoth, “of the hosts” (a demon) in order that the same ones of the Son may be guarded/protected within Him (the Same One)”

  • 70th Week of Daniel| Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`

    SEPARATION “Judgment” SEASON CALENDAR to open calendar ctrl + Left click - allow browser to view

  • Impostor's Name Exposed | Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`


  • elohim reference | Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`

    The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, Volume 1, Page 817 1966 edition of the Unger’s Bible Dictionary, Page 412

  • What is Reincarnation?| Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`

    WHAT IS REINCARNATION? On Recycling Most traditional Christian doctrines believe in a resurrection of one’s néphesh (“soul”) into a new and different kind of body of pure flesh, a new body made possible by our Savior (Yâhuwshúa`), because it’s described and explained in Qorinthíym (“Corinthians”). But the question of whether a néphesh (“soul”) ever returns to live more lifetimes in a different body of the same kind of corruptible flesh is one being denied by most traditional Christian doctrines, although a few approved examples remain in the establishment’s teachings, for example that of the son of ’avadówn (“son of perdition”) being both Yehuwthâ´h (“judas”) and the coming impostor-savior “antichrist”, and the mention that Yâhuwchânâ´n the Immerser (“john the baptist”) is ’EliyYâ´huw. We are calling this returning in a different body of the same kind of corruptible flesh, “recycling ” of the néphesh (“soul”). But beyond these examples, most Christians do not include the recycling of the néphesh (“soul”) into different bodies of the same kind of corruptible flesh in their belief-set. Why not? Most, simply because of lack of information, some due to trust in their teachers who repeatedly allege this lifetime to be their only chance and possibility to join their flocks, and few due to having read the establishment’s approved canons of scriptures they translated in a way to support their accepted doctrines, and trusting those. ​ Yet religions outside Christianity report recycling and numerous personal experience testimonials report recycling, and historians report recycling to have been part of early Christian doctrine also. How is this topic important? Why is it vital for us to know this happens? And how can we find the evidence that has been covered up within the inspired scriptures? This webpage will answer these questions. The Recycling/Returning (Anastrepho) –AKA “Reincarnation” of the Néphesh One new age prosperity priestess, Oprah Winfrey, posed a curious question to the audience on her TV show, which aired sometime in the 1990s (Roman calendar), which we stumbled across in a recent year, which publicly displayed some of the consequences of ignorance about recycling, that provoked this article. ​ Oprah’s chosen panel was contrasted by a Christian audience that struggled, trying to defend against Oprah’s intellectualized ideology embracing one of man’s many mistakes – which is to believe that there are many different ways to ascend towards the Father, Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` . Oprah attacked that the One Way scriptural concept itself is wrong. One Christian guest shouted, “Jesus is the Way!”, to which Oprah responded (and I paraphrase): ‘what if you are somewhere on a remote part of the earth and never get to hear the name of our Savior? What if you are a person who lives with a loving heart, as our Savior would have had you to live and for the very purpose He came to earth, and die without ever having heard His name? Does he/she go to hell?’ ​ By saying this, Oprah denied the need for Yâhuwshúa` to ever have come and give up the life of His dirt-body on the cross, making Him irrelevant. ​ So, several guests attempted to allay every negative opinion against our Savior made by Oprah. The audience’s group of Christians failed miserably, attempting to bargain with Oprah, because they were spiritually naked, not equipped with the Truth, nor empowered with His wisdom, to overcome her lies from satan. The reason for their defeat is simple, Christianity is reprogrammed with disinformation and taught that a properly inspired developed mind is one which accepts as true all what Irenaeus and the Church Fathers approved so as to dismiss recycling as heresy, as they did centuries ago. Such deceived Christians disbelieve in the recycling of the néphesh (“soul”) into new material bodies, also known as “reincarnation” to other religions, because the powers of darkness showed the foolish pastors teaching the error that through teaching ‘one life to live’, they could increase their material profits and gains through extortion of joining them or dying and going to hell forever. ​ Those other religions using the term “reincarnation ” are unaware of or deny the resurrection into His new and different kind of pure flesh bodies. Therefore, because of reincarnation’s association to pagan religions, to some Christians, it becomes an alien, pagan, foreign-sounding heresy, which they view with horror if not alarm. They cannot accept its existence without renouncing their faith in what the canon says, and risk being ostracized by their flocks, because it’s smeared due to its association with Hinduism and other oriental religions, which openly embrace this concept which spread to other parts of Asia. ​ Since reincarnation as a term does not specify what kind of flesh a néphesh (“soul”) reenters, we find it inadequate, so we use the term recycling when reentering material corruptible flesh, and resurrecting when entering the spiritual, incorruptible pure flesh new body He gives us. Recycling inherently means returning as the same material, and the neologism spares us having to explain and disclaim those thinking it originated from paganism. How Did this Bit of Truth get to Asia? Would it surprise you to learn that our Savior Yâhuwshúa` discussed reincarnation openly with His pupils? These very pupils were sent off as His delegates (“apostles”), and it was these who also traveled to Asia carrying our Savior’s teachings to our blind brothers there. After their teachings became diluted by satan, they still kept various concepts, albeit Headless; one such lesson is of us pairing again with our heavenly envoy or twin, “didymos” in Greek, (syzygy in Coptic). in Hebrew, Tâ’ówm, which is where the name “Thomas” evolved, and this re-pairing is which completes us in Him with Wisdom in the marriage chamber, our separate pure place, as a perfect union, but they lost the point and turned this into “tao” or “daoism.” ​ Evidently, the same situation occurred in India, undoubtedly. Since they had learned long ago from Yâhuwshúa`’s delegates that the area behind one’s forehead, between the eyes, is the separate place and the sitting Throne reserved for Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, the adversary excised this teaching, starting with His names, and what remains instead is sporting a “bindi” painted spot on their foreheads to “protect their “third eye,” the false vision source of the evil spirit occupying their separate place. Believers in Yâhuwshúa` as well as rebels against Him recycle, to continue their work for Him or against Him, respectively. Once a néphesh is granted the Truth in a capacitated lifetime and obtains Life, they may still recycle, being sent to teach the Truth to others. This concept also has vestiges left in India’s Hinduism, with the recycling of those ignorant of the Truth described as suffering “samsara," and obtaining this Truth as achieving “nirvana." But that Truth of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` was not retained in their teachings. ​ So to accurately answer Oprah’s question: every néphesh which originated from Yâ-hwéh incarnates through several lifetimes over time and is only able to attain eternal permanence (existence) by correctly acknowledging the Truth, that Yâhuwshúa` is Yâ-hwéh, our Savior, and giving Him the preference (mistranslated as “glory”) during one’s more capable nativity (“generation”) than one’s earlier blotted out lives, wherein he/she may never have heard His name. But notably, to negate Oprah’s deceit, no one (other than Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`) has ever qualified on their own to fulfill the law (torah) of satan, and all fell short of reaching the Father. One only gets reckoned correct (“righteous”) One Way , through Him, acknowledging and professing Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, a name already expunged also from the establishment’s teachings. But these Truths were not present there among Oprah’s studio audience, much less among her panel. The Word Reincarnation/Recycling in Scriptures The word reincarnation derives from Latin roots re- (prefix), “again and again” (repetition) incarnare , meaning to reenter “flesh.” Remember, we said it doesn’t specify which kind of flesh. Yet, in fact, “Reincarnation” is a misnomer because the néphesh (“soul”) recycles in a new but similarly corruptible dirt-body but not making the same previous flesh body again. Therefore, pay no mind to those finding lookalike ancient images resembling current people as evidence of recycling. The only physical resemblance may be in the eyes , the windows to the néphesh (“soul”). ​ Because of the ubiquitous acceptance of the term “reincarnation,” some ‘Bible thumpers’ (often KJV enthusiasts) argue that “reincarnation” cannot be true because that particular word is not found in their approved translation, the “Authorized Version.” That is only true because they have been looking for the wrong word . The main word to search for in Greek is “ANASTREPHO," found in both Greek post-advent scriptures and Septuagint (LXX) pre-advent scriptures. For those truth-seekers wanting pearls for word searches, here they are : Anastrepho , Greek Strong’s #390, means to return up, found in lexicons “to turn hither and thither, to turn one’s self about, sojourn dwell in a place” (recycling), and only metaphorically reinterpreted as “to conduct one’s self, behave one’s self, live” in order to conceal its true meaning of recycling in establishment translations of scripture. But wasn’t scripture first in Hebrew? Looking at what Hebrew words they translated as anastrepho, we relevantly find Hebrew Strong’s #02015 hâphákh , meaning also “to turn about, turn around, to change, transform, and in the hithpael conjugation, “to transform oneself, to turn this way and that, turn every way." We also find anastrepho translates Hebrew Strong’s #03318 yâtsâ´’, to be brought out/forth, to go or come out or forth, to come or go forth, to come out of. Also translated as anastrepho, we find #06213 `âsâ´h to work, #06437 pânâ´h to turn, be turned back, #07725 shuwv to return, come back, to bring back, cause to return, and #0813 shânâ´h to change, alter, to be repeated, to disguise oneself; all relevant to recycling . But if you look up these instances, you will find them all mistranslated in the establishment’s approved Authorized Version(s). ​ Scriptural references to recycling of the néphesh (“soul”) are quite common in the pre-advent scriptures before Yâhuwshúa`’s ministry and post-advent scriptures. When retranslated correctly, they appear to mention recycling without much ado or fanfare, as though it had been a well-known and accepted belief. The book of Dâ´niyyË´’l and YchezqË´’l refers to recycling and the same specific people reappearing at vastly different times. The scroll of Bârúwkh also discusses Bârúwkh’s ‘returning’ to live in these end-times along with other Yâhuwshúa`-believers. Proper scripture translations of other scriptures of Páulus (“Paul”) reveal that people hearing him had trouble believing in Páulus’ preaching of the Resurrection (returning to live in new different pure flesh bodies) because they already thought they return anew in a newborn (returning to live in new different corruptible flesh bodies). (Source quote Theókleia & the ankh Egyptians and their monks found in philliposiym 3:17-19) So, Who/What Orchestrated this Massive Cover-up? The central business agenda of the establishment’s conservative Church Fathers and other religious authorities was to prefer higher numbers of followers for greater profits, being guided by evil dark agencies of satan, who placed them in official positions of authority over the believers in Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`. They happen to be those nepheshes who have not accepted the Truth, recycling to continue their work against Yâhuwshúa`. Their aim has always been to choose what doctrines they can stretch or alter to fit their agendas and block and smear whatever appears threatening to them in the various scriptures and, more recently, in numerous resurfaced Gnostic frameworks, to mistranslate them using their approved scholars to publicly ostracize and excommunicate everyone and blacklist everything they believe to be morally inexcusable in their eyes. In this way, good, significant, and revelatory texts inspired by Yâhuwshúa` were very much and often lumped together with satanic writings and labeled as PSEUDO (false/fake) uninspired heresy and thereby anathema (kept separate/cursed). Their strange consensus that there cannot be any more Yâhuwshúa`-inspired books of glad tidings than four in number is from Irenaeus, one of the so-called “church fathers”, because he saw there are four winds, and four directions; so they thought it should be fitting to ban other inspired books of glad tidings; this served their purposes by eliminating many books condemning them. The Author’s Personal Experience Until the summer of 2005 RD (roman dates), I had never investigated recycling ("reincarnation"), and the few ideas I had about it were shaped mainly by disparaging comments and attitudes I had occasionally encountered from the Christian community. However, I was always drawn to this topic because from my very early childhood, I had a recurring nightmare: ​ I was standing on a barren white land surrounded by other people; some wore long dresses and headdresses similar to mine. Not far in the distance, Romans were approaching us. The atmosphere was in a panic, and there was yelling and screaming, and suddenly, my knees collapsed, and my head rolled away from my body (which I saw headless) beside other dead bodies on the ground. My eyelids did not close immediately nor blink, but I managed to keep them fixated on the scene of the last few seconds of that past life in which I lived. The Roman soldiers (with their leather Caligula sandals) waving their swords in the air as they proceeded forward, stomping on corpses and murdering us, were the last thing I saw. ​ ​I dedicate much time searching the museum database for images depicting the women's headdresses in my recurring dream, and the generated results are up to the 14th Century. I have concluded that I am a recycled 1st Century believer of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`. ​ Like myself, others recall past lives during their subsequent childhoods, found in all cultures worldwide. The Dangers of Keeping us Ignorant of Our Previous Lives Scriptural/spiritual lack of knowledge, which is unintentional, is ignorance, whereas when it is intentional, it is rebellion. Lack of spiritual information (nescience) about our previous lives is one such ignorance that is not only dangerous to one’s néphesh (“soul”) but also makes us spiritually naked (undefended), making us thus vulnerable, empowering dark agencies to exploit it inserting their misinformation and threats – and this ploy is intentional, and this strategy is widespread everywhere. It is in every Truth-seekers’ interest to research the translations of various scriptures, canonical and noncanonical, as one needs no proficiency in Greek or Hebrew to uncover revealing hidden messages in scriptures that go against the establishment’s traditional doctrines. But to do so correctly, one needs His guidance, acknowledging Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` by name, and making use of a good concordance, Scripture dictionary, and even individual historical records by live observers such as Bârúwkh (“Baruch”), Nóach, and Josephus. Learning what scriptures really say recovers the knowledge lost by unscrupulous alterations of scripture and prevents our exploitation by the forces of darkness. ​ The scripture canon teaches that a man’s néphesh is in a state of pilgrimage and that the dirt-body it inhabits is NOT its correct dwelling place but a temporary place of sojourn, which implies that its true home is beyond this material plane (cosmos). Although it says that at physical death, the néphesh (“soul”) goes to sh’ówl, the dirt-body to the earth (dirt), and the spirit returns to the Father, but we are not from sh’owl, that is not our home. Therefore, we from Him must somehow leave it to return to the First, even if we did not learn His name during a lifetime. Why would they allow such questions to remain in our bibles? Why SO few? Some of the lights stolen by satan are still within his corps (spiritual body), not emerging yet, so Oprah proposes they must be emerging out through some other way than our Savior, during only their first lifetime. She does not know or hides that she knows that Satan buries our néphesh (“soul”) again and again, embedded for a lifetime again in a flesh-and-blood vessel, an animal body, a temporary habitation, to be granted another opportunity to learn the Truth from our previous mistakes. But his demons perpetuate our slavery giving us the handicap of losing our memory of our past lives and experiences by giving us a cup of forgetfulness that blots the memories of our earlier life; However, our néphesh - which is not part of the brain - has a blueprint that exists after death and contains within itself the mental and moral quality which is displayed as "character" and the essence of our true self (being). ​ All these things are found in inspired scriptures, and finding this out can prevent the tragedy of dying without the Truth to recycle still ignorant of the Truth because life living within Him is so much better. Please click on this link to review our findings to some poorly translated scriptures in the canon, now accurately translated, demonstrating recycling . Suppression of the Knowledge of the Recycling of the Néphesh Pride associated with knowing anything is most active in people who know the least, especially with regard to the things of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`. The pride about knowledge among the educated of this world, whether self-educated or formally educated, is based on collected heaps of material facts rather than by accepting His understanding of how the immaterial world affects people’s néphesh, found in scriptures. The “church fathers” were proud like their father, satan, and worked to suppress this knowledge of recycling, making the sources used in education only contain their teachings, so this pride would continue the work of suppressing the Truth. ​ A false understanding many proud religious recycling-deniers promote is their belief that a néphesh is just the life of our dirt-bodies, and ‘what you see is all there is,' when, in fact, the dirt-body is not the real self but a mere temporary covering for the néphesh. According to them, when one dies, that’s their end; sh’ówl to them is the grave, nothing more – this is a Jehovah’s witness and SDA false doctrine. The néphesh is a spiritual seed, not material, and not even the same shape as the dirt-body and is the thing that recycles. Confusion arises because the ‘fiery one,' the flesh’s néphesh, which is an emanation of the adversary, is sometimes mentioned in scriptures, giving another meaning to néphesh as being one’s carnal (sexual) appetites. That néphesh dies with the death of the dirt-body. ​ Proud materially scientific recycling-deniers claim that the thousands of recycled-néphesh cases generally do not stand up to their examination but are explicable in terms of natural causes such as genetics, repressed memory, and even lying has been suggested. Certainly, one can think of many other issues about which the authorities deny the truth despite mountains of evidence. Recycling-deniers, in their denials, have even attributed these facts to the work of occult powers. Notwithstanding the scientific evidence to the contrary, many recycling-deniers disagree with it because it is laborious to change to believe in these concepts without having the memory of a personal experience. A personal memory, we believe, adds much to contribute to one’s intellectual understanding to obtain a spiritual belief. Church History of Suppressing the Concept of Recycling Now a quick look at some vitally important “church” history, which contributed to the suppression of the concept of recycling, and then at what accurately translated scriptures tell us concerning the subject. ​ In short, the truth about the recycling of the néphesh/past lives was generally acknowledged in the Judaism of old testament times (except among the Tsathuwqíym (“Sadducees”), who didn’t accept His resurrection or any transmutation of the “soul”) was known by believers in Yâhuwshúa`. But in 553 B.C., a focal point and exceptionally unpleasant incident transpired, which buried the truth (more about that below). ​ The establishment’s interpretation of scriptures depends on biased standards they forced on the content, not on sound standards of scriptural understanding, of having the Mind of the Anointed, and making an accurate translation. The current establishment’s interpretation results from a centuries-long perpetuation of an illegal Church council's ruling, dating from 553 A.D., that reincarnation was not to be a part of the Church’s dogma because Origen was excommunicated for widely reteaching this. Very few people know about this bit of history; fewer still know the background of this decision or that Origen had been reckoned a “church father” before that. ​ Specifically, “ The Roman Emperor Constantine married his way into power. His wife mysteriously disappeared. His second wife was his ticket to the throne. Then he had her killed. His third wife was a prostitute who had risen to the throne in the same diabolical ways Constantine had and who lived to have a devastating effect on the belief in reincarnation. She feared [sic (because her fear)] that her sins would follow from lifetime to lifetime infuriated her. She did not like the idea of karma. Her life was filled with lies and treachery. She was not interested in advocated [sic (advocating)] any religion that would demote her in another life. Thus, she persuaded Emperor Constantine to remove reincarnation from Christianity. ” (source: ​ The prostitute turned empress and her various ecclesiastical henchmen engineered this action, who imprisoned the elderly then-pope (when he refused to summon the council) and therefore sent him for six months to a forced labor camp until he agreed to sign the rulings of the unlawful council. It was also at that time that nearly all of Origen's famous writings, a "Church Father" who wrote (among other things) about the truth of recycling of néphesh (“reincarnation”), aka “transmutation,” were collected and systematically burned. We became aware of his doctrines only because of a few remaining manuscripts, plus many references to his work in other "Church Fathers" texts. ​ The idea that a néphesh would go through many lifetimes, recycling, on a journey towards a possible relationship with Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` to arrive at a final decision and return to Oneness with the Most High was only too dangerous to the power-hungry empress’ schemes to be permitted. And so, we were all victimized to become ignorant of this by the sordid history of the Church, including the corruption and oppression caused by the Roman Catholic Church, by their suppression of anything Hebrew and their non-Hebrew cultures and traditions. ​ Many recycling-deniers would argue that the primary purpose of the Fifth Ecumenical Council of Constantinople (held in 553 A.D.) was to ease the tensions in the Church caused by the Council of Chalcedon 100 years prior to that; however, the council had convened to discuss the subject of transmutation of the néphesh (“soul”): recycling. Please, read THE ANATHEMATISMS OF THE EMPEROR JUSTINIAN AGAINST ORIGEN. (1): Number II. here: We defer to "The Formation of the New Testament Canon" by Richard Carrier (2000), visible at Carrier's research paper highlights the political schisms within the early (post-apostolic) Church that warred over what was sound doctrine and what allegedly wasn't, and it exposes the lack of objectivity used to choose which books made it into the Bible and which ones didn't, and it records how the evolving Roman Catholic Church mainly determined what books the Bible we now have would contain. Church History of Suppressing the Concept of Recycling One common reason that Christians disagree is due to the doctrine of the alleged flawlessness of their Bible. This is something which was also drilled into me for decades; however, the massive alterations, the poor translations, and the enormous omissions of what they did not desire to include in it, make it clear that it’s not THEIR translation of the Bible which is the inspired scripture without error that we cannot deny, rather, those are the originals prior to all the changes they made. And subsequently, they base their false teachings upon bad translations and alterations made to support their false teachings, and Truth gets denied. ​ The popular protest raised by Bible-believing Christians to the idea of “reincarnation” (recycling) is based on one verse, and one verse alone: KJV Hebrews 9:27. KJV Hebrews 9: 27 has long been a Christian traditionalist mainstay to defend their belief system of having only one life to live, but to choose their eternal destiny of heaven or hell. They even claim that Yâhuwshúa` spoke against recycling of the néphesh in “John 8:23” and that supposedly 1 “Corinthians” 15:47 supports that claim. Tragically, as with many other verses within their corrupted scriptures, over-reliance on its alleged flawlessness has influenced scholars’ interpretations and has concealed to them what this verse really says, so even other translations of this scripture echoes their mistakes, whether in the KJV, NIV, NASV, or any other of the central English translations. And usually, it’s quoted out of context to be even more misleading, as: 27. And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: Surely if this were a flawless rendition, recycling would be debunked, yet even their canon contains several accounts of people who died once and were resurrected in the same body, dying later again physically generally, so the “once” term is wrong; and the néphesh that inhabited both the dirt-bodies of ‘’ËliyYâ´huw (“Elijah”), and Yâhuwchânân the Immerser (“John the Baptist”) was in these two separate vessels as recorded in scripture, without a “judgment” after it either, so this alone should define with certainty that Hebrews 9:27 is yet another mistranslated verse. Any interpreter will vouch that it’s impossible to translate something the interpreter does not understand, so we see in the context of Hebrews 9:27 many concepts their translators had not known, due to their self-imposed ignorance of many scriptural truths, so they could not understand it to translate it correctly. ​ Yet, in short, here is how Hebrews 9:27, in context, should be translated, and for a study giving a thorough explanation with evidence of why this is a correct translation, see this link . To the `Ivríym Chapter 9 ​ 24. Because not into handmade “pure places” did He Who the Anointed One enter into, counterparts of the ones of the true ones; rather, into the same one the One heaven now, to manifest Himself with the One, with the external appearance of the One of the Power on behalf of us, 25. but not in order that frequently He should bring Himself, as however much he who the high priest enters into the one “pure places” yearly within, with the bloodshed belonging to another; [ ~sâţâ´n ] 26. since then it would have necessary for Him frequently to suffer from the founding of the cosmos (material universe). But now, once only , over the completion of the Ones of the eternal ones, for the abolition of the error [ ~sâţâ´n ] , by means of the one’s [~the error’s (sâţâ´n/Yehuwthâ´h)] slaughter of the same One, He has been made manifest, 27. and according to how many He reserves for Himself: [~He manifests] to the ones belonging to the sons of the dirt-man (’âthâ´m) [ ~not servants of the name (1 Moshéh 3: 20)], once only , to die off, but amidst this thing, [is] the separation/selection [ ~144,000] [~at Sixth Seal] 28. thus [is] also he [ ~of the selection ] the anointed One, once only , having been brought to Him, for the One ‘ to carry up the errors of the many ones’ outside [ ~outside Yisrâ’ë´l – times of the witnesses ] . Of the second time, separated apart of the error He shall be seen, belonging to the ones [being] Him, the ones being patiently waited for, for the deliverance. The Mishandling of Recycling in the Hands of Pseudoscience Those fascinated by the material world and studying it to know how material works are called scientists. Yet many fields of material science are notoriously unreliable because they contain much influence from the spiritual dimension, of which material scientists deny the existence of a spiritual world. In psychology and psychiatry, this is so bad that even the materially-minded laugh at its unreliability, so we call the material study of spiritual things pseudoscience. ​ Yet there are now growing numbers of extraordinarily reputable and scientific research investigations documenting past lives being conducted by some of the world's top psychologists and psychiatrists, particularly with the memories of the experiences of children’s previous lives. But these material scientists fail to know the spiritual facts about why this happens because of its suppression by this world’s Christian religious authorities. ​ The late physician Dr. Ian Stevenson, department head at the University of Virginia for four decades, and psychologist Dr. Brian Weiss and now by Jim B. Tucker together have identified more than 2500 cases which consist of children whose memories, specific knowledge, habits behaviors match those of particular individuals who were dead before the children were born. Many of the children had unique birthmarks, scars, or congenital defects that mimic wounds, in the exact location, on the bodies of the deceased individual. ​ Many people ascertain having lived before their current life; these recollections are referred to as the return of the “soul” recycling, not as reincarnation. Some illnesses, physical deformities, and symptoms are encoded in our minds. Dr. Stevenson refers to his book “Reincarnation and Biology,” a case of a youngster who had disturbing graphic memories from a previous life. The young man had developed rope marks in the area where he suffered an injury in an earlier life. If a person’s mind can cause physical marks to appear on his or her dirt-body, recollections of a previous existence manifest with imprints on the present body, said Dr. Stevenson. Various birthmarks appear to identify with traumatic experiences in past lives—and these recollections blur as the memories fade. ​ It is a reality that unless one begins to manage aberration built up in past lives, one will not progress in The Way. However, Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` urges us to “know the self” and gives us the tools through Him to handle upsets and aberrations from past lives that adversely affect one’s self in the present (life), thus freeing one to live a much happier material existence in Him. In the case of the author, this is the birthmark evidencing the fatal wound in my previous life, described above There is also a notable four-part video series on documenting the incredible tale of Louisiana's little James Leininger — through thorough interviews with his parents; his dad was a skeptic from the beginning but was persuaded after comprehensive studies; James' mom makes a remark to indicate they are likely Christians. You can download the case of The Case of James Leininger , documented by the University of Virginia. ​ Dr. Paul Von Ward, in his article on the “genome,” writes that when a person can master a skill or an art at a very young age, he or she has acquired these skills over various life cycles and might begin to exhibit these extraordinary ideas, skills, or interests at a very young age, without prior experience (in that current life). The most frequent answer is “savant’ or “prodigy” — while this provides a label, it does not offer an explanation. Many prodigies have a fragile nature, sometimes, their knowledge and skills coexist with a mental (spiritual) disability. The Erasure of Past-Life Memories As mentioned earlier, it is written in inspired scriptures "codices" that our previous life’s memories are erased by the rulers/archons/demons (aka “extraterrestrials/aliens”) of this material region. This is what happens after one's physical death (and the number one reason for their fear of death): Once the non-acknowledging néphesh exits the dirt-body, it arises spiritually naked; successively, the receivers of god[-ariēl], come and lead the néphesh out of the body and, depending on the chastisement, spend three days touring with it, along with its counterfeit spirit which accuses it, into all the regions to which that néphesh has traveled. Thereafter, that néphesh is taken down to Sh’ówl before Yaldabosheth (“spawn of shame”) to receive its beating with fiery (underworld's electrical-) whips. Afterward, that néphesh (“soul”) is given the cup of forgetfulness, filled with all the different desires and all forgetfulness, and straightaway, when the néphesh drinks out of the cup, it forgets all the regions (past-lives) which it has traveled and forgets all of the chastisements which it has experienced. Then the cup of forgetfulness becomes a body outside the néphesh, and it creates the fiery component, which resembles the néphesh in all its figures and makes itself become like it, which is what is called the counterfeit spirit. Finally, that néphesh is cast into the regions of the sphere, being thrust in a dirt-body to recycle. Inspired by The Second Book of the Savior “Pistis Sophia," A George Horner Literal Translation Within our self/nephesh we have all of our stored data as an open access journal, and it performs only familiar things to itself and does not stray from its character. In Sh’ówl, the nephesh vows never to err again, but after drinking the wine of forgetfulness, she is bound to a vicious cycle, continuing to eventually repeat her sins because she has drunk and has forgotten all her errors. The End of Recycling – Obtaining the Resurrection “ Do not expect, therefore, the carnal resurrection, which is destruction; and they are not stripped of it (the flesh) who err in expecting a resurrection that is empty .” - The Dialogue of the Savior "People who say they will first die and then arise [“resurrect”] are wrong. If they do not receive the Resurrection [Garment of Light] first, while they are [materially] alive, they will receive nothing when they die [arise naked]. So, it is said of [His] anointing, “Great is the anointing,” for if people receive it (Him), they will live." – Glad Tidings of Phílippos A Néphesh Arising (spiritually) Naked Garment, Man of Light, Little One, Envoy, Resurrection, etc., are a few of the terms used for our Spirit Companion in Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`. At the last Trumpet, being in our Garment of Light, we will become invisible and consume corruptibility, and even archon demons would not be able to apprehend us. It is written that the chosen ones (“elect”) have already received the Resurrection, and as the delegate said of Him, we suffered with Him, arose with Him, and ascended with Him. Since we currently are visibly present in this world, we are wearing the garment (dirt-body) of the world. But as Phílippos writes, we “are in this world, it is fitting for us to acquire the Resurrection (now ), so that when we strip off the flesh, we may be found in Rest and not walk (be found naked ) in the middle.” If we do, from the Savior, we radiate His Light like streams of Light and are sustained by Him until our material death in this cosmos; This is the resurrection of the spirit, which swallows up the resurrection of the flesh. All living beings contain within their 'self' something so unique and so distinctive to an individual identity, visible in the totalities of qualities that make such a person become unlike anyone else in the world, and that is their collective character - intelligence (“archon-knowledge”), temper, beliefs, etc., is what distinguishes a person from another. Our collective character (within) is contained inside our spiritual self/nephesh. So, suppose when making a decision about Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, a person changes their mind and turns away (“repents”) from following after evil four-winds and the works of darkness when this same person suffers a material death. In that case, this person is bound to recycle again, acknowledging Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` in their life. Suppose a person dies without being called to accept Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`. In that case, this nephesh is bound to recycle from Sh’owl having the same mindset ('collective character') it had before, UNTIL Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` calls on it, during whatever capable nativity it has been thrust into a dirt body. Nevertheless, when a néphesh comes to exist acknowledging Him, the spirit of Truth, our Envoy Companion, is the One Who acts as our external-hard drive bringing up things from our antiquities (past lives) to our present memories when we need them because we cannot accomplish such massive tasks from our own accord without Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` , while sojourning in the matrix (matter/mother/material) world – which is a place of forgetfulness. Otherwise, a person who stores terrible behavioral patterns, such as the ways of Çthom (“Sodom”), in their nephesh before finding out the Truth is bound to repeat the same mistakes from a previous life over and over again. The natural END of recycling into corruptible dirt-bodies (the empty carnal resurrection of the rebirth into corruptible flesh) is our resurrection into incorruptible pure flesh spiritual bodies, which for most will occur after the death of the physical dirt-body. However, some will be transformed into it in the blink of an eye. Certainly, none of us will die or recycle after that. But believers in the Truth of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` from the past generations have been recycling still. They are all going to be among us during these end times. They will be the 144,000 witnesses after the separation of the living from the dead, at the 6th seal, when while remaining still in mortal physical carnal bodies without their fiery ones, these will be His witnesses as sealed sons of Yâ-hwéh. That is the last lifetime these live in corruptible flesh, and these will ingest (convert) the heathen masses predicating 1260 days as being His witnesses. Then they and their sealed converts are killed, and after 3 ½ days, they will be resurrected and called up to Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`. A Néphesh Arising (spiritually) Naked Exposé – Warning Against Hypnosis Some believers in Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` reading this will legitimately desire to know who they were in previous lives, because their néphesh forgot, due to the cup of forgetfulness given by the demons before they recycled. If you are one of these, please understand that though your néphesh forgot, your twin, your envoy “little One” did not forget, and He retains all those memories. So, the proper way to recall is to supplicate Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` through prayer for these to be told to you, and that will be reliable. ​ It is an improper way and unreliable to utilize hypnosis to recollect such information because hypnosis is mediated by the evil spirits which are riders of the person hypnotized, and though some information may be true, it will contain deception due to the source, and misinformation. One should not meddle therefore with this mode of paranormal/supernatural information inquiry, which voluntarily deepens the néphesh’s imprisonment to its cohabiting evil spirits. ​ Therefore, we believe hypnosis is never a useful tool, we deplore the commercial exploitation and misleading claims that are often made for it. A large part of what emerges under hypnosis is archon-led. We also discourage consultations with psychics, gurus, spiritual mediums or teachers, savants or any persons who claim to have the ability to help assist one in remembering one’s previous lives. And every eye will see Him, even those recycled-ones who pierced Him! Conclusion: Enforced ignorance perpetuates the power of darkness. Satan, the lord of death, uses the silence of the dead to try to maximize the darkness. But the loss of knowledge through death and the forgetfulness of recycling has not been the only way the demons have tried to keep the children of Light from emerging. Their servants tried to erase even this recycling phenomenon from common knowledge. Knowledge of Truth makes us invulnerable to being deceived, and our sharing this information can capacitate you to overcome the demons’ ploys to perpetuate their slavery of mankind, keeping us ignorant of the Truth of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` which sets us free and overcomes them in every way. Their cup of forgetfulness and their establishment’s alterations of scripture, book burning, persecutions, and slaughters will not work against the Truth in this end-time generation, the Truth they sought to be kept hidden will be shouted from the rooftops. The children of the Light are all emerging again, recycling, to survive to accomplish a mission converting millions, while the worst of the worst have been recycling to continue to work the Transgression. Recycling is not our hope, Yâhuwshúa` our Resurrection is our Hope. Time (satan & measured time) comes to an end, and immortality ends death and recycling, and Yâ-hwéh will have made all of His own come to exist, permanently. But in the meantime, during the preceding thousands of years, recycling has given people second chances at hearing this Truth of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`. May Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` continue to be praised always and forever. your brothers in Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` Disclaimer: We do not support the use of name-substitutes for Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` nor any false doctrines contained in the references below; however, we do recognize these authors as sincere truth-seekers whom He has led to do good work and much research, helpful to expose the works of sâţâ´n keeping truths hidden. Our hope is Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` leads the ones in Truth. Helpful Sources & Links Dedicated to the Reconciliation Between Recycling and Christianity ​ ​ Edward Reaugh Smith The Soul’s Long Journey: How the Bible Reveals Reincarnation ​ BiblioWeiss, M.D., Many Lives, Many Masters ( WARNING AUTHOR FAILS TO REALIZE 'MASTERS' ARE DEMONS) Strong, James, Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, Nelson, Nashville, 1990) ​ Tucker M.D., Jim B. Return to Life: Extraordinary Cases of Children Who Remember Past Life The Thirteenth Apostle - What the Gospel of Judas Really Says by April D. DeConick The Gospel of Judas Translated by Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Wurst, in collaboration with François Gaudard The Apocalypse of Baruch: Translated from the Syriac Francis M. Concord. Plato’s Cosmology The Timaeus of Plato Yonassan Gershom. Jewish Tales of Reincarnation Geddes MacGregor. Reincarnation in Christianity Geddes MacGregor. Reincarnation as a Christian Hope “Pistis Sophia” The Second Book of Our Savior Paul Von Ward The Soul Genome: Science and Reincarnation Quincy Howe Jr. Reincarnation for the Christian ​ Ian Stevenson, M.D. Reincarnation and Biology ​ back to top He is The Way for those who strayed, He is Knowledge for those who were ignorant, He is the Treasure for those who sought Him, He is Support for those who tremble, He is Purity for those who were defiled. He is the Light for the those in darkness, He is Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` , our Redeemer, First-Love, Brother, and True friend. Yâhú !

  • animal & soul strong's translation | Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`

    H Strong's # 05315 - Animal is a Néphesh ("soul") H Strong's # 05315 - Néphesh

  • About Us | Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`

    GUARDIANS OF THE MARRIAGE CHAMBER Our Mission: Restoring The Marriage Chamber Who Are We? “Know yourself ” – we all ought to identify who we are, for our own sake, not to proclaim it, rather, to do our mission. Like a blossoming flower, we develop into what we are meant to become, without self-seeking. So seeking to help our fellow brothers and sisters who originated from our Home, outside of this chaos, to restore them for those to also develop into their potential, we also had to find the Truth we all needed first. Yâhuwshúa` is that Truth, Yâhuwshúa` is our Freedom and Wealth to emerge clean from this chaos. And the scriptural details about how, like our selves, were buried under by the rulers (archons) of this world, to try to prevent us from ever germinating the Seed of Life. So we have geared this website to cater to secondary higher-level of understanding, for those who have already decided to accept Yâhuwshúa`, the Word of Yâ-hwéh, to help the new followers of The Way, Yâhuwshúa`, to understand the details of how this true Marriage relationship works in the true Marriage Chamber. Because the descriptive terms used for material metaphors do not, and cannot strictly define the spiritual concepts. For us who love Him more than anyone/anything, even more than our lives, and acknowledge and recognize to accurately identify Him and what is not Him, we keep our Marriage Chamber undefiled from the entrance of any emanations of the adversary, not heeding their distractions – this is to guard our Marriage Chamber, preparing for it to be sealed shut. We are guardians of the Marriage Chamber, but the adversary evolved the term for that in scriptures, to scorn us and draw attention away from it. Know yourself - if you are one of His lights. If you existed before the foundation of this temporary material corruptible world, if you are not from this world, if you are not one originating from the darkness, return to the Light. Remove your obstacles, throw off the chains of enslaving error, wake up to Life by obtaining Yâhuwshúa`, the Resurrection. It is one’s mission to unbury one’s self (néphesh) to despise and subdue the lust of the dirt-body’s misleading one of the flesh, become what He conceived you to be, by means of Him, understanding how this relationship works, and remember your mission to help others of the Light too. Click here to see the differences between affectionate love and erotic 'eros' satan's version of "love". How Did We Get Down Here? Our néphesh "souls" have fallen into material bodies. How did this happen? Our inner man’s spiritual “seed” is thought of as female; it originated from Yâ-hwéh the Most High, having a male counterpart/envoy in the highest regions above the material world or Fullness (Pleroma). In the fall, our spiritual néphesh became separated from its envoy. This separation is said to lead to our mortality and our expulsion from the Light into the world of matter, the matrix (womb) for us to someday germinate the Seed and grow, thus matter is mater, the mother we are not to follow. Yâhuwshúa came “to give life unto those who had died by separation and join them together (i.e., with their counterpart)” (Glad Tidings of Phílippos 70:15-18). The envoys were said to have accompanied Him when He descended into this material world, because “He went forth outside the Limit (of the heavenly realm) and, being an Envoy of the Fullness, He brought with Him the envoys of the Superior Seed, and since He had proceeded from the Fullness, He Himself had the redemption, but He brought the envoys with Him for the correction of the Seed.” (Excerpts of Theodotus 35:1-2) These are the envoys who heralded the birth of Yâhuwshúa` (cf. Luwqá’s 2:6-14). The envoys are said to have shared in the immersion of Yâhuwshúa` in the Yardë´n (MattithYâ´huw 3:13-17 pars). The teacher Theodotus claims that “In the beginning, the envoys were immersed through the redemption of the Name which came down upon Yâhuwshúa` in the winged-creature (“dove”) and redeemed Him” (Excerpts of Theodotus 22:6). He claimed that they, the envoys, are immersed (for the sake of) the dirt-men “in order that we too, possessing the Name, may not be held back and prevented by the Limit or the Cross from entering the Fullness” (Excerpts of Theodotus 22:4). The envoys took an active role in the salvation of the individual. According to Theodotus, “They entreat and supplicate for us as if for a part of them, and, being restrained for our sake in their haste to enter (the highest heaven), they plead for forgiveness for us, in order that we may enter in with them; for they virtually have need of us that they may enter, since without us it is not permitted to them.” (Excerpts of Theodotus 35:3-4). Similarly, Heraklion says, “The Savior who is also the Son of Man, harvests and sends as reapers the envoys, each for his own néphesh.”(Heraklion Fragment 35) Through our communion in the Marriage Chamber, “we are raised equal to envoys, restored to the males, member to member, to form a unity” (Excerpts of Theodotus 22:2). One is said to be joined to one’s envoy just as a bride is joined to her bridegroom so that once united “with one another, they become a single life” (Exegesis on the Soul 132: 34-35 cf. 1 Moshéh 2:24). This is regarded as the restoration of the original condition before the fall. Scripture explains that the Father is within them and we are within the Father “…being perfect, being undivided in the truly Good One, being in no way deficient in anything, and they are refreshed in the Spirit” (Glad Tidings of the Truth 42:27-33). Joining with one’s envoy was said to allow the person to lead an errorless existence (Glad Tidings of Phílippos 65:23-26). The Marriage Chamber The marriage chamber is the place of reconciliation made by Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` Who reunites our male Spirit Envoy (an emanation of Yâ-hwéh) with its counterpart, our spiritual néphesh (female) making us One again. GT of Phílippos (Glad Tidings of Phílippos – Nag Hammadi Library - ) (note: we disclaim false terms for Him and poor translations of the blind) – The marriage chamber in decoded scriptures is also considered the throne room of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, taking place in the spiritual realm within the children of the Light (foreheads). The Bridal Chamber is revealed to the believers of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, namely to those who have received the marital ceremony (five Seals) - Repentance, Immersion, Reconciliation through a name, a Companion, and a Garment of Light. The marital ceremony is where the Bride and Bridegroom come together as One element to become the Perfect Man (Complete). How Do We Get Rescued? Yâhuwshúa is our masculine Spirit Envoy from the highest heaven which descended to our mother Wisdom, this occurrence is manifesting in these lower regions with our feminine néphesh below, in order to redeem her and ascend together to the Highest Heaven of the Existing One, and they reunite in the Marriage Chamber. The “Exegesis of the Soul,” tells us that our néphesh is feminine when it descends into the lower regions of chaos, acquiring a dirt-body. “As long as she (the néphesh) was alone with the Father, she was virgin and in form of the Male and female. But when she fell down into a [dirt] body and came to this life, then she fell into the hands of many robbers.” (Exegesis of the Soul)- As feminine, the néphesh seeks to unite with a male. But, being in the dirt-body, the only form of union it can find is sexual union, and the only males it can find are emanations of satan - masculine demons. She consorts with these masculine demons, prostituting herself until finally, she repents. In response, the Father sends her the Bridegroom, the Anointed One. In preparation, she ‘cleanses’ herself through the celebration of immersion into His name and the Marriage Chamber. For more information on the Truth about Marriage , please also see this page . Why am I Not Seeing “guardian of The Marriage Chamber” in My KJV? A guardian of the Marriage Chamber is the first and true definition of the Greek term transliterated as “Eunuch”. This true Marriage is one where we, “the ones” will be faithful, guarding the chamber against the intrusions of the archons. Thus we, becoming guardians of the Marriage Chamber, protect our spiritual Garment of Light to walk The Way, following after the example of the Anointed One and Wisdom. In the Glad Tidings of Tâ’ówm, PSR, ("Gospel of Thomas”) 46:11, Yâhuwshúa` says the ‘guardians of the marriage chamber’ (“eunuchs”) are the ones who enter into the Marriage Chamber, who were paired (“married”) to a spiritual Being from the regions of the Most-High, the Eternal One [Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`] (“Upper Aeon” – Eternal One) with Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` as the Center of the two. Because His spirit is Male and the néphesh is female (the envoy + the image), we each individually are united within the Marriage Chamber with Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, our Center. Here is what Yâhuwshúa` said to His pupils about the guardians of the marriage chamber, “the ones,” who forego carnal marriage to prefer the true Marriage [from properly translated MattithYâ´huw 19: 11-12]: “ Not all the ones leave room to receive the One [being] this Word, nevertheless pertaining to the ones [ ~Type A] it has been granted because they [~ Type A ] become the guards of the Marriage Chamber: whoever ones (m.) from out of the belly of the mother were born thus, these are those who have not erred [Shëm Towv] , and they become guards of the Marriage Chamber. Whoever ones were made eunuchs, under of the ones of the dirt-men [~not servants of the name (1 Moshéh 3: 20)] , yet they become guards of the Marriage Chamber; whoever ones made guards of the Marriage Chamber of themselves, who subdue their desire for the sake of the One, the Kingdom of the One of the heavens [Yâ-hwéh] , these are those who enter into great prominence [Shëm Towv] . He who is one being able to make room to receive it, let him give room to accept it. ” – Are you able to make room to receive it? Any interpreter knows one cannot translate something if one does not understand the message. When the interpreter has a different definition of a word than the speaker, the message is lost in the transmission. In fact, this is why we are using the true translation “guardian of the Marriage Chamber” instead of the commonly mistakenly defined Greek term, here. When a “Bible translator” thinks a guardian of the marriage chamber means a castrated man, he doesn’t understand the message and cannot translate it correctly, so the “Bible translator” fudges it to try to make it make sense; therefore making it totally inconsistent and cutting off the very branch they are sitting on. See here how the KJV’s Matthew 19: 11-12 lost the message in transmission. Compare! 11 But he said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given. 12 For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother’s womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He that is able to receive it let him receive it. They made it entirely material and undesirable, changing the entire passage making it about the carnal marriage, and the only escape or alternative to the obligation of the farm-work of sâtâ´n is to have a surgical castration. In Old English, via Latin eunuchus from Greek eunoukhos , literally ‘bedroom guard,’ is from eunē ‘bed’ + a second element related to ekhein ‘to hold.’ Here is the Online Bible Lexicon ’s definition “eunuch,” of Greek Strong’s #2135. Take note of the residual remaining true meanings in bold type. 2135 εὐνοῦχος eunouchos yoo-noo’-khos from eune (a bed) and 2192; n m; TDNT-2:765,277; {See TDNT 272 } AV-eunuch 8; 8 1) a bed keeper, bed guard, superintendent of the bedchamber, chamberlain 1a) in the palace of oriental monarchs who support numerous wives the superintendent of the women’s apartment or harem, an office held by eunuchs 1b) an emasculated man, a eunuch 1b1) eunuchs in oriental courts held by other offices of greater held by the Ethiopian eunuch mentioned in #Ac 8:27-39. 1c) one naturally incapacitated 1c1) for marriage 1c2) begetting children 1d) one who voluntarily abstains from marriage The Nag Hammadi Library’s scholars made an attempt to translate MattithYahuw 19:11-12 and note, that they too made the same materialistic scribal mistake to interpret these verses as something material. “The pupils of Yâhuwchânâ’n (John) marry and are given in marriage; but my pupils neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are as the envoys of Yâ-hwéh in (the highest) heaven. But I said: If, then, it be sin to have to do with a woman, it is not good to marry. And the Sovereign said unto me: Not every person can receive this Word (&c., Matt. xix.11, 12).” – Cathar Texts - The Secret Supper - The Book of John What Other Scriptures Also Describe us and the Marriage Chamber? “In this world, the slaves serve the free. Among the royalty of Yâ-hwéh, the free will minister to the slaves: the children of the Marriage Chamber will minister to the children of carnal marriage. The children of the Marriage Chamber have just one name: Rest. Altogether, they need take no other form, because they have contemplation. They are numerous in the things of Yâ-hwéh [Yâhuwshúa`." – The Gospel of Phillip “It, Immersion, is also called ‘Marriage Chamber’ because of the agreement and the indivisible state of those who know they have known Him. It is also called ‘the Light which does not set and is without flame’ since it does not give light, but those who have worn it are made into Light.” -Tripartite Tractate 128:33 “Indeed, [the true] marriage in the world is a mystery for those who have taken a [carnal] wife. If there is a hidden quality to the marriage of defilement, how much more is the undefiled marriage a true mystery? It is not fleshly, but pure. It belongs not to desire, but to the will. It belongs not to the darkness or the night, but to the day and the light.”\ – The Book of the Two Principles "The Marriage Chamber is as a marriage of the néphesh with ‘the Mind’ rather than ‘the spirit’. The néphesh scorns the body and its ‘drunkeness’ to embrace the Mind’s light: “O néphesh (soul), persistent one, be sober and shake off your drunkenness, which is the work of ignorance (lower creator). If you persist and live in the (dirt)-body, you dwell in rusticity. When you entered into a bodily birth, you were begotten. Come into being inside the Marriage Chamber! Be illuminated in Mind!” – Silvanus We Who Are in United in the Marriage Chamber Leave Behind Physical Desire “But then the bridegroom, according to the father's will, came down to her into the bridal chamber, which was prepared. And he decorated the bridal chamber. For since that marriage is not like the carnal marriage, those who are to have intercourse with one another will be satisfied with that intercourse. And as if it were a burden, they leave behind them the annoyance of physical desire and they turn their faces from each other.” – Exegesis of the Soul ​ “Those who are separated will unite [with their envoys.] and will be filled. Everyone who will enter the Marriage Chamber will keep the Light lit for [the Bridegroom] just as the [carnal] marriages [do] which happen at night; that fire [burns] only at night, and is put out. But the mysteries of the Marriage Chamber are perfected rather in the day and the light, and neither day nor night it sets. If anyone becomes a son of the Marriage Chamber, he will receive the Light. If anyone does not receive it while he is here [material creation], he will not be able to receive it in the other Place. He who will receive that Light will not be seen, nor can he be detained. And none [of satan’s agents/demons] shall be able to torment a person like this, even while he dwells in the world. And again when he leaves the world, he has already received the Truth in the images [dirt body].” – Gospel of Phillip ​ “When the whole seed is perfected the Savior and Wisdom [will] form a pair (syzygy). These then are said to be Bridegroom and Bride, and the Marriage Chamber is the entire All. The spiritual beings will divest themselves of their néphesh [physical life] and become intelligent spirits, and, without being hindered or seen, they will enter into the All, and will be bestowed as brides on the envoys surrounding the Savior.” -Irenaeus, Adversus Haereses 1.7.1. Those having read the above scriptures who have known us see that we are ones described there, with our throne room correctly occupied of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa. We are ones from the 144K of His witnesses to come to testify to the peoples after surviving the pruning of our blind brothers at the Sixth Seal; we are who will convert the Great Multitude. But now among our hardened blind brothers who reject His name, our situation is similar to those always outnumbered few, holding firmly to the correct Truth, in times of spiritual warfare against the hordes of errant bá`al worshippers (Bá`al = “Lord” in English). We also abstain and forbear from carnal desires and distractions of this world, to guard our Marriage Chamber. We volunteered, since a long ago (before satan was misbegotten, the father of time) way before this life, to assist Yâhuwshúa` in the end-times to spread His Glad Tidings and Saving Testimony, to spread His call, His name, which is the song (pronunciation) that only we know, by means of Him we actively acknowledge. back to top Since Immersion was understood as an immersion into the watery Light of the Eternal One in the highest Heavens, Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` (Upper Aeons) , the conversion emerged from the glowing sparkling/immersive [living] waters with His ‘garment of Light’. Such an immersion was interpreted, at the same time, as a union or marriage with the Light in the Marriage Chamber. The conversion was seen to be the feminine néphesh and the Father was the masculine Light. These two were ‘united in the Marriage Chamber’, and from that time onward, the néphesh wore the ‘garment of Light’ in remembrance of her union with the Father. love defined

  • YshaYahuw ariel reference | Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`

    Yshá`Yâhuw 29:1-7 e 1. “ Hówy to the city (f.) of the demon-lion ( ’ariy’ë´l ) which kept being errant , Dâwíth the worker of goodness battled. Gather ye together by hand the offspring, the year Yisrâ’ë´l [ is ] outside, on the year, because ye of Yâ-hwéh shall eat together with Yisrâ’Ë´l from its own Father ( Mow’â´v ) ; ​ 2. Because of Yâ-hwéh , I shall squeeze out the demon-lion ( ’ariy’ë´l ) of Yisrâ’ë´l , though it shall become Y huwthâ´h , [ ~out ] of the same one (f.) [ ~city ] of the Son; she [ is ] not strong of Yisrâ’ë´l , and not belonging to the ones [ is ] the wealth pertaining to Me 3. of Yisrâ’ë´l , so I shall encircle, like Dâwíth, because Yisrâ’ë´l outside [ is ] against you of Yisrâ’ë´l , and I shall cast around Yisrâ’ë´l [ being ] y ou a palisade of Yisrâ’ë´l , and I shall place/set around Yisrâ’ë´l [ being ] you, fortified towers ​ 4. of Yisrâ’ë´l , and shall be reduced to inferior ones the ones not the words of The Way the ones (n.) [ are ] making become of you among My Yisrâ’ë´l , of the one (f.) not [ being ] the Land (f.) in Truth of Yisrâ’ë´l . And among My Yisrâ’ë´l of the one (f.) not [ being ] the Land (f.) in Truth , the ones not the words of The Way the ones (n.) [ are ] making become of you, they shall sink down Yisrâ’ë´l , so it shall become Y huwthâ´h like the ones not summoning, from outside of He Who “I shall exist ( ’e-hyéh ) Yisrâ’ë´l,” [ being ] the one (n.) [ ~wild beast (n.) ] not of the Land in Truth . She [ is ] not The Voice the ones (n.) [ are ] making become of you of Yisrâ’ë´l , even with regards to all Yisrâ’ë´l , pertaining to the ones not [ being ] the ground/base (n.) , she [ is ] not : The Voice the ones (n.) [ are ] making become of you shall be powerless, ​ 5. of Yisrâ’ë´l , and it shall become Y huwthâ´h like the raised dust separated from you , Yisrâ’ë´l of the war-chariot wheel, without regard for He Who [ is ] the Wealth of the ones not [ of ] the adversary ( sâţâ´n ) of the irreverent ones of Yisrâ’ë´l , and like the chaff/dust bearing the injustice of Yisrâ’ë´l , then it shall become Y huwthâ´h like the moment, instantly ​ 6. from beside Yisrâ’ë´l , of the “Yâ-hwéh ” of the war-armies ( tsvâ’ówth ) [ ~a demon named thus by the adversary ] , because the overseer of the passion of Yâ-hwéh shall become Y huwthâ´h – accompanying no one of Yisrâ’ë´l of the thunder of Yisrâ’ë´l , and of the earthquake of Yisrâ’ë´l, and of the voice/sound of the great wrath, the storm [is] coming down, bearing the injustice of Yisrâ’ë´l – yet the Flame of the consuming fire ​ 7. of Yisrâ’ë´l, even it shall become Y huwthâ´h , like one without regard for he who [ is ] one dreaming the Testimony ( `ëd ) within, among the ones of Yisrâ’ë´l with the sleep without regard for He Who [ is ] the Wealth of the ones not [ of ] the adversary ( sâţâ´n ) , of the heathen masses of all the ones [ ~of middle Yisrâ’ë´l ] , because as far as the river [ ~unto the death ] they march against that Yisrâ’ë´l outside, against demon-lion ( ’ariy’ë´l ) , and of Yisrâ’ë´l , all the ones that [ are ], not the ones, [ are ] ones serving in the army against Yisrâ’ë´l outside that is “ Yruwshâláim ” of Yisrâ’ë´l , and all the ones that [ are ] , not the ones, [ are ] ones the hand [ is ] gathering together against Yisrâ’ë´l outside [ being ] the same one (f.) [ ~sister (unpaired néphesh (f.)) ] [ being ] the Son of Yisrâ’ë´l , though the ones (m.) pressuring/compressing [ are ] the same one (f.) [ being ] the Son 8. of Yisrâ’ë´l ” … e e e e e e e previous page

  • who were the gnostics | Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`

    WHO WERE THE GNOSTICS? Knowledge – Strong's Greek: 1108. γνῶσις (gnósis) This article aims to help the investigating reader understand the primary scriptural proofs and question the alleged historical evidence that the "contemporary scholars," repeatedly present to their audience to discredit the writings of the 1st Century believers. These are lost scriptures discarded from the canon of the contemporaneous self-appointed Christian establishments. ​ A believing-inspired student of these scriptures will need to reason with the Mind to comprehend the spiritual meanings of these scriptures frequently poorly translated by paid laborers. To do so, one will also have to research the Greek terms that scholars left untranslated, even confronting foreign expressions, and difficulty arises when ascertaining their meaning and intent. In interpreting His profound letters, it is essential to understand the literary and linguistic styles of the original writers and the developmental, factual, and historical elements of the generation in which they were written. If we do not take a moment to consider and examine them, we can misappropriate their purpose and intended audiences. ​ The Firm entrusts these paid laborers with these tasks: to translate the scriptures ("codices") found in Egypt, determine their authenticity, and actuate their ages–determined by " educated guesses" influenced by the Irenaeus-curse. Paid laborers often morph the relevancy of these writings with modern applications according to current doctrines, misinterpreting them then rejecting the manuscript written. When they try to do so, nonbeliever paid laborers of the establishment will default to applying their guided misinterpretation to their standard translation method. Even by canonical authors – which explain why one finds these 1st Century writings of believers with titles given by the paid laborers, cursing them as false, as "Pseudoepigrapha" – and directly denying the authors reporting them to have written them in their language. After denying their author and validation, these scholars next miscalculate dates for these and publish them with copyrights in the hope of preventing its future vindication as genuine. Lost in the process of their eliminating scriptures which they disapprove, is a lack of appreciation for Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa's love for His recycling people with higher knowledge He gives, which the modern Christian, centuries later, has no intimate connection. Before explaining the controversy, to simply answer the question, a "gnostic " is a derogatory term for a first-century true follower of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa.` Today, whoever searches the establishment to answer this question finds institutions of paid laborers , the "contemporary scholars," as mentioned previously of trained-tamed pupils of the establishments' doctrines misunderstandings. These are the legacy of the enemies of the "early church," struggling to answer the curious question of Gnosticism—still maligning it as satanist, just as the satanist "church fathers" did. Even the rubric "Gnosticism" is a misnomer , as it is a modern term that present time scholars have invented rather than defining' a historical event. The "Gnostics" were the early groups of believers, being the thousands of followers of Yâhuwshúa`, whom the satanic establishment's "Church Fathers" ("the Firm") and today's paid laborers ("contemporary scholars") slandered as being deviant or heretical, with the sobriquet "know it all" – slandering them as 'Gnostics.' In the ancient world, first-century believers who acknowledged Truth ("Gnostics") represented a form of belief that had exposed the satanism in "Judaism" and "the Firm" and their falsehoods. Because the followers of Yâhuwshúa` had a much clearer understanding of Yâhuwshúa` 's instructions which they received in person from His mouth; they passed along verbally the Testimony of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, and inspired by the Spirit, and possessed the Mind of the Anointed. They learned how to crucify the flesh and denounce worldly things and thus yearned for more spiritual food or knowledge. To avoid early persecution by "the Firm," they gathered in secret places, at times at each other's home, apart from the synagogues. His believers shared and wrote wisdom far beyond the comprehension of the archons (demons aka e xtraterrestrials) and their followers, the Jews or those still being called "Christians" who had lost the knowledge of His names because of Jewish censorship or satanist accusations of "Judaizing." In the same way, as the archons envied the initially inspired dirt-man ("adam"), whose wisdom they could not comprehend, so too the archon-led dedicated themselves to casting down whoever has the Spirit. Thus the Jews and those still being called "Christians" who lost His names also envied and hated and murdered the "Gnostics" they could not understand and wrote slander about them, which is the surviving epigraphic historical record. Most of the inspired writings of the early believers in Yâhuwshúa` were destroyed by these archon authorities, so Yâhuwshúa` was Who led them to store their inspired writings on papyrus and bury them in jars, time-capsules for the unshakeable generation to come today to receive them, who by selection equipped with His true names, thus the Spirit and His will to restore them and comprehend the higher knowledge (gnosis) within them. Therefore, the ones He meant to have this knowledge are not dissuaded by His enemies' slander against these writings, modern and ancient. The latter paint themselves as legitimate followers to the masses, just as they did back then. The accounts of the suppression of these alternative scriptures read like an adventure novel – book burnings, secret meetings – of small groups found out by the "authorities," exiles, executions, and persecutions. Every TRUE believer in Yâhuwshúa` knew and knows that the end-result of their path on The Way is physical persecution (death), once our mission is complete, and that their written witnessed accounts of what they see or ever experienced with Yâhuwshúa,` then or now, receives the same awful treatment. The most extensive suppression of early Christian literature began when Constantine became emperor of Rome. Constantine declared a coded, modified, watered-down version of the Truth to be the approved religion for the decaying Roman Empire. Today, we know it as Christianity, the impure religion they amalgamated with satanic solar-worship and various idols in the process of conversion that occurred over several years, from his initial victory in 312 A.D. to the final defeat of rivals (True believers) in 324 A.D. In 325 A. D., Constantine convened the Council of Nicaea to decide from a selection of scriptures to form the 'canonical books.' They eliminated scriptures which they would suppress and approved others that would become the standards of the establishment's Church, which later was usurped by the Roman Catholic Church. ​ For many years the Council attacked the inspired scriptures they disapproved. Indeed, even bishops at the Council of Nicaea who disagreed with Constantine's choices were exiled on the spot. One such example is Origen, a bishop of Rome, who wrote compelling interpretations of what he received as Truth, possibly from believers, at that time. However, the suppression of the inspired scriptures was unsuccessful as we know some texts have survived and passed on since ancient times. Many scraps and fragments turned up in various places over the years, though hardly a significant number and the Irenaeus' curse surfaced along with them. So, today's establishment followers, upon finding satanic Irenaeus' commentary slandering these inspired scriptures, instead of thinking for themselves, continued the slander, further proving their satanism. Another way the adversary smears the first-century followers of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` which the authorities of this world calls "Gnostics," is by accusing them of being satanists. The adversary arranged for his own Firm, the contemporary Jewish scholars, who do not believe in the Testimony nor His names, who do not have His Spirit nor access to His Mind, to be the very first to obtain access to the manuscripts of these "Gnostics," so they might translate them poorly and hide the higher knowledge from most readers. Then the adversary brought his weakest followers to study these poor translations and completely misunderstand them to become dedicated satanists, calling themselves "Gnostics." This made "Gnosticism" become synonymous with "satanism" in the world's eyes to discourage any further study of these scriptures by believers. They made things much worse for prospective Christians examining their poor translations by adding their own very wrong illustrations of their interpretations when no such images existed in the original manuscripts. Their archon-level of understanding of various satanic religions misled them to assign similar satanic imagery from those religions to the actual spiritual concepts in the codices. With their mistranslations, imagery, and confusion, these self-proclaimed modern-day "Gnostics," being satanists, smear the misunderstood inspired authors of the codices and scriptures, falsely, as being satanic. Another hurdle Christians find challenging to overcome is reconciling the differences in the accounts in the inspired "gnostic" writings compared to that of the establishment's canon of scriptures. All inspired scripture agrees, and this is the case when comparing "gnostic" writings when adequately translated, to all canonical scriptures, when decoded and adequately translated. However, neither has been fully restored and published for public access. The general public is only being given the satanic establishment's approved versions. The best earlier manuscripts are jealously guarded, frequently as private stash, from their access by the elite satanic scholars, frequently Jewish. The satanists have long known and practiced the strategy that they become their opposition to control their opposition. So by eliminating the true Testimony of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` from the writings and oral transmission through these persecutions and book-burnings, they established their satanic terms to be used in their version of the Christian religion. Moreover, they positioned themselves comfortably in its leadership positions, collecting power and authority to themselves, inventing positions beyond the acceptable "elder" and "attendant," such as "bishop" (supervisor/overseer) and "father" and "priest," all of which belong to Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, not us. With these usurped authority positions, they misled the majority. They held them mainly controlled until the "Protestant Reformation," when they were mainly freed to scatter and pasture themselves for 500 years, from 1521 to 2021. However, in the 1st and 2nd centuries, Christianity's beginnings were not controlled by a material structure, "church," or a single hierarchy, or a single body. 1st-century believers, the "gnostics," having similar freedom before the later self-appointed satanic authorities, faced similar divisions (or denominations) in their beliefs as we do today within the Body of our Anointed. This explains why a few surviving writings of theirs are not inspired. Most of the "gnostic" writings latter copies that survive have apparently had the names of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` omitted. So to know which are truly inspired requires deeper understanding to which contemporary scholars are not privy, as they also do not profess His names, thus not having His Spirit nor Mind, thus not being able to comprehend the higher knowledge over their archon-level. Modern Christians also would agree and name at least two or more Christian denominations today as cults and are nothing more than false Christians who deny one or more of the essentials of the Christian faith. Paulus admitted some were preaching the glad tidings 'not purely' and gave praise even for knowing the plan and purpose. However, satanism instead uniformly seeks to kill off its opponents, all varieties of Christianity, especially ones closest to the Truth, with their writings, before they overcome satan with the true Testimony and are out of their reach. This is why satanists had to eliminate the Testimony from the "Gnostics" before they became vulnerable to their authority. Any religion killing is satanist since death is a tool of the adversary. This is why some members from the satanic Firm, such as Irenaeus, silenced dissident voices because those did not endorse the kind of "Christianity" that was their own misled view of "truth." The satanic Firm that created the Roman Catholic Church also teaches that all other Christian denominations are not true churches; an unauthentic assembly viewed as suffering from 'defects.' So as you see, "Heresy" is defined as incorrect thinking and practice, and "orthodoxy" (straight-preference) is appropriate thinking and practice, terms first coined by Irenaeus and both are relative. Who was "orthodox" or a "heretic" depended upon where the observer was standing. Generally, to mainstream or apostolic Christian, one of their own is considered conventional ("orthodox"), and everyone else is a heretic. To the satanic Judaism, their secretive Talmud similarly defines everyone not Jewish, as heathens, and it is legal for them to kill at their will. Anyone in modern times joining in on the Irenaeus bandwagon of bashing "Gnosticism" in its purer form, of the first-century believers in Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, is joining the adversary in slandering the true believers in Him. "Run! Run from the paid laborers of satan who require you to "help" support their mission through monetary donations, offerings, or by purchasing scripture translations, books, or full access to their content, all in the name of increasing your knowledge. A loyal servant of our Savior gladly assists honest seekers of the Truth in finding Him, and because Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` provides for us, the information we offer is free.

  • Yâhuwshúa` is Yâ-hwéh | Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`

    YAHUWSHÚA` IS YÂ-HWÉH Why do you say Yâhuwshúa` is Yâ-hwéh? Have you ever heard a Christian say, “Jesus is Lord”? Probably more often than with the definite article “Jesus is the Lord”, but if you simply capitalize what they say, King James Version style, they are saying “Jesus is the LORD”. Think about what it is they are trying to say, they are trying to say that the Anointed One Who came and lived a sinless life and gave His life on the cross and rose again and lives forever is the same One Who speaks throughout the scriptures you know as “the Old Testament”! It is a sad thing that few Christians saying this have actually thought this through, that it means that. But when we say Yâhuwshúa` is Yâ-hwéh, we are actually saying that the Anointed is the same Sovereign found throughout all scriptures, and we are saying it using His real names not the terms used in the King James Version and other scripture versions approved by this world’s establishment, which serves satan. So therefore, Christians saying “Jesus is Lord” shouldn’t have trouble with our saying Yâhuwshúa` is Yâ-hwéh, because it not only professes that the Anointed One is the Personhood of the Most High, but it says it using the proper names too. The Difference Between Yâhuwshúa`is Yâ-hwéh and “Jesus is Lord” Shouldn’t accuracy and correctness be important to us? Isn’t correctness and truth important to Him? Correctness is a modern term for the KJV term “Righteousness”. Do you want to be correct, “righteous” about His names? Error and Mistake is a modern term for the KJV term “Sin”. Do you want to err about His name, and “sin” about His names? Some people have been formed to immediately realize what’s wrong with changing the names of Who we worship. It changes Who we worship. Some people don’t take too well to being called something different by someone else. These are more likely to object to renaming Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`. But most people these days understand the concept of “identity theft”. The adversary has perpetrated massive amounts of identity theft, AND slander against Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`. And the degree of the deception is beyond the ability of most people to accept, so they go into denial. Traditional Christianity today has over 90% of its doctrines exchanged for satan’s information. So when a Christian today is happy and wants to pray and honor the Most High, sadly, all the credit and honor is being diverted to the most low, satan, because the terms being used are all about satan. Identity theft. What is The Difference Between Yâhuwshúa` and “Jesus” or “Yeshua”? Yâhuwshúa` is the only best way to transliterate and transcribe the true name of the Anointed One, whose name is easy to find in Hebrew. One doesn’t need to use supercomputers to find “bible codes” to find out what His name is. It is written in ZkharYâ´hu (“zechariah”) that one man’s name there was a portent of the name of the Branch. That man’s name was Yâhuwshúa` Bën-Yâhuwtsâthâ´q. Also, it is written in the Letter (Epistle) of Bar-Nâvíy (“Barnabas”) that Moshéh renamed his servant Howshë´`á “Yâhuwshua`” in order that Yisrâ’ë´l would listen to him. This KJV “Joshua” is actually the name Yâhuwshúa`, and that name’s spelling is the same. Further evidence that Yâhuwshúa` is the proper rendition of this name is finding that “Joshua” appears more than once in the KJV “New Testament” written as “Jesus”. This means that Yâhuwshúa`’s name is the one which went through the mill to become “Jesus”. This means that everywhere you might find “Jesus” written, it should be restored to Yâhuwshúa`, to be correct (“righteous”) and not in error (“sin”). You may have seen the name written in lexicons or Schofield reference notes as “Yehoshua”. Yâhuwshúa` gets altered by the jewish scribes to falsely read “yehowshua”/“yehoshua”. This they do in order to comply with a religious rule they have, to alter any name beginning in Yâhuw- to Yehow- in order to avoid saying the name of Yâ-hwéh, because the short form of the name Yâ-hwéh is Yâ´hu, which can appear in the beginning or at the end of names in Hebrew. But as you see with NetanYahuw, they don’t object to keep it intact at the end of a name. It is wrong to avoid saying His name. Scripture says we ought all to boastfully praise His name openly and publicly, and this is the meaning of Háleluw Yâ´hu! The name Yâhuwshúa`, when written in Hebrew, appears as Y-H-W-Sh-`. This name cannot spell “Yeshua” because “Yeshua” is written Y-Sh-`, and it does not contain the two extra letters. Moreover, there are several verses in scripture we have found to denounce a “Yeshua”, meaning that this false name “Yeshua” will be one name used for the impostor to come, commonly called the “antichrist”. ​ But there is even much more evidence about “Jesus” being a name for this impostor to come, even the Greek spelling of the letters 666 sounds like "Jesus". Who is Yâ-hwéh? The Most High is Yâ-hwéh. He is both the Father AND the Son. The only One Who can completely contain the Father is the Son. The Son referred to the Father as His Own Greatness. To understand this better, consider the Father as the Greatness, the Power, the Honor, the Love, the Light, the Life, the Goodness of Yâ-hwéh, Which is illimitable, undefinable in any number of words, uncontainable in our minds, beyond our comprehension, and better than we could ever imagine. And consider the Son as His Image, His Being, His Néphesh (mistranslated as "soul"), His Servant, His Personhood in fact. To know more about "The Crafty Use of Synonyms" done by His adversary, to confuse our language, watch our video What is the Sun . ​ The terms “father” and “son” are limited in the application to Him to refer to His relationship to His own Power, and one should not apply the biological aspects to this. This explanat ion is supported by all inspired scriptures, particularly when correctly translated. Not one contradicts it, unless mistranslated. Are You Sure Yâ-hwéh is The Correct Rendering of His Name? People outside Him have seen the Hebrew transcription of this name Yâ-hwéh as YHWH and not wanting to pronounce it, named that transcription tetragrammaton in Greek, barbelo in Aramaic, when scripture says in Chanówkh to not abbreviate His names. Other people see YHWH and, not knowing Hebrew linguistics, put in the wrong vowels. To read an in-depth study about the true linguistics, please read here . The satanic scribes wrote in the wrong vowels into YHWH in their altered scriptures, to correspond with their false tradition to say, “adonay elohim” (my sovereign the daemon ones) and produced “yehowah” which evolved to “Jehovah”. But this itself has an evil meaning in Hebrew which identifies satan. What is the importance of saying Yâhuwshúa` is Yâ-hwéh? Romans 10: 9-10 makes clear that this is the Good Saying, which one must profess with one’s mouth in order to be saved. It is not enough to believe in one’s heart that the Power raised Him from the dead, that justifies one, and this surely is important, but to be saved, one must profess Yâhuwshúa` is Yâ-hwéh to be saved. Surely most Christians believe enough to be justified, but these do not profess His names to be saved. And to say this saving testimony correctly, one must have both names correct. Else one is saying someone else is Yâ-hwéh, or that Yâhuwshúa` is someone else. That won’t work. Below there is an audio showing you how to properly pronounce His names, because the names are a call, a sound, which if spoken wrong, does not call Him. Listen to this and try to imitate what you hear, and see why we spelled it “Yâhuwshúa` is Yâ-hwéh”. ​ TO LEARN TO CALL ON HIS TRUE NAMES, LISTEN TO THE SAVING TESTIMONY The Saving Testimony Brothers in Yâhuwshúa` 00:00 Y âhuwshúa` is Yâ-hwéh: Accept NO Substitutes!

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