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  • 70th Week of Daniel| Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`

    SEPARATION “Judgment” SEASON CALENDAR to open calendar ctrl + Left click - allow browser to view

  • Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` | History of Man KJV-impaired


  • The Saving Testimony audio | Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`

    THE SAVING TESTIMONY AUDIO You can also learn how to pronounce His names (dual names) with our recording of The Saving Testimony. YÂ-HWÉH YÂHUWSHÚA The Saving Testimony 00:00 BONUS T RACK Hal’luw Yâ’hu - Yâhuwshúa` is Yâ-hwéh!

  • His Names Proven | Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`


  • 2 types of NWO | Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`

    TWO TYPES OF (PHYSICAL) NEW WORLD ORDERS GLOBALIST ELITIST KHAZARIAN MAFIA The United States went off the gold standard in 1933 Running as a 'Corporation of the USA' with foreign entities on foreign soil (Washington DC) Global Poverty Global Hunger World slavery (spiritual & material) Global Asset Relocation Income Tax & Property Tax Cashless Society Disarmament of Citizens Removal of the "god" gene Depopulation Concentration Camps satan-worshiping (cannibalism, pedophilia, children sacrifice, etc.) The Great Reset DONALD JOHN TRUMP ANTICHRIST Potentially zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a “jubilee” or a forgiveness of debt. Abolishes the income tax. Abolishes the IRS. Employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area. Creates a 14% flat rate for non-essential new items, only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed or used items such as old homes. Increases benefits to senior citizens. Returns Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters. Installs the original Title of Nobility amendment. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA's announcement. The interim government will cancel all National Emergencies and return us back to constitutional law. Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups. Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933. Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation. Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period, the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side with the U.S. treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply. Restores financial privacy. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law. Ceases all aggressive U.S. government military actions worldwide. Establishes peace throughout the world. Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes. Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, anti-gravity, and sonic healing machines. THE TWO NWOs: The divided house of satan formed a New World Order (NWO) under satan's remote direction, though the opposing demons working towards atheism and chaos trying to prevent satan’s ambition to devour all into himself being their god (demon). These made the system’s rulers each selfishly corrupt, stealing for themselves, and murdering for their selfish needs, depopulating as is being exposed about this world corruption. The world was enslaved in spirit and body by ignorance and against its will, and to serve for their material needs, and ownership of their bodies registered by birth certificates and SSN or other national IDs. Waking up to this is being called the Great Awakening. But the prospective solution to satan's own divided house is actually the New World Order wished for by satanists, with satan’s incarnation: the antichrist on top, having all the information to extort everyone, keeping them all in line organizing the chaos. The corruption and the stealing will all be satan’s, along with all executions, for his own thirst for bloodshed. In return, this antichrist will bribe all offering material prosperity, material-debt freedom, moral licentiousness and pantheism of all kinds of demon-worship. Instead of the other method, this slavery to satan will be put into effect acknowledging and loving his antichrist persona, voluntarily, and ownership of their néphesh (“souls”) registered through reverent homage to the superior rank (worship) of this one, joining his religion(s) including his counterfeit chosen people, visiting his rebuilt material false temple, to the point he will take possession of these. AN 88 YEARS INTERVAL: Believers in Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` do not partake in practices of the occult - Rev 13:18 (KJV) but rather expose them - Ephesians 5:11 (KJV). In satanic numerology, the number eighty-eight (88) carries great significance for the Cabal. Looking at the number 88, we are told it symbolizes the double directions of the infinity of the universe, that is to say, the infinitely small and the infinitely large. Allegedly the number 88 is also the numbered representation of the cross swastika - three times cranked. The number 88 is a white supremacist numerical code for "Heil Hitler." H is the eighth letter of the alphabet, so 88 = HH = Heil Hitler. One of the most frequent white supremacist symbols, 88, is used for the duration of the entire white supremacist movement, no longer simply neo-Nazis. Chess is a two-player strategy board game played on a chessboard, a checkered game board with 64 squares arranged in an 8×8 grid (Freemason Floors). The eight ball in billiards/pool is black and white and finalizes the game, signifying time in some respects. The Freemasons believe "as above, so believe - 88!" The masonic (33 degree) year (1933), which they chose for the USA to go off the gold standard, is an 88 years interval until 2021, when the gold standard will return with NESARA. So, you're not going to be rescued from the old New World Order; you're transitioning to new NWO with satan at the top, in person! And he is making you welcome it with open arms. Trump warned everyone that he is the serpent - repeatedly reading "The Snake" poem at his rallies, which is being welcomed with open arms. President Trump is rumored to become inaugurated on March 4, 2021 RD, as the 19th president of the restored Republic of the United States which was suspended in favor of a Vatican Corporation in 1871 RD . If so, this 'great reset' allows Trump to remain as president for longer terms. Emperor of the world? Keep in mind that President Franklin D Roosevelt "won" a record four terms in office from 1933 RD until he died in 1945 RD. After he left office, the Twenty-second Amendment of the US Constitution was voted through congress on March 21, 1947 RD. We suspect that DJT will do away with the Corporation's amendments made to the United States Constitution after 1871 RD. helpful links: We disclaim all name substitutions and false terms for Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` Back to Who is Trump?

  • The Invitation of the Most High | Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`

    THE INVITATION OF THE MOST HIGH The Majority Will Accept His Invitation The majority coming to exist will accept His invitation upon resurrecting. The chosen few already existing will be activated by His invitation. Which are you? If you are here, there are no coincidences. Is this because the Most High is inviting you? Or are you one of His chosen few? Thus, they shall be the Profession of Yâ-hwéh ( Yâhuwthâ´h) , the ones (m.) not the last-ones (m.) in temporal succession, the first in rank of one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l) , so the ones (m.) not the first-ones (m.) in temporal succession [ are ] the last-ones ( m .) in rank. For this reason, the Many ones ( m .) of Yâ-hwéh who (pl.) come to exist, the middle , [ are ] ones-invited (m.), but the few (m.) to drink of Yâ-hwéh [ are ] the ones-chosen ( m. ) .” - MattithYâ´huw 20: 16 Wisdom is cautious. Examine the circumstances of your being here. If you are here seeking Him, you will find Him as He said. If not, you will not, though we have. With His guidance, apply caution to verify everything you find along your path to find Him. Falsehoods are dead-ends though they may run parallel to the authentic Way. And one could attempt to verify every single doctrine taught, but the problem lies in the fact that, how can that one know what is true, not having His guidance? That is why one can take the shortcut to scripturally-guaranteed verification by verifying one straightforward thing: whether the sources you are considering trusting have, or do not have His actual names. According to inspired scriptures, anything coming from someone who doesn’t have His real names is not reliable for absolute trust. Therefore, the first step in vetting your sources for information is seeing if they know His actual names. If not, the source is unreliable, though they may have some truth in their parallel detour ways. Besides for the purpose of verifying your path, having His names correct is the beginning of one’s proper walk on The Way of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` , to find yourself on His true Rock. Acknowledging Him is the key to the treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge which follow after accepting His Word of The Way . (Colossians 2: 2-3) That explains the first purpose of the website being, to teach the chosen few the true dual-names of the Most High, which are Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`: And to prove them to you beyond any doubt or question we have ever encountered; because after that, it lets the ones who profess Him accurately learn all the relevant truth, so that we can help them learn more, undoing the disinformation brainwash through lies and deception done by the ruler of this world, the adversary. Anyone having come here must by now have been through the “great awakening” of this world, to wake up to the revelation that this world is indeed ruled by sâţâ´n and his followers, as well as waking the non-sâţâ´nists’ great anger at their inability to change that. Anger happens when one thinks one’s rights and authority are being violated. Non-sâţâ´nists were deceived to think non-sâţâ´nists rule this world, and now these see that all those ruling in every department are sâţâ´nists, who now have come out of the closet. They think to correct this world, but get angry that nothing happens. This anger is not shared by the ones within Him because these understand that sâţâ´n is who made this world and he is its god and rules it with his followers, so we do not expect them to honor us with rights to decide or to honor our preferences about this world. They were only pretending to be non-sâţâ´nists, to be accepted as their leaders. Now the sâţâ´nists want to finish fully corrupting non-sâţâ´nists. And the non-sâţâ´nists refusal to accept their authority is the cause of the Great Anger of yisrâ’ë´l, which comes from sâţâ´n, who hopes to make it SO huge, they may lose their peace and do sâţâ´nist things like violence. 80. Yâhuwshúa` said, “Whoever has come to understand the world has discovered a carcass, and whoever has discovered the carcass, the world is not worthy of that man.” So, the ones within Him overcome the adversary by means of His true names, but the non-sâţâ´nists overcome the adversary by refusing his authority over them to the death. But if you are one of His chosen ones, hearing His voice will activate you to acknowledge Him, overcome this world, and come to exist as one overcoming the demon – the meaning of yisrâ’ë´l. At this point, examine yourself for the answer to that age-old question within you: could you be chosen? Consider: Are you interested in finding out whether this is true about overcoming sâţâ´n, and in helping others? Or are you being moved to leave? Signs can point out which is the answer. Speaking plainly, without citing all the references, these are signs: if you are one chosen, you will love the sound of His names and the fragrance of the knowledge of the Anointed One, and you will be able to learn both of His dual-names, Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, and retain them, and even more, feel compelled to use them and to stop using false names for Him. And you will also hunger to learn more truth and understand, even though the world be against you. Therefore, we forward you His invitation, whether you are one of the ones chosen, or one of the middle. But why should one just invited, “the middle”, not being the chosen few, desire to know these things anyhow, if we all also know that the salvation of all non-sâţâ´nists is just around the corner, for those not falling into sâţâ´nism by worshipping the impostor (who is sâţâ´n)? This is also important. Why do you say the Most High has "dual-names"? The Secret Book (Apocrypha) of Yâhuwchânâ´n (“John”) says: “...Each has its own realm modeled on one of the higher realms. And each new name refers to a glory in the heavens So that Yaldabaoth’s demons might be destroyed. The demons’ own names, given by Yaldabaoth, are mighty names, but the powers’ names reflecting the glory above will bring about the demons’ destruction and remove their power. That is why each has two names . Yaldabaoth modeled his creation on the pattern of the original realms above him so that it might be just like the indestructible realms. [Not that he had ever seen the indestructible ones. Rather, the power in him, deriving from his mother, made him aware of the pattern of the cosmos above.]” -Author: Stevan Davies, (2005), “The Secret Book of John” for the Nag Hammadi Library (disclaimer : we do not capitalize power in this context or 'yaldabaoth' which refers to demons) The scripture above is why the Most High has two names. Scriptures, decoded, calls these the dual-names (in Hebrew, ha-shimáyim), which means precisely “the dual-names,” but was altered by sâţâ´nic scribes hiding this into “ha-shâmáyim,” a dual-form which has no linguistic basis for a single form, and which they translate as “the heavens” everywhere in their scripture translations, to substitute for the mention of the existence of dual-names, and conceal the fact. This is the question: Why should we offer this ‘higher knowledge’ (gnosis) to everybody non-sâţâ´nist, if according to scriptures, while biologically living, the middle: non-sâţâ´nists and Christians (not being these 144,000), are not capable of accepting and switching to His actual names, to become these 144,000 chosen ones? Yâhuwshúa` spoke to the masses in parables because they could not handle the higher knowledge that He communicated privately to His twelve pupils, referred to as ‘gnosis.' And this world’s sâţâ´nists made an “establishment church” to control the Christians, and reckoned correctly that if they allowed the higher knowledge among the Many, who are the mid dle non- sâţâ´nists, they would be unable to handle it, like those masses handling only parables. Therefore, they were allowed to ‘dumb it down’ beca use they preferred to have a vast, powerful constituency over teaching the Truth. Conflict of interest, but they were closet satanists , as are the authorities of this world because sâţâ´n rules this world, and his priority was to prevent anyone from overcoming himself, so his first list of things to do to ‘dumb it down’ was to remove His name from the memory of the world. Irenaeus, one of the so-called “church fathers,” was utterly opposed to any “higher knowledge” or higher ranks among believers, objecting even to the idea that our Savior spoke privately to His pupils. Irenaeus was a sâţâ´nist. Having higher authority than him or other sâţâ´nists, we rename him “Erroneous.” Though being so-called Christians in the eyes of this world, they enforced the sâtâ´nic-jewish order in Acts 4: 17 prohibiting the teaching of the name of Yâhuwshúa`. And this is why you haven’t heard the name of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` being taught in any Christian church. It was meant to be preserved by His chosen ones and to be introduced to the middle when the right moment comes that the ‘middle’ can hear and learn it when freed from the spiritual impediments and carnal handicaps. But can’t everyone believe in His proper names now ? Although every single one, A-Z, of the finite perfect number in the Mind of our Father, shall believe in His true dual-name testimony at the End, there are apparent specific times which are predicted for when each vessel (category) of yisrâ’ë´l comes to exist, believing and professing His true names. And as the Most High likes palindromes, the reverse order of the falling of these ones into the darkness is the order of their restoration into His Light, as He expressed in the verse above, MattithYâ´huw 20: 16. The next group on His schedule is all the middle to be ransomed from death. Did you say, “ransomed from death”? Yes. If you have noticed from sâţâ´n’s “great awakening,” their plan is the ‘depopulation’ genocide, without telling you it’s the elimination of all non-sâţâ´nists from the face of this earth. But they do not realize that their staying biologically alive while murdering the non-sâţâ´nists is separating the ones the Most High prefers in order to apply the Ransom He already paid. And they, in their greed, will finally bite off more than they can chew and murder His 144,000 witnesses too. This mistake, similar to their murdering Yâhuwshúa` on the cross, results in the right moment coming that the middle is capable of hearing and learning Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`’s testimony and being equipped with all they need to acquire the standing in His sight, in the middle; this is the meaning of 'anastasis' in Greek, which you find translated as “resurrection.” As explained, this is His gift to the middle, giving up His children to free the middle from the captivity that has been in an extended stay in this cosmos of darkness, hindered from entering into the Light, and worsened at that point by being unable to even get out of sh’ówl with the usual recycling into new babies (see our page What is reincarnation? On Recycling ). That is why the sâţâ´nists are sterilizing and promoting abortion, to prevent these non-sâţâ´nists from returning. Why mention His true names now to the middle sincere Christians if they cannot believe them yet? Because the hierarchy of the middle ones who cannot believe, nonetheless gathers benefits from not opposing the Most High and resisting the misled impulse to join with those doing so. In this upside-down world, not opposing Him will be better for them than doing the popular thing to oppose His witnesses. If you prefer death to the worship of sâţâ´n, you will be Ransomed. The widow, who is yisrâ’ë´l underneath, are sâţâ´nists knowingly, and they are refusing His ransom, refused our Passover Lamb. Passover meant 'Exemption', so they declined the Exemption and stay behind while we are to be evacuated from among them. Therefore, while the middle is still biologically alive, His witnesses of His true names will be first working to persuade non-sâţâ´nists not to worship sâţâ´n’s impostor, his ‘antichrist’ incarnation, and not apply the name Yâ-hwéh to that impostor. But His witnesses are not avoiding to mention Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, so these middle ones can learn not to carnally instinctively oppose His names Yet notice : this main message for all non-sâţâ´nists to not worship the impostor (who is sâţâ´n), and for Christians to believe in the Work our Savior did on the cross, and to not believe the impostor claiming to be Him has been taught already for centuries ! It made it through the censorship since it’s the most critical thing to tell the non-sâţâ´nist middle! Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` made that happen! The information war which sâţâ´n made against that lost. So since the sâţâ´nists couldn’t beat that, they joined that and compensated by trying to turn the rest sâţâ´nic, even declaring ‘higher knowledge’ (gnosis) ‘satanic’ to prevent people from looking at it. Those sources even credit Erroneous (Irenaeus) for that! The witnesses who come to help the middle non-sâţâ´nists will both be gathered together , resurrected from physical death, at the same time, when the middle will all have come into existence of true yisrâ’ë´l (“Israel”), becoming “one overcoming the demon (‘ël)” (see the ‘ Elohim is not my Yâ-hwéh ' : satanic name substitutes misidentify Who we worship webpage). So, The Way of both the chosen and the invited middle go through death, overcoming it, as Yâhuwshúa` also did, in case you thought “salvation” meant not needing to die physically. The Way all these overcome the adversary is different: chosen believers on His true names overcome sâţâ´n by their belief while living, through Him Who defeated sâţâ´n, Who said He is The Way, believing on the Fruit. And non-sâţâ´nists and the ones of the tree/cross defeat sâţâ´n by refusing to worship sâţâ´n all The Way to the death of their temporary dirt-bodies, The Way of the cross: the Tree. Therefore, name-believers defeat sâţâ´n while alive, and cross followers after having died by preferring death over worshipping sâţâ´n. Remember the prodigal son, who returned after death, and the reassurance given to the elder son. Who had it more pleasant? One had it carnally pleasant until the times of trouble came; the other stayed with the Father. Who ended up with the inheritance? If you were the elder son, wouldn’t you like to know this is who you are, before the real trouble comes for the younger son? Are the Glad Tidings about which is the more pleasant way? Does it say that salvation has less hardship for the ones who believe in His names? No, the narrow Way is not described that way, and those Glad Tidings are not for the chosen ones. In fact, decoded Márquwç (“Mark”) 13: 10 says: …and among My one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l), all the ones (n.) tha t [ are ] not belonging to the one (f.) [ ~sister (underneath) ] [ being ] heathen masses (n.) , it behooves first to be proclaimed that the glad tidings (n.) [ are ] not pertaining to the ones (n./m.) ! The chosen ones are only relatively few, with 144,000 witnesses to be sealed. The Glad Tidings to be preached throughout this world is not about those few getting saved by having believed in His names! It is about the ones who currently have no regard for His true names also getting saved. In fact, this is the main question non-sâţâ´nists ask when we teach His true names! Examine below how Yâhuwshúa` says that a middle one having died separated from Him, if they trust in Him within the chosen ones He sends down to them, these shall live! He was speaking to a person in the middle about “Lazarus.” Yâhuwchânâ´n (“John”) 11: 25-26 decoded says: “ I, I cause to exist she [ ~unpaired néphesh (f.) ] which [ is ] not the (1) Standing in the middle ( Anastasis ) (f.) to bring forwards one overcoming the demon ( yisrâ’ë´l ), and she [ ~unpaired néphesh (f.) ] which [ is ] not the (2) Life (f.) . (1) he who without regard, [ is ] the one (m.) putting his trust on My one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l ), upon Me, even if he might die separated of Me, he shall be made to live of Me! And of one overcoming the demon ( yisrâ’ë´l ) , [ is ] (2) everyone that [ is ] he who [ is ] without regard for the One living of one overcoming the demon ( yisrâ’ë´l ) , yet [ is ] the one putting his trust on My one overcoming the demon ( yisrâ’ë´l ) , upon Me, who [ is ] not sâţâ´n, lest of the father of the sovereign ( ’avadówn ) , he might die separated of Me among My one overcoming the demon ( yisrâ’ë´l ) [ ~widow underneath ] of the one (n./m.) [ ~Yehuwthâ´h/sâţâ´n ] not [ being ] the Eternal One! … ” What about the "Glad Tidings of the Kingdom"? And when is that supposed to happen? Yâhuwshúa` said, in decoded MattithYâ´huw (“Matthew”) 24: 14: And of one overcoming the demon ( yisrâ’ë´l ) , shall be openly proclaimed/published this thing (n.) [ ~glad tidings (n.) ] [ is ] not pertaining to the ones (n./m.) : The glad tidings (n.) , [ being ] the one (n.) not of the royalty among the ones (m.) within one overcoming the demon ( yisrâ’ë´l ) , [ is ] pertaining to the entire (f.) [ ~unpaired néphesh (f.) sister ] [ being ] the one (f.) [ ~middle sister ] not the one (f.) being indwelled/inhabited, among My one overcoming the demon ( yisrâ’ë´l ) [ being ] the Testimony – [ “Yâhuwshúa` is Yâ-hwéh” ] belonging to all the ones (n.) that [ are ] not [ being ] the one (m.) [ ~counterfeit Savior, Yehuwthâ´h ] belonging to the heathen masses of one overcoming the demon ( yisrâ’ë´l ), and whenever that is, shall arrive, not pertaining to the ones (n./m.) , the termination (n.) . [ ~pruning the widow to do Holocaust of the middle sister (2 Moshéh 20: 18-19)] Note that these decoded verses reveal some things unknown in Christianity! “The ones (m.) ” is a term referring to existent ones who profess His true names, Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` , and here He calls these “ the royalty ”. As you see, the Glad Tidings is not for the royals , meaning not for the 144,000 Witnesses professing His true names getting saved. Scriptures say that those of yisrâ’ë´l above were already purchased (redeemed) after His resurrection. He says the Glad Tidings is about all the middle yisrâ’ë´l non-sâţâ´nists who do not, as yet, have the Testimony. However, the Glad Tidings is not for the heathen masses being the sâţâ´nists who are being the impostor, sâţâ´n incarnate. Their rescue is for much later and not our priority, though blessings are pronounced for Christians who bring forwards among them. (decoded Revelation 20: 5-6) Is my King James Version (KJV) Bible inspired? Can I trust it to look for His names? Did you know “James” comes from “Jacob,” which in Hebrew is “Ya’aqóv”? “Ya’aqóv” means Supplanter and is a standard reference to the impostor in scriptures. So, the King James Version would mean “King Supplanter Version.” Is it then any wonder that the KJV supplants our King, Yâhuwshúa`, with the impostor, sâţâ´n, by substituting Him with terms about him? Wouldn’t you consider this a sign that you cannot trust it for a source to obtain the name of our true King? There is not one instance of one intact name for the Most High within the KJV. Why? The short answer is because sâţâ´n ordered his satanists to prohibit His name from being taught. (Acts 4: 17) How? Your Bible is in English. The English language did not exist since the Tower of Bavel; it was invented relatively recently as a combination of French and Germanic languages. Your Bible is a translation of scriptures written in earlier languages, namely, Hebrew and Greek. They translated the “Old Testament” from the very unreliable Masoretic “Text,” which was altered by sâţâ´nist scribes after Yâhuwshúa` ascended to deny our Savior, so the Greek LXX (Septuagint), which was translated from the earlier scripture (before coding) is more reliable. The “New Testament” was initially written in Hebrew, but they translated it from the Greek “Textus Receptus” when the most reliable Greek manuscript is the Byzantine Majority text. Nonetheless, all of these manuscripts, Hebrew and Greek, were abbreviated by the sâţâ´nist scribes using their shorthand code, and the translations of that to other languages had to be highly liberal, not strict, to make it easily legible, due to the code’s degutting of the scripture by the omissions. And even furthermore, afterward, the English establishment translators substituted all names and titles for those of sâţâ´n, making the readers think they were “translations.” One should expect the proper names of our Savior to be found rendered in scripture as original Hebrew names, transliterated into English, not transliterations of Grecianized names nor evolved common English versions. Understand that names are proper nouns that should not ever change and should be rendered according to their original sound in their language when books are translated, especially in the case of the One Whose name is pure, which we depend on to call on Him. Altered names are different names and call different ones, especially if the original One doesn’t accept other names. Notwithstanding, your KJV preferred to alter nearly every proper name to common English (per)versions used at the time by commoners. A smart move to become the best-selling book of all time, but the zealous defend it as being purer than the original! Your English Bible translation is not the inspired scriptures about which Páulus (“Paul”) spoke about to Timótheos (“Timothy”). He was referring to copies of the original Hebrew scriptures. Those scriptures did contain the true name of our Savior. Let’s look at how it appeared in those scriptures: His name, forever and for all generations, is Yâ-hwéh יָהְוֶ֨ה (often transliterated as “Yahweh”) The name of the Anointed is Yâhuwshúa` יָהוּשֻׁ֥עַ (Sometimes phonetically spelled “Yahushua”). Shallow vessels don’t search deeply and usually settle for less than the Truth. Usually, the first clue one seeking Him sees to all the alterations is seeing the Strong’s Concordance of the KJV document the sâţâ´nic title “Lord ” as having replaced #3068 Yâ-hwéh (which they misrendered as Yehovah). Surely some took that error, also found in KJV as “Jehovah,” and ran with it. But the much deeper research proving what the authentic names are is found in our name study: “Why these are the correct names” found in the FPS scripture download and also on our Proton Drive here . My pastor says the name we use is "how we say it in English." Is this true? IMPORTANT - A name is a specific intelligible sound that summons/invokes someone, and it must sound the same to everyone, no matter what language they speak. Therefore, to render a proper name, to people of different languages, in writing, one must render that sound in the other person’s alphabet, using their phonetic system, to replicate that sound as accurately as possible. That is called a transliteration of a name. Sometimes, special characters are used in a transliteration when more than the ordinary letters are needed to be accurate. Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` is the most correct transliteration of the dual names of the Most High in English. The “â” symbol represents a sound that is known as the “short ŏ” in English phonetical symbols, which is not currently found as often in modern dictionaries, and it transliterates the Hebrew qâmets â, because we are utilizing the pronunciation symbols used in the well-known and available Strong’s Concordance Lexicon, as much as possible. We also explain our transliteration system in our Pronunciation Guide found in the FPS scripture download but learning its pronunciation is easiest using our Saving Testimony recording. On the other hand, a translation of a name is to render the meaning of a foreign name in our language, but be aware that a translation does not call the bearer of that name. These rules have been violated repeatedly in many ways in establishment bible translations, so much so that many are confused and do not even know the meaning of these terms. (Example: Këph (a rock), translated to petros (a rock), transliterated to peter (bad transliteration of petros). How does this apply in real life? Let this non-scriptural example suffice: Do you know you would not be able to call “Christopher Columbus” if he were here because you don’t know how to pronounce his name? Nor do Spanish speakers know it; they call him “Cristobal Colón.” Both are incorrect. His actual name is Italian, Cristóforo Colombo. If you’d yell the other two names at him, he’d only look at you funny; this is the same thing with almost all KJV-named people. They would not know you are calling them. This has dire and disastrous consequences when the tempestuous storm of sâţâ´n comes, and Christianity calls for help using names belonging to demons (Revelation’s “Trumpets,” see Disclosure in the FPS translation). The sâţâ´nists misled Christianity. Let’s undo that—their mission. “Jezebel” in Revelation represents sâţâ´nist infiltrators misleading Christians. And sâţâ´nists are who exalted themselves to mislead all middle yisrâ’ë´l’s many non-sâţâ´nists of this world towards sâţâ´n, including Christians. The sâţâ´nists are who altered the scriptures, which Christians depended on for information. And like everything else in this world, sâţâ´nists turn everything upside-down to put themselves on top and tell the middle there is no elite while secretly exalting themselves. Cognitive dissonance (denial) makes most find it hard to believe that one’s pastor they trusted, and looked up to, could be a sâţâ´nist, the man they hired with their offerings to do their scripture research while they were busy working. At what point does one constitute being a sâţâ´nist? Your pastor/preacher/priest went to seminary, was a tame pupil (not trained in critical thinking), and knows Yâhuwshúa` is the Most High and that He is Yâ-hwéh in Person. But he does not and would not tell anybody these are His names. His congregation would leave, and his income would end. Right there, he’s like the servant who buried the talent (MattithYâ´huw 25: 24-30). Furthermore, he is the most likely person in his church to know that the names he does teach his audience are not His names, yet still, he teaches these names. "This makes him to be preaching about someone else . And those being false names, those are lies, and your pastor/preacher/priest knows well that the father of the lie is sâţâ´n. Does he know the meaning of each term he teaches? If so, it’s worse for him, but this is sufficient. He is teaching lies of sâţâ´n, in preference over His true names. And if he knows the meanings of the lies, he knows he is a preacher of sâţâ´n. So how can one say your pastor/preacher/priest is not a sâţâ´nist? Their motivations for detaching potential true believers from the Most High were to put the middle non-sâţâ´nists under sâţâ´n’s authority to sacrifice them to him, thinking to curry favor with him and survive the judgment to come as a remnant left behind. They worship him deliberately and think their insane and temperamental creator would be less annoyed and appeased if they were alone with him, without those worshipping him in pretense only because they’re deceived. It has been them who pretended to be our leaders, to mislead us to sâţâ´n. Look: 2 Qorinthíym (“Corinthians”) 2: 17 speaks clearly about the sâţâ´nists’ disinformation, but decoded, it’s even more straightforward: For the reason that of sâţâ´n [is] not the Yâ-hwéh of Whom we exist, as the ones (m.) [are] not the remnant/left behind [ ~widow underneath ] , peddling their corruption , [ ~which is ] of the one (n./m.) [ ~Yehuwthâ´h/ sâţâ´n ] not [being] the Word (m.) of The Way (f.) [being] the ones (m.) [ ~Words (m.) (dual-names) ] not of the mighty one of ‘aharón (light-carrier/lucifer) , instead as originating from “I shall cause to exist (‘a-hyéh)” of one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l ) of the untarnished! Instead, as originating from “I shall cause to exist (‘a-hyéh)” of one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l) [ ~which are ] of the mighty one of ‘aharón (light-carrier/lucifer) against the vision-Source, we speak of Me : the one s (m.) [ ~Words (m.) (dual-names) ] not of the mighty one of ‘aharón (light-carrier/lucifer), among the ones (m.) within one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l) , [are] pertaining to the Anointed One! (The blue font information in the decoded scriptures you see here (and on this website) were omitted by sâţâ´nist scribes systematically from the establishment version of scriptures, which were translated as their authorized “Holy Bible,” utilizing their systematic code.) If you are a royal, you are a priest of the 'order of the royals of the Correctness' (the meaning of Malkëy-tsétheq). The names of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` will elicit a positive reaction in you since it abounds in the fragrance of the knowledge of the Anointed One, whereas if you are not, it smells of doom to you. This is explained in the verses immediately preceding this verse. If these names appeal to you, it is a spiritual sign to you from Him, His Envoy to you, telling you the scent is good. If so, you may be one already existing, invited to be one of His Witnesses, the 144,000. These are the existent ones who volunteered to assist our Savior, being also saviors for the captivity which sâţâ´n is currently making of the non-sâţâ´nist and Christian middle. Since sâţâ´n, the unjust steward, has no intention of conceding the middle to the Highest, these royals are arrived and are being activated presently to do similarly as Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` did, as the Descender. His dirt-body physically died. However, the demons did not have any power over Him to apprehend Him, nor even see Him as He descended invisible to them, in His Light, to invade and take over the underworld. Then during His three nights and three days in the heart of the earth, He emptied the underworld (sh’ówl) of all but three: Qayin (Cain), Herodes (who murdered the children), and Yehuwdah (“Judas”), who was poorly advised by his demon, sâţâ´n, to kill himself and precede Yâhuwshúa`’s arrival ‘in case He might take pity on him.’ And Christians have heard that our Savior took captivity captive and ascended from there and was seen alive only by believers and not by the sâţâ´nists who paid spectators of Him to say they never saw Him but professed to have seen Him risen. And Christians have also heard that the Witnesses will also spend three and a half days physically dead, unburied, in the same Yruwshâláim (“Jerusalem”) before coming back to life. So, realize that like Yâhuwshúa`, Who they will manifest within them visibly shining following the Sixth Seal, these Witnesses will also be invulnerable to the demons whenever they may physically die after their 1260 days of testimony. So, when these are physically dead, these 144,000 pure ones will also raid and take over the underworld and empty it of the non- sâţâ´nists and Christians who will have died, murdered by the sâţâ´nists in their holocaust sacrifice to sâţâ´n you have mildly heard as “depopulation.” Because of this, these ones, the Witnesses, are reckoned as the Keys of the underworld our Savior has. Given this, have you ever sensed an urge inside you to assist our Savior during these end-times? Such feelings are memories from before your lifetime, being reminded to you. If so, examine these scriptures, which further explain why you should consider following The Way of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, Who did all these things before the ones. Here you will find some reasons why one should believe in His dual names than just resist believing sâţâ´n to death. Note that the “widow sister” refers to the sâţâ´nists who will be left behind. MattithYâ´huw 7: 13-14 ¶ Enter ye in charge of one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l) through not [being] the one ( n. ) [ ~Yehuwthâ´h/sâţâ´n ] of the constricted-off (f.) [ ~sister, middle ] , of the Entryway (f.) that [ is ] this One! The broad-one (f.) [ is ] she [ ~confusion ] which [ is ] not the Entryway (f.) of one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l) , and the wide-open one (f.) [ is ] she which [ is ] not The Way (f.) . She [ ~widow sister ] which [ exists ] not [ is ] the one (f.) leading off the irreverent of Me into My one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l) of the one (f.) [ ~sister, middle ] not [ being ] the extermination (f.) of one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l) , so the Many-ones (m.) [ 2 Këph 2: 2 ] , they not be the ones (m.) , the ones (m.) entering in charge of one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l) through of the same One (f.) [ ~Way (f.) ] of the Son . ¶ Which (n.) [ is ] the constricted one (f.) ? She [ ~sister, middle] which [ is ] not the Entryway (f.) of one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l) , and the one (f.) having been constricted/compressed [ is ] she which [ is ] not The Way (f.) . She [ ~widow sister] which [exists ] not [ is ] the one (f.) leading off the irreverent of Me into My one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l) of the one (f.) [ ~sister, middle] not [ being ] the Life (f.) of one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l) , yet the few-ones (m.) to drink [ ~experience] , who cause to exist [ ~Witnesses who descend] (pl.), [ are ] the ones (m.) , not the ones (m.) finding for themselves to acknowledge according as [ being ] the same one (f.) [ ~sister, middle] [being] the Son [ Songs 118: 19-20, Yshá`Yâhuw 22: 8 ] Is the invitation from Him to believe in the dual names of our Savior Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` meant to activate you? Or are you one invited but meant to overcome sâţâ´n by resisting him to the death believing in the Work done on the cross by our Savior, without His names? Both of these will be gathered together to Him after the Seventh Trumpet resurrection because the Many come to exist after their death they are ransomed from, and at that time is when all of these will have the Testimony of the dual-names of one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l): see Disclosure (Revelation) 11: 15-17, decoded in FPS. Your brothers in Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` at back to top "The last shall be first, and the first shall be last. The first, they who were created before us, therefore, are the invisibles, for they were created before men, who shall receive the mystery shall be with them in the region of the [highest] heavens.” – The Books of the Savior ( AKA“Pistis Sophia”)

  • DJT world leader | Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`

    In this document we put together the transcript of the video, The Timeline: "Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening ". Charlie Freak walks us through the timeline of President Trump's actions from 2017 to early 2019 RD with a convincing picture history of the events which he says proves every single government on earth has capitulated to Donald J Trump. We disclaim name substitutes for Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`. Click Document to Download English español Back to Who is Trump?

  • The lion of Judah | Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`

    THE LIE : THE LION OF JUDAH The lion Discrepancies in Scriptures Mark Twain, a freemason satanist (deceiver) storyteller, said it is easier to deceive someone than persuade them they’ve been deceived. Unless Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` favors you to believe His Truth, the facts contradicting common beliefs included in this brief page may also be too difficult for you to accept and believe. Since most of those who are deceived about Him, Who He is, will not change their mind until they actually do see Him manifested for themselves, the confusion about the lion, which is clarified on this webpage, may help prepare those chosen to accept His Garment of Light Which gives understanding. Here we will expose several deceptions about lions, disproving some of the lies the establishment teaches against our Sovereign Yâhuwshúa`. Remember, all lies come from the father of lies, the adversary (satan). We encourage you to also look further into this subject and to consider the information provided here as guided by Yâhuwshúa`, and compare it with your own findings. Does the lion Become the Lamb? Nowhere in inspired scriptures, or even altered ones, about Yâhuwshúa` does it state that the Lamb became the lion. Zero scriptures are vetting any process of the lion becoming the Lamb. Nonetheless, lion-loving satanists have led many to arrive at that foul conclusion. 36 lion mentions are evil in the KJV. How could this be the Lamb, our Savior? Many have been misled this way to mistakenly worship sâțâ´n because his Establishment’s Revelation 5: 5 alone contains a deceitful and misleading mistranslation. Though 1st Century believers were well aware of the Truth, most Christians do still remember that the lions in their scriptures represent evil with this verse: "Be Sober, be vigilant because your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion , walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." – 1 Peter 5: 8 (KJV) Typically, when people recall the "lion and the Lamb," they are taking Yshá’Yâhuw ("Isaiah") 11:6 out of context due to its mistranslation in the KJV, mostly due to abbreviation by the scribes' shorthand coding: 6 (AV) The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. Here is Yshá`Yâhuw (“Isaiah”) 11:6 properly LXX- decoded: “ When one overcoming the demon ( yisrâ’ë´l ) of Me shall be fed with a wolf accompanying the nobody of yisrâ’ë´l of the Lamb (m. ) of yisrâ’ë´l, then of Me , a panther shall repose together with a young male goat of yisrâ’ë´l , and a little calf (n.) of yisrâ’ë´l , and a bull (m.) of yisrâ’ë´l – though the lion (m.) [were] dictating at the same time – they shall be fed of One overcoming the demon ( yisrâ’ë´l ) , when a little Child [ be ] Who of Me shall guide the same ones (m.) [ being ] the Son of yisrâ’ë´l , ” – Yshá`Yâhuw 11:6 Yshá`Yâhuw predicted, about the end times, that when Yâhuwshúa`’s true yisrâ’ë´l will be being fed by a predator wolf accompanying the adversary, then the various spiritual species of yisrâ’ë´l will not be at war with each other, although the lion will be still dictating, when they shall be fed by the 144,000 guided by our Savior. It is apparent that the lion is the adversary who will be ignored to prefer Yâhuwshúa`. It is a time when the adversary will not win the information war. Yshá`Yâhuw 65: 25 also mentions a l ion : Per the KJV (altered by shorthand coding) Isa 65:25 (AV) T he wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent’s meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD. Here is Yshá`Yâhuw (“Isaiah”) 65:25 properly LXX- decoded: “ At that time, the wolves (m.) of one overcoming the demon ( yisrâ’ë´l ) [ ~underneath ] , and the lambs (m.) [ ~144K above ] shall be fed, at the same time dictating of One overcoming the demon ( yisrâ’ë´l ) , though the lion [ ~Yehuwthâ´h ] , like the ox of Me , shall eat the chaff , but the serpent , the Yâ-hwéh [ being ] the Land in Truth , as [ being ] the Bread/Food which [ is ] of you (sing.) , they [ ~the lion and the serpent ] shall not harm , not even with the father of the sovereign (’ avadówn ) , lest they should do injury upon the one overcoming the demon ( yisrâ’ë´l ) outside [ ~widow underneath ] that [ is ] not of the ones (n./m.) belonging to the transferring mountain [~middle], not of the ones (n./m.) belonging to the Pure-One (n.) of Me , ” dictates of Me Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`.” This is a prediction of Yâhuwshúa`’s crucifixion, feeding all the species of yisrâ’ë´l, but the adversary lion only feeding on the empty husk left behind. Yet this prediction also was mentioned as relating to an event that happened when Yâhuwshúa` was two years old, which foreshadows this by natural animals also having no animosity against one another because of Him. And both these reflect Yshá`Yâhuw’s prediction, which came to pass, as documented in the book of the 'Birth of the Blessed Miryâ´m' and 'The Infancy of the Savior,' written in Hebrew by MattithYâ´huw, which was translated into Latin by Jerome, and accused by the satanists as “The Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew,” which we will restore the names/terms therein to accuracy; for the establishment rendition, please see the link. “Now the day before this was done Yâhuwçë´ph was warned in his sleep by the Envoy of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, Who said to him: “ Take Miryâ´m and the Child, and go into Mitsráyim (“Egypt”) by the way of the desert .” And Yâhuwçë´ph went according to the saying of the Envoy. [7] CHAP. 18.--And having come to a certain cave, and wishing to rest in it, the blessed [8] Miryâ´m dismounted from her beast, and sat down with the child Yâhuwshúa` in her bosom. And there were with Yâhuwçë´ph three boys, and with Miryâ´m a girl, going on the journey along with them. And, lo, suddenly there came forth from the cave many dragons [~Greek term for “large serpent”, or “dinosaur”] ; and when the children saw them, they cried out in great terror. Then Yâhuwshúa` went down from the bosom of His mother, and stood on His feet before the dragons; and they adored Yâhuwshúa`, and thereafter retired. Then was fulfilled that which was said by Dâwíth the prophet, saying: Praise Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` from the earth, ye dragons; ye dragons, and all ye deeps [9] And the young Child Yâhuwshúa`, walking before them, commanded them to hurt no man. But Miryâ´m and Yâhuwçë´ph were very much afraid lest the Child should be hurt by the dragons. And Yâhuwshúa` said to them: “ Do not be afraid, and do not consider Me to be a little Child; for I am and always have been perfect [~also meaning mature/complete] ; and all the beasts of the forest must needs be tame before Me. ” CHAP. 19.--Lions and panthers adored Him likewise, and accompanied them in the desert. Wherever Yâhuwçë´ph and the blessed Miryâ´m went, they went before them showing them the way, and bowing their heads; and showing their submission by wagging their tails, they adored Him with great reverence. Now at first, when Miryâ´m saw the lions and the panthers, and various kinds of wild beasts, coming about them, she was very much afraid. But the infant Yâhuwshúa` looked into her face with a joyful countenance, and said: “ Be not afraid, mother; for they come not to do thee harm, but they make haste to serve both thee and Me. ” With these words He drove all fear from her heart. And the lions kept walking with them, and with the oxen, and the asses, and the beasts of burden which carried their baggage, and did not hurt a single one of them, though they kept beside them; but they were tame among the sheep and the rams which they had brought with them from Judaea, and which they had with them. They walked among wolves, and feared nothing; and no one of them was hurt by another. Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by the prophet: “ Wolves shall feed with lambs; the lion and the ox shall eat straw together. ” [10] There were together two oxen drawing a wagon with provision for the journey, and the lions directed them in their path.” - Compare: “ the wolves (m.) of one overcoming the demon ( yisrâ’ë´l ) [ ~underneath ] , and the lambs (m.) [ ~144K above ] shall be fed, at the same time dictating of One overcoming the demon ( yisrâ’ë´l ) , though the lion [ ~Yehuwthâ´h ] , like the ox of Me , shall eat the chaff, ” Yshá’Yâhuw predicted events that would occur before Yâhuwshúa` was born, yet the complete fulfillment of the original happened when He was crucified. Yet notice: He fulfilled the material abbreviated version satan altered, also. This was when Yâhuwshúa` was leaving for "Egypt" to avoid persecution, all these wild beasts followed with the group behind Yâhuwshúa` into Egypt, and the lions were one kind among them, representing the first-mentioned type of the four spiritual animals of yisrâ’ë´l; and this was a spiritual sign; His leading all was the royal order of precedence, as no one outranks Yâhuwshúa`, so notice the passage says in many ways (in bold type) that all of the beasts walked with the group, behind Him. But notice that the last sentence shows a contradicting alteration: "the lions directed them in their path.” We believe this to have said “protected” because the same path had robbers along the way, per other scriptures. However, notice that if it only applied to the oxen, the lions directing the oxen does go with the order of the animals in the book of Disclosure (Revelation). But alterations like this " d̶i̶r̶e̶c̶t̶e̶d " mislead many people to believe the 'lion is the Lamb', and satanist lion-worshipper scribes are the source of this idea. The most famous alteration contributing to this is their mistranslation of Revelation 5:5 , but we will prove how scholars manipulated that scripture verse to favor the lion, not the Lamb. Even rebels and thugs believe the lion became the victor over the Lamb, branding this mistake in their bodies as tattoos. You're welcome to do an online search under images for "Revelation 5:5 tattoos" to see what we mean and look at the many despicable images of a lion eating the Lamb, lion over the Lamb, lion ruling over the Lamb, lion overcoming the Lamb, etc. No matter which, the original error of mistaking, even preferring the adversary lion for our Savior, the Lamb, threatens our Exemption because Passover means Exemption, and our Savior Yâhuwshúa` is our Passover Lamb, our Exemption. The satanists reject that Exemption. The lion Overcame, not the Lamb? The confusion is large among Christians because they are correctly taught to reckon all scriptures to be inspired and dependable, yet they are handed an undependable translation of a 66-book manuscript altered by scribal shorthand. The damage is less when the scripture still retains true meaning, so all scriptures, even in their establishment one (KJV), describe the Lamb as victorious in spite of having been slaughtered, for instance: Re 17:14 These shall make war with the Lamb , and the Lamb shall overcome them : for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful. Although this verse says something very different when restored, it nonetheless contains this: …The Lamb of Me , He shall win over the same ones (m.) … And knowing this to be true, how can Revelation 5: 5 be true as misrepresented by this world’s establishment “bible”? It reads: 5 (AV) And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof. Notice the KJV doesn’t even allege that the lion prevailed over the Lamb, only to open the book. But they capitalized “Lion”, something they did not do for the 1 Peter mention of the same lion being the adversary, because they identify this lion as our Savior! It says that one of the ones of Yâ-hwéh, of the elders, says, using pronouns for (subjects we identify), that: (the Lamb) Who conquered of Me is He Who has NO regard for the lion without regard for non-satanist middle yisrâ’ë´l, who are being (the impostor) who is NOT of the (spiritual) tribe of the Profession of Yâ-hwéh, being the heart (f.). She (the false heart not being the true profession of Yâ-hwéh), which is not the Root of Dâwíth , the worker of Goodness , is to open , in the middle not belonging to the ones (144K), the Scroll (The Living Scroll of the Living) of one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l) , even the ones (f.) (middle sister) not being The Fullness (f.) , (the impostor heart) being the seals of the same One (n.) (living Scroll) of the Son of yisrâ’ë´l .” But what is this “heart” that opens the living Scroll and to loose the seals? The KJV, though omitting “heart”, said it was the lion . That much is true, the lion is the false heart, the profession of the lion as being ‘Yâ-hwéh’, which the satanists teaching it to the un-full non-satanist middle sister do, to open their Scroll. But what is that “book” (scroll)? Other scriptures (The Glad Tidings of the Truth) explain that this scroll (“book”) nailed on the cross/tree of the non-satanist middle yisrâ’ë´l Christians, to claim them, is the Living Scroll of the Living , an emanation of the Son, and contains His names, and is His claim posted on them. What is this claim of ownership? Their spiritual constitution – the way they were made – to reject the mighty one of lucifer/aaron (light-carrier), once they manage to positively identify him. But the adversary, the lion , seeking to prevent them from reading it/realizing it, has sealed shut this Scroll with seven unclean seals of his own making. But in trying to unfurl their worship for the adversary impostor, “the foot”, his satanists infiltrating Christianity, they remove these unclean seals. This impostor lion, a false profession of Yâ-hwéh, is the false heart . And this false heart he is calling “Judeo-Christianity” is what is to take off those unclean seven seals off from that Living Scroll posted on non-satanist middle yisrâ’ë´l not belonging to the ones (the 144K). But in their efforts to transfer the middle non-satanists to worship their impostor lion using the false heart, when the coming one comes riding the bully-clouds (Nephilim) of his tempest (STORM) with his satanists to murder his opponents, although Christians have been told of a “Second Coming of Jesus”, the reality of the middle’s positive identification of that ‘lion of Judah’ calling himself “Jesus”, that “lion of Judah”, being satan, clashes with the non-satanist middle Christians’ very composition: they are non -satanists and have no regard for the mighty one of lucifer/aaron… whenever they manage to realize it is him. This is in their design and the “Plan” they are told to trust; their conversion to satanism failed there by degrees: their error/mistake ends, and they begin to seek the Most High elsewhere outside the lion. Thus, the Living Scroll did stake His claim. But the lion was not who conquered nor prevailed, nor is the lion Who is from the tribe of the Profession of Yâ-hwéh, though his false religion posing as our Savior does open his own unclean seals on their Living Scroll. How did the lion-worshipping satanist liars make their mistranslation of OUR scriptures be so far from the truth? Do not interpret that as a sign of weakness of the Most High, because this was worked into His plan, and He did inform us of it in many scriptures. Remember the masses, He talked to in parables because at that time, they could not handle the Truth of higher knowledge our Savior Yâhuwshúa` spoke to His 12 pupils (which included Wisdom, Miryâ´m the Migdâlâ´h, not Y e hu wth â´h “Judas”). Also, ever since then, and since earlier too, the masses of the middle were given a spiritually dumbed-down scripture the y could handle by the satanists, because by those unclean seals, they are sealed off from His names. By “dumbed-down,” we mean not containing the higher knowledge (gnosis) He shared with the 12 pupils. But the motivation of the satanists was greed for power, to keep them from learning His dual-names Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` and thus keep them from overcoming their god, the adversary. Even the adversary’s greed to get worshipped was used to open those seals. Here we show you how this was done in Revelation (Disclosure) 5: 5. The satanic scribal shorthand coding omitted the words in blue. Read the black bold words without the blue words, and you will see it matches what is found in the KJV, although they reorganized it, and reduced ‘conquered’ to ‘prevailed’: “Who conquered of Me [is] He Who [is] without regard for the lion [ ~sâţâ´n ] without regard for he who [is] originating from he who “I shall cause to exist of yisrâ’ë´l” , [ ~middle ] [being] the one ( n .) [ ~Yehuwthâ´h impostor ] not of the tribe (f.) of Yâhuwthâ´h (the Profession of Yâ-hwéh) [being] the heart (f.) …” KJV - “ the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed… ” But when you read the restored verse with the words in blue , you will see what it originally said. Translation issues were exploited by the satanists - The establishment "bible" Post-Advent scriptures (New Testament) were translated from Koine Greek. Koine Greek is an inflected language that uses parsing to modify words and express grammatical categories such as aspect, tense, case, voice, number, gender, person, and mood. In Greek mythology and commercial sneakers, you are probably already familiar with the Greek word “Nike,” associated with flight, speed, and victory. A form of this word is used in "Revelation" 5:5, and He/Who conquered/prevailed is correctly translated. But Who/who did it? Shouldn’t it be obvious that it is the Lamb Who overcame? Since they lied and made it the lying lion , those believing the satanist-establishment’s KJV to be infallible were taken in again, Mark Twain style, and instead of correcting it, reconcile the conquering Lamb with the impostor lion to ERR, to say ‘they are the same One.’ How can one expect scripture meanings to stay intact if all those blue words are omitted? By failing to correctly identify Who overcame, due to the mistake being these important blue omitted words , when restored, the Subject of “Who conquered” is identified by “He Who is without regard for the lion.” It becomes “He Who is… the lion” without the blue words . When the omission is restored, “Who conquered” refers to the Lamb, the Most High Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, our Savior. But the omission caused the misidentification of the Subject of the statement, the Lamb, to be mistaken for the lion instead. So accurately translating scripture missing 2/3 of its words cannot hope to retain its original meaning 100% of the time. Thus, by this one altered verse, did the adversary loser lion manage to persuade legions of gullible non-satanists for thousands of years, to errantly believe the lion must be the Lamb since they believed the lion overcame … The parsing form of this word, “ hath prevailed ” (overcame) in Revelation is: ἐνίκησεν (enikhēsen) A conjugation of Strong's word# 3528 νικάω (nikáō) – victor We share an example of this word's parsing from the Griesbach 1796 2nd Edition Translation and the Gri-05 Griesbach 1805 Manual Edition : The parsing (verb indicative aorist active 3rd person singular ) for νικάω in "Revelation 5:5" contains the pronoun 'He ,' being part of the word, and if the Greek with its omissions would have been written out, literally in the English establishment translations, it would have appeared as: “Who conquered … [is] he who [is] … the lion [ ~sâţâ´n ] … [is] He Who [is] originating from … ̶o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶(̶f̶.) [ ~routinely omitted by the establishment ] … of the tribe (f.) of Yâhuwthâ´h (the Profession of Yâ-hwéh) …” Revelation 5: 5 (BYZClassic) … και <2532> {CONJ } εις <1520> {A-NSM } εκ <1537> {PREP } των <3588> {T-GPM } πρεσβυτερων <4245> {A-GPM } λεγει <3004> (5719) {V-PAI-3S } μοι <3427> {P-1DS } μη <3361> {PRT-N } κλαιε <2799> (5720) {V-PAM-2S } ιδου <2400> (5628) {V-2AAM-2S } ε νικησ εν <3528 > (5 656) {V-AAI-3S } ο <3588> {T-NSM } λεων <3023> {N-NSM } ο <3588> {T-NSM } εκ <1537> {PREP } της <3588> { T-GSF } φυλης <5443> {N-GSF } ιουδα <2448> {N-GSM } η <3588> {T-NSF } ριζα <4491> {N-NSF } δαυιδ <1138> {N-PRI } ανοιξαι <455> (5658) {V-AAN } το <3588> {T-ASN } βιβλιον <975> {N-ASN } και <2532> {CONJ } τας <3588> {T-APF } επτα <2033> {A-NUI } σφραγιδας <4973> {N-APF } αυτου <846> {P-GSN } Textus receptus (usado por R-V) Apo.5:5 (IGNT) και <2532> {AND } εις <1520> {ONE } εκ <1537> {OF } των <3588> {THE } πρεσβυτερων <4245> {ELDERS } λεγει <3004> (5719) {SAYS } μοι <3427> {TO ME, } μη <3361> κλαιε <2799> (5720) {DO NOT WEEP. } ιδου <2400> (5628) {BEHOLD, } ενικησεν <3528> (5656) {OVERCAME  } ο <3588> {THE} λεων <3023> {LION } ο <3588> {WHICH] ων <5607> (5752) {IS } εκ <1537> {OF} της <3588> {THE } φυλης <5443> {TRIBE} ιουδα <2448> {OF JUDAH,} η <3588> {THE } ριζα <4491> {ROOT } δαβιδ <1138> {OF DAVID, [SO AS] } ανοιξαι <455> (5658) {TO OPEN } το <3588> {THE } βιβλιον <975> {BOOK, } και <2532> {AND } λυσαι <3089> (5658) {TO LOOSE } τας <3588> {THE } επτα <2033> {SEVEN } σφραγιδας <4973> {SEALS } αυτου <846> {OF IT. } See above, below the English literal translation, the shorthand Greek manuscript copy of Revelation 5: 5, as-is, without the omissions restored. Feel free to compare them to see their accuracy. We use the Byzantine Classic manuscript which is superior in accuracy to that of the “Textus Receptus” used by the KJV. That “Textus Receptus” differs from the better Byzantine Classic later in that verse, adding the word “to loose”. Basically, the first “he who” (ο <3588> {T-NSM  }) would have been thought to be the lion, because that “he who” is in the nominative case (T-NSM  ) , making it the subject , and that would make the lion also be qualifying to be part of the spiritual tribe of Yâhuwthâ´h too, without the omitted negation of it. Yet the main culprit of the mistaken identity, or more the lionists’ identity theft , is this one omission in blue: “Who conquered … [is] He Who [is] without regard for the lion [ ~sâţâ´n ] … [is] He Who [is] originating from … o̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶o̶n̶e̶ ̶(̶f̶.̶) [ ~routinely omitted by the establishment ] … of the tribe (f.) of Yâhuwth â´h (the Profession of Yâ-hwéh) … ” Because their translating an altered manuscript making the lion, sâţâ´n, appear to be the victor , it makes their audience reconcile that by suggesting he is also the Lamb . This is why they, the satanist establishment, have brought this mistranslated verse out to showcase it for their impostor, the adversary’s incarnation, ameliorating the evil lion and cleaning up his image. This way the impostor will, and has felt free to associate himself with the image of a lion. And one sees “the lion of Judah” about this impostor everywhere, not knowing this verse utterly contradicts this. In fact, satan is not included at all in all yisrâ’ë´l. But satan did not win the information war about his defeat by the Lamb on the cross resurrecting, as he could not similarly alter every other instance of the Lamb being our Savior, so instead of trying to beat Him, He tried instead to join Him by stealing His identity; this could have been prevented if the translators would not have been satanists. Because scholars had not yet figured out the satanists’ shorthand code to find those omissions, compounded by their unwillingness to stick to common sense that the Lamb prevailed and conquered, they neglected to correctly identify the Subject of Who conquered, even with the context, although because of this coding generally making Greek become nonsensical (“it’s all Greek to me” ) they have established their own method to always liberally translate their translations to force them to make sense. Greek is a complicated exact and precise language. It should not be handled that way. The reason the KJV was more accepted than others by the public was that they went to greater extremes of liberal translating to produce a scripture version that even seemed to be proper Shakespearean English. Therefore, they could have easily also liberally translated this on the side of truth. So, was this done knowingly ? In this case, see the consequences of their mistake, who benefits, and the allegiances of the establishment doing the translating, and you can know: it was done deliberately. And those middle non-satanists who knew the Lamb was the victor, did not stand up against the precedent made by the powerful establishment, continuing to make a victor also out of the lion loser . Although the word enikhēsen includes a pronoun in its meaning, they could have easily translated it liberally as they did the rest, to make the lion be an object of Who overcame by saying “Who conquered him, the lion…; without knowing the omission , but the context makes it clear. But here we speak hypothetically, about translators who may not have had the means to restore the omissions , what they should have done. But we are grateful for the increase in knowledge from Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, Who made it possible for us to find the full restored meanings of this decoded verse, and all similarly coded scripture, to know that the Lamb is Who overcame the lion , and to know for certain just in time to utterly reject the lion lie, even some already got lion tattoos. There is a point of no return. Even the current lion -worshippers, if they are among His finite perfect number, will repent at the End and be rescued. "And one of the elders says to me, Do not weep: look! He has VICTOR-ed OVER (conquered) the lion, the One [the Lamb] being from the tribe of Yâhuwthâ´h, Who is the Root of Dâwíth, to open the scroll and to release the seven seals of it." This is Yâhuwshúa`, the first Yisrael. In English, this Hebrew word applies foremost to Yahuwshua, Who was the First to overcome the demon-lion power (Yisrael) and the ones who follow His order of Priesthood. Yet many inspired scriptures consistently prove that the Lamb is Yâhuwshúa` and that the lion is satan. The ' lion is of Judah' is not the Spiritual Tribe of Yâhuwthâ´h The omissions discussed above also mislead readers to think that lion was of the tribe of “Judah”, and we have shown the negation was omitted. So what is the tribe of “Judah”? Because this world’s definitions are not the Truth. Let us look deeper than what you can easily find online written by the sheepherders for their consumption, because there are dozens of false definitions being made because everyone wants to be this, and they find a way to claim it incorrectly without studying the term. Although "Judah" is found written everywhere the Jews have written it as “ Y_huwthâ´h ” (יְהוּדָה) but is really Yâhuwthâ´h (יָהוּדָה) in Hebrew. The original term/name is Yâhuwthâ´h , and it means the "Profession of Yâ-hwéh ." Even this correct definition of this term is not found anywhere we know of, because it comes from analyzing the context and history of how Lë`â´h named her son, in restored scripture, and who has done that? You may find what she said in 1 Moshéh in our FPS translation. Why has it been hidden? Look at who benefited from hiding it. It has been hidden by those who first had interest in hiding the importance of professing Him correctly, and by those who preferred their own definition of it as identifying themselves, and could not reconcile their censorship of professing Yâ-hwéh with their calling themselves this, so they hid the definition. First look at how the Jews have rewritten it, altering it, as “ Y_huwthâ´h ” (יְהוּדָה), instead of Yâhuwthâ´h (יָהוּדָה). The reason for the underscore (_) omitting the vowel â is that the vowel letter “shwa” they substituted there is defined as a “silence”, to censor out the name Yâhuw-, the short form of Yâ-hwéh. So if one censors out Yâ-hwéh out of this word, no more is it a profession of Yâ-hwéh. Then by default, it goes to His adversary. In the same exact way, they currently teach to insert silences as underscores in the place of vowels, in words referring to the Most High in the minds of followers of the religions they control, even if those words aren’t really His names at all. Yet they keep their censorship secret by transliterating the silence as an “e”, writing “ Yehudah ”, which more of you must have seen as a very frequent name among them and the name they call their tribal religion, but we, seeing what they actually write in Hebrew, we will transcribe it here exactly as we see it written by them, with the underscore. It is contributory and helpful also, to know that “Y_huwthâ´h” is the name satan gave himself , as the impostor to come to impersonate our Savior. In fact, the fall of mankind was because the adversary within the serpent told this term to the dirt-man ("Adam"), who switched to it, and causing-life ("Eve") was deceived to believe this lie. They had known that the Fruit on the Tree/cross is Yâhuwshúa`, Who is the true Profession of Yâ-hwéh (Yâhuwthâ´h). But this lie “y_huwthâ´h” was the rotten fruit they ingested instead – not an "apple" or any other material fruit. Before you look that up in your KJV’s Genesis, know that suffered from their scribal omission code too. Shouldn’t we be informed? Who benefited from our not knowing? The satanists who wanted to keep non-satanists under their authority. Y_huwthâ´h was also the name used by “Judas” (who turned in our Savior to the authorities of this world), and the same name used by Jews to call themselves, Judah – and is the personhood (incarnation) of sâțâ´n and his chosen tribe. The cause of the fall of mankind is the exact error that many believe in today, the error of thinking that the ‘ lion of Judah ’ is the Lamb. Identity theft. Y_huwthâ´h (“Judas”) even hung himself on a tree also, albeit with a rope, to falsely imitate our Savior Yâhuwshúa`, but the lion did not get the Anastasis – the Standing in the middle – and never will have Standing in the sight of the Most High. That Greek term is mistranslated as “resurrection”, which is simply material coming back to life in the same body. The adversary, whose incarnation was this Y_huwthâ´h (“Judas”) he announced while in the serpent, has come back to life though not in the same dirt-body, in a similar one, as his antichrist impostor incarnation. Though reincarnation is not resurrection, it is the way satan alleges eternal life, so he has also made a cross-like image to represent that, the Ankh: the combination of a womb and the male organ. Identity theft; the shallow fall for it. Are there Royal lions ? The royals of the Most High are spiritually winged-creatures, not lions, and are His 144,000 children, who have acknowledged Him by His dual-names. But this is hardly ever heard, if at all. Whenever these, the royalty is mentioned in scripture, they translated it as the alternate translation: “kingdom”. But when the world hears of the “royals” of this world, who are instead determined by bloodlines and DNA material ancestry, their entire context is filled with lions, everywhere, even in their architecture. Why? Because they serve the lion, and thus they needed to clean up the lion’s bad image as you saw above. Didn’t you ever wonder why there are lions, not the Lamb, in the British royals' heraldry? The royals of this world are spiritual reptiles claiming to be the continuation of the bloodline of the kings of "Judah," (taking a detour through Teatifi) using mocking Lions in their heraldry because their self-serving KJV "Genesis" 49 customized mistranslation also makes Judah be lions. Bloodlines of material carnal ancestry are the methods of the adversary, not the Most High, but ev en currently, the British royal bloodline is known to be extremely corrupted and disqualifying, in order to introduce the adversary’s antichrist incarnation as the one they will cede to, by design and even prediction in their scripture. Guess who is the lion in this crest? an swer The Winged-Creatures "Phoenixes" vs the lions (aryans) First let us disclaim any racial implications of this, although it is known that the adversary has a preference for the blond blue-eyed look for himself, thinking to look impressive. The four spiritual animals (living-creatures KJV) of yisrâ’ë´l are, in order of mention, are also in order of their descent into the darkness: 1 - lionlike (aryans) – The satanists, the elite of this world 2 - catlike (beast of burden, Christians) 3 - dirt-manlike (heathens) 4 - winged-creatures 'eaglelike' – the children of the Most High, to be disclosed (in sh’ówl), the chosen 144,000 All four are of one overcoming the demon (yisrâ’ë´l), and they are being returned up, restored to the Light in the reverse order. Therefore, the first will be last, and the last will be first . Is the lion our Savior? The following video presentation is dedicated to the middle Christian sister. Take note that even in non-decoded scriptures verses, the Lamb, Yâhuwshúa`, is our Savior, not the lion . Yâhuwshúa` our true Savior, is identified to be the Lamb . Our “Passover” Lamb, our Exemption from death. All who accept Him pertaining to Him either were Redeemed, or will be Ransomed from death, not merely the death of these temporary dirt bodies. So He was slaughtered yet He lives, and is putting into effect all the Work He did. And all those refusing the Lamb, the satanists, do not get that Exemption, they die at the end, and are rescued from death. And by His Work He overcame the lion adversary who had swallowed us all, but was overcome by the Lamb. But what is the lion ? We have identified him as the adversary, but little is taught about the horrific nature of this villain, to accommodate the establishment’s equating the lion to the Lamb. In all inspired scriptures, satan, the hideous lion, is the one who beats and harms us; the lion is the tyrant, the adversary, and the king of this material world. It is also written that a collection of lamentations was dedicated to our Yâ-hwéh, the Father of the Lights, by one of His spiritual emanations which descended into this darkness due to being deceived by the lion beast. Her recorded words, are known as the "Psalms," and were done in her tears of repentance. The accuser (diabolous in Greek, from which comes “devil”) being the one that goes by many names because he was not named at all by our Father, being the spawn of shame (yaldabaoth); an abandoned, aborted fetus who was not fathered nor consented to by Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`. In order to come to exist of one overcoming the demon, yisrâ’ë´l, the ones being restored to Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, happens when He calls one by the name He has given to them, then these in turn will acknowledge Him in return and come into existence (everlasting life). But the fact that the adversary is illegitimate, a bastard (mamzër), means the its time remaining is limited. So it has thus taken many names, and one of these many titles the lion goes by is gâd-ariy’ë´l ("gadariel"). Gâd ("god") means the same as a daemon in Greek, fortune-distributor, and is the specific name of an idol worshipped by Bâvél. We will analyze it below. God + ariel = Gadariel We just said above that Gâd (“God”) means the same as daemon in Greek: fortune-distributor, and is the specific name of an idol worshipped by Bâvél. But your establishment “Holy Bible” is full of it, as referring to the Most High, where would you go to find verification of this? You have to go to the Hebrew scriptures to find it, and check the LXX Septuagint translation of the earlier original, as restored, to find what it truly said. Here: Yshá`Yâhuw (“Isaiah”) 65:11 – Restored per morphologically analyzed Septuagint: “ However, ye of Yâ-hwéh not the ones, are the ones (m.) deserting Me within, to send Me away of yisrâ’ë´l, and the ones (m.) having neglected belonging to the ones not being the transferring mountain belonging to the ones (m. ) not being pure of Me, though of one overcoming the demon ( yisrâ’ë´l ) . The ones (m.) preparing the strength, not of the ones (m.) , are pertaining to the “ God ” (גַּד (daimoni) Fortune-distributor) 20 [ ~ ‘twin tens’/ ‘twin riches’ ] to adhere to a food-menu of yisrâ’ë´l, also the ones (m.) supplying the one (f.) [ ~sister ] not with the fortune (f.) , being the poured-out drink [ ~libation ] ” But the reason we brought this verse here is to point out that the satanists are pertaining to “God” (Fortune-distributor) in their worship, and while enjoying the fortune, and handing over the middle sister to be poured out as a drink offering though not supplying them the fortune. “God” means demon, and in LXX it has daimoni there. So satanists know who they are talking about when they say “God” though Christians are mistakenly saying the same term while pertaining to the Most High in their minds. Ask a satanist freemason and he’ll tell you “God” is the letter “G” shown on the Masonic symbol, to enjoy the approval of the deceived Christians. Depending on their audience they will also allege that G letter means "great architect," "geometry," and also "god," all still pointing to satan. But we know definitively, that is short for “Gadariel”, because that G is interchangeable with a lion’s head. Why would this mean it’s “Gadariel”? We explain: "That same instant I stood up, I saw a great angel before me; his hair was spread out like a lioness. His teeth were outside of his mouth like a bear. His hair was spread out like a women's. His body was like a serpent's when he wished to swallow me. And when I saw him, I was afraid." – (Apocryphal) TsphanYâ´hu 6:8 As seen in the quoted restored reference Yshá`Yâhuw 65: 11, the fortune-distributor, “God”, being worshipped by those about to pour out the middle sister as a libation, is the adversary, so he, satan, actually does get called "God”. This is the first part of “Gadariel”, and ariy’ë´l ("Ariel") means "lion of the demonic-power (’ël)” in `Ivríyth "Hebrew." It is found in Strong's Concordance Hebrew lexicon entry #739, and ’aríy being “lion” in #738. Therefore “Gadariel”, the 'G' in the satanic freemason symbol, means “Demon-lion of the demonic-power”. No wonder freemasons shush each other to not tell what that 'G' means, or the lion-head. What they worship is an embarrassment. Yshá`Yâhuw (“Isaiah”) 29:1-7 mentions ’ariy’ë´l, the lion of the demonic-power, as the part of the spiritual City of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, which erred the Beloved One, the Worker of Goodness, and fought. When the non-satanist middle is ‘being’ the impostor, having his false heart, they are being this one, ’ariy’ë´l, and this helps explain this passage in scriptures. It is about the Christians and non-satanist middle, and what is to happen with the ones above and the satanists underneath. It is only understood correctly when restored. This passage is amazing and pertinent and we strongly recommend reading it as restored, from FPS, downloadable from this website. However, to hide this passage and its meanings from everybody, the adversary made material analogues in the geographical area of his analogue Yisrâ’ë´l, for everything scripture mentions, to create historical events in our distant past, so that people who see the altered scriptures would associate it with ancient historical events instead of our future. Reading any worldly scholar’s interpretation of this passage will tell you of Moab being the biological grandson of Lot, fathered by his mother’s own biological father Lot, explaining the name Moab being “from his own father”, and Moab thus being a biological tribe of people in antiquity. So, they would call that Moab analogue, ’ariy’ë´l’s people, as if that prophecy is fulfilled completely and ignorable, problem solved, keep walking. Thus also, the name of the capital of Moab, Rabbath Moab, was also called Areopolis (lion city) , although ’ariy’ë´l’s city is currently satanist Jerusalem, and stands to try to recruit the transferring mountain of ‘Judeo-Christianity’. But in spiritual reality, as the Christian non-satanist middle yisrâ’ë´l sister has the inability to have regard for Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, their Christianity also becomes the errant part of the City which currently is of the lion of the demonic-power, ’ariy’ë´l, sâţâ´n, until they might come to exist, acknowledging Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` after the selection/separation. More About Gadariel , Outside the Establishment's Canon Many have written about Gâd-’ariy’ë´l ("Gadariel"), giving further clues they knew it was another title for sâţâ´n: The higher-knowledge "gnostic" codices found in the Nag Hammadi Library say G'dariy'ë ´l is a "craftsman" ("lower creator"/"architect") – A "demiurge" means a craftsman. Not the Inventor of a new form but the imposer of pre-existing forms and formless materials. This is a reference to the adversary. The Hypostasis (Substance) of the Archons : In Not in His image , John Lash describes the maker of this material chaos by quoting the Berlin codex as "having a lion-like [body] with the head of a drakona, a reptile." “…When foolish Wisdom desired to cause the thing that had no spirit to be formed into a likeness and to rule over matter and over all her forces, there appeared for the first time a ruler, out of the waters, lion-like in appearance, androgynous, having great authority within him, and ignorant of whence he had come into being." Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa said, in his book Of Occult Philosophy, Book III (part 3) , "Ariel is the name of an angel, and is the same as the lion of god (fortune); sometimes also it is the name of an evil Demon, and of a City which is thence called Ariopolis, where the Idol Ariel was worshipped." Easton's Bible Dictionary defines Ariel as "the lion of God." Easton adds that Ariel is a "symbolic name for Jerusalem." ’ariy’ë´l is called both a prince who rules the waters and "earth's great lord" "A wielder of the fire of gold" - a lion-headed deity or demon with power over the Earth." Isn’t it sinister how the adversary also twisted the meaning of this lion to seem good? ’ël which means demonic-power became “God”, which is accepted by establishment Christianity as pertaining to the Most High. However, some misleading transliterations of Gâd-’ariy’ë´l appear in scripture translations and commentary: The blue letter bible lexicon says Gadreel, Gaderel (in Heb. גדר האל "gader ha-ël," literally "wall of God ") (or G'adri'el) – are detours away from the Truth, derived from "gader": to wall up or off, to build a wall - Pronunciation gä·dār' (Key) גָּדֵר It seems these desperately wanted to dissociate “God” from “Gadariel”, since the Strong’s Concordance’s Hebrew Lexicon exposed that term in their entries #1408/1409, to try to clean up the image of the adversary. Whenever anyone abandons Yâhuwshúa`, Who is Yâ-hwéh, to follow after the lion (the things of this world), the lion devours this person, and then he becomes part of the separated city of the lion of the demonic-power, ’ariy’ë´l . Believe in the Lamb , for He is Who overcame, and He is our Sovereign and our Savior Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, so abandon the liar loser lion who He overcame. Are You Still Believing that the lion is the Lamb? back to top "I have come in my Father's name [ Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` ] , and you do not accept Me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him." - Yâhuwchânâ´n "John" 5:43

  • Gnostic Glossary | Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`

    Gnostic Glossary Understanding Gnostic Scriptures Codices BACK TO TOP Helpful Sources & Links (not cited in glossary): T. Desmond Alexander (Editor), David W. Baker Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch: A Compendium of Contemporary David Lyle Jeffrey, A Dictionary of Biblical Tradition in English Literature Gesenius Thesaurus PhiloCriticoVT. Lat.ed.1835. LexHebChaldOTS. Tregelles.1857.4vols. Flavius Josephus of the Antiquities of the Jews The Hebrew Word הממך and the Root d-m-m I ("To Be Silent") Ha’adam: Adam, man or human - The Importance of Interpretation in Biblical Translation - A pro-graduate thesis page 26 The Hebraic-Roots Version Scriptures - Revised Edition Containing The Tanak and Ketuvim Netzarim An Original Translation Made Directly from Ancient Hebrew and Aramaic Sources MATTER DOES NOT MATTER; ONLY YÂ-HWÉH YÂHUWSHÚA` ’S REALITY MATTERS

  • Divided house of satan | Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`

    THE DIVIDED HOUSE OF sâţâ´n Disclaimer – we proclaim the true Most High, Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, not the unnamed bastard error, the adversary (ha-sâţâ´n) who poses as Him falsely. This page aims to show how all this identity theft is being worked by the Most High for the benefit of all of us. This page also identifies various agents working for the adversary, but our identifying them does not mean we support their designated opponents either. Politics: the hostages supporting the hostage-taker When demons have a civil war (between themselves), do not be fooled to join to support a side. That is the Hegelian dialectic made simple. This was the message of Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There, of Tweedledum and Tweedledee deciding to have a battle, while being indistinguishable from each other in reality. Do not support one, they are both working against you. The exposure of evil is the mission of non-satanists we know as the middle sister, who do not know the Solution, Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`. They may know variable amounts of the information on this subject. But the full Truth will awaken the ones (m.) who are His children , whereas the middle sister will only be able, in this life, to wake up enough to realize who is the enemy: ha-sâţâ´n (the adversary), and reject him. “Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it”; and in this case, it is being exploited because everybody forgets their past life before another biological birth, but we can be reminded of what happened, to not repeat the errors, and escape that condemnation. The purpose of scriptures is to remind history to everyone able to be reminded, so when you hear of the “New World Order”, you will understand why it is being called that. Currently, the establishment’s “conservatives” (Tweedledee ) inform their followers that it was a term coined by George Herbert Walker Bush, and being repeated by the worst left-wing satanist establishment authorities (Tweedledum ), as being “the enemy”, and they point at the inscription under the pyramid, in the reverse side of the “Great Seal” on the US “Federal Reserve” private central bank’s one-dollar bill, saying “Novus Ordo Seclorum”, as meaning this “New World Order” in Latin. They are told it is exclusively a left -wing world-government thing. So, their “right -wing” conservative followers despair when their side does not effectively work against it. The Hegelian dialectic prevents the public opinion which is being manipulated, from knowing the full truth, to prevent effective resistance to the manipulation. In other words, they are still being kept in the dark, while both Tweedledum and Tweedledee are both working for their boss, ha-sâţâ´n (the adversary), to establish his New World Order. Needless to add, both sides are satanists, the “conservative” side just pretending to represent the non-satanists. All governments and world authorities permitted to establish in this world are satanist, openly or “in the closet”, and as such, are not representative of the far more numerous non-satanist middle they rule over, due to the middle’s deprivation from the names of the Most High which would make these overcome ha-sâţâ´n (the adversary) and all his authorities: Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`. What does "New World Order" mean? The full truth about the “New World Order” is far more ancient than even the satanists themselves. It is older than mankind itself. The term “World” is the English translation of the Greek word “cosmos ”, which means “organized arrangement”. The true cosmos is the original eternal one made by the Most High in the eternal realm of Light, before the darkness happened. It is His organization of all the finite perfect number of ones He conceived in His Mind, organized in a hierarchy, according to His assessment of each member according to His knowledge of what went into their composition. Each will fulfill his potential, and be reestablished at the End. But at the Beginning, being freshly made, they did not have the experience to back up their knowledge, and the adversary tore down most of these members to fall and become his hostages in this realm of darkness. And the adversary, the hostage-taker, had prepared a ‘hostage-dungeon’ imitation cosmos in this realm of darkness, to make the ones he blindfolded by burying them into dirt-bodies, be deceived to think that this is the true cosmos , the true organized arrangement, the only “world” they remember. But this world (cosmos) is upside-down , because the worst of the worst, the adversary ‘ha-sâţâ´n’, has made himself the top capstone of it all. And the best of its occupants, the non-satanists, are set underneath of all his evil bottom-dweller authorities are set beneath them in the lower brick-levels of his pyramid. The children of the Most High are reckoned as the least, and when they are reactivated to overcome and not be under the authority of the adversary, these are freed from the pyramid. But this upside-down “organized arrangement” (cosmos) is a New World Order, not the Old one, because the history of the old one was hidden even from half of the demons of the house of the adversary ‘ha-sâţâ´n’. And this New World Order is not completed yet, it needs the help of the hostages to establish it, thus the adversary recruits their support, even having them pray for him, because the adversary pretends to be “conservative”, against his left-wing controlled opposition. The misconception of the adversary, and how his house was divided – History in scriptures: The reason the current world order has not been completed is because the Old World Order w as divided . This is why our Savior Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` said ab out the house of sâţâ´n, that it was “divided against itself”. It was divided because of a truth that was revealed, and which set all the adversary’s demons he made up to that point against him. Thus, the history of this, is kept suppressed as much as the adversary can, as he works to join and re-establish a New World Order, undivided, under himself, using both divisions of the Old one he had and fumbled. So here we remind you of this suppressed history, not even found in the 66 books which the satanist “church fathers” cherry-picked to be found among their list of ones approved for public consumption (canon). From these scriptures, you can understand what the NWO which has come out of the satanists’ closet means. If you might ask yourself, “how can a man who was not there recount this history?”, understand the Most High in the Light never forgot it, and it is He, Who spoke it to the writers taking dictation, and all their accounts agree (Wherever discrepancies occur in the available translations, it stems from errors or alterations done by the scholars transcribing/translating it through the chain of custody). The adversary is a jealous demon; he does not ever repent from this; he was designed to be a temporary, inferior, envious, and treacherous villain and never “de-prickify” (yes, he even has images of himself as a prick made, called steeples and obelisks and other phallic worship). Why is he this way? When She misconceived him in her own mind, Wisdom was thinking in the interests of the lights, of how to develop them from underdeveloped seedlings to knowingly loving the Most High and preferring good to evil – by experience. So, the evil villain to be ultimately rejected had to be temporary . And thus, it had to have all the fatal flaws of foolishness to be irredeemable. And part of the evil package is deceiving everyone with nonstop lies. So, the misled flock is not told where to look for the truth, and being told the scriptures where that is still discernable is “satanist,” “gnostic,” a term referring to higher knowledge. Instead of the canonical “Genesis”, a much better account of the creation from the start is in the Secret Book of Yâhuwchânâ´n (John) , several translations of which are found at the Nag Hammadi Library. We disclaim the false terms used in their quotes, namely, the capitalization of “yaldabaoth” which is the Aramaic way of saying “yaldabosheth” in Hebrew, which means “the spawn of shame” in English and describes its impact on Wisdom, its mother. And “God, ” though literally meaning “demon” in Hebrew, is a standard establishment scribe substitute for the Hebrew term ’ël , its plural ’ e l ohíym , and its Greek translation theos, all which exclusively mean a demonic-type power/mighty one. See, the el ohíym is wrong page. In it, you will find the lie sâţâ´n said: “Yaldabaoth modeled his creation On the pattern of the original realms above him So that it might be just like the indestructible realms. [Not that he had ever seen the indestructible ones. Rather, the power in him, deriving from his mother, made him aware of the pattern of the cosmos above.] When he gazed upon his creation surrounding him He said to his host of demons The ones who had come forth out of him: “ I am a jealous God and there is no God but me! ” [But by doing this he admitted to his demons that there is indeed another God. For, if there were no other God, whom would he possibly be jealous of?]” - The Apocryphon of John © 2005 by Stevan Davies When the misconceived error, the adversary, was first self-aware, he was too self-centered to even wonder from where his origins were. Ever since he was exposed as not being the only one, and inferior, he has never conceded it and worked the fog of ignorance in his favor to convince them of his ancient lie that he is the only One, posing as the Most High he is not. “He is blasphemous through his thoughtlessness. He said “ I am God, and there is no God but me! ” Since he didn’t know where his own power originated.” - The Apo cryphon of John © 2005 by Stevan Davies How the adversary lost his Old World Order – History in scriptures: In the ‘Reality of the Rulers’ – The beginning of this material chaos was caused by an error Wisdom (Sophia, who is called Pistis) ha d made, who wanted to create something alone, without her Partner, [Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`]. Out of her thoughts, she projected a demonic cloud creature who derived out of matter, like an aborted fetus. It assumed a shape molded out of the shadow and became an arrogant beast resembling a lion. Opening his eyes, he saw a vast quantity of endless matter, and he turned arrogant, saying, “I am god, and there is no one but me.’ When he said this, he erred against the all. And a voice was heard from the dimension of Light saying, “ You are wrong samael (blind god).” The arrogant ruler, who took great power from his mother, left her, and moved away from where he was born. He took control and created emanations and other dimensions within the dimensions of darkness, with luminous fire, which still exists today. “Moving away” from his mother Wisdom means spiritually and not materially geographically nor spatially. And the term “exists” as used by the translator should be changed to a temporary term, as “exist” has been used to describe that which is eternal. Nothing the temporary and corrupt adversary makes is eternal as he cannot exceed his temporary self in his corruptible temporary creations, like making a sand-castle where the tide is coming in, since the darkness has an expiration date: 7000 years (7 great days). “ samael ”? What is “ samael ”? According to Three Forms of Fi rst Thought (quoted later), this major event, caused the adversary to “lose all credibility and loyalty: his created lower rulers moved away from the chief creator ”, causing the end of the order of his original (imitation) cosmos, and the division of his house. It was not merely due to him not being the Most High, nor for being a created thing, ins tead, it happened because of something far worse, due to the true meaning of the term you saw which they rendered as “ samael ”. Our rendition and translation of shammiy’ë´l is based on the new understanding of Hebrew Strong’s #08037 שַׁמָּא‎ Shamma’ sham-maw ’ meaning desert, also related to #08047 שַׁמָּה‎ shammah sham-maw ’ meaning ‘deserted thing’, ‘desolation’. And since the Hebrew ’ë´l, אֵ֥ל means an exclusively demonic power (See the ’elohíym is not my Yâ-hwéh page ), when “ samael ” is rendered this way, שַׁמִּיאֵ֥ל, it would spell “shammiy’ë´l”, which has a different and even more logical and pertinent meaning: “ demonic-power deserted-by-Me ”. When the adversary’s created lower rulers hea rd this, they not only realized that their creator lied, and was merely something created, but also that he was utterly deserted by Goodness and Light, which meant there was absolutely no hope for them either. This meaning is exa ctly what describes this unacknowledged bastard demonic-power, and it completely explains what happened to him after that event – the adversary was also deserted by all the demons he had created up to that point. Take note that this meaning is quite pertinent to the situation and the event, whereas the “samael” rendering, calling him “blind ” is hardly relevant at all, which was the translation offered by the establishment scholars. Merely being blind would not explain the extreme reaction of all his demons, to give up all hope in him and abandon his Old World Order. Is it any wonder that all the satanist establishment and its authorities have completely covered up the true meaning of this word? As usual, they also attempt to allege their ‘samael’ rendition to be a formal name given to it by the Most High, Who never will give the adversary a formal name. And though all these world authorities admit it refers to the adversary, some of them laughably also say he used to be “an archangel”: this deserted demonic power who never even was in the Light. Though the satanic world authorities misinterpret ‘samael’ as being a formal name also, we see this mistake having happened only for them to have written a transliteration for it, not a translation, to preserve the fact that the original scripture was in Hebrew, and to be an information time capsule for those understanding, to know what it meant without the distortion done by scribes not knowing nor acknowledging Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`. Remember the term ‘samael’ is not a formal name, it is a generic term, although the adversary misled his media apps to auto-correct it for people typing it to capitalize it. Similar to this, The Mother who made the error, being called “Pistis”, or “Sophia”, does not have this as Her formal name either. It is Greek, yet neither is its Hebrew version Her formal name. “Pistis” means the belief or the faith or the persuasion. “Pistis Sophia”, as it is often found untranslated from Greek, would mean, ‘the belief/faith/persuasion [of] Wisdom’, Wisdom being an emanation of Yâ-hwéh, not a formal name. This is why we translate it to English. Thus, we should translate shammiy’ë´l as “ demonic-power deserted by Me ” and not make it a proper noun, nor even a “blind demon”, though that is true, according to other scriptures. But how did they come up with their rendition “samael”, and their translation of it as “blind god”? There is no remaining Hebrew documentation, only Greek, of which was the Hebrew letter which had produced the S sound of “samiel” in Hebrew, and the “s” can be produced from either the letter Ç ס or the S/SH ש letter. Though they do not consider the codices, regarding other instances of samael, a Jewish source says these things about it, which is likely being reckoned in the scholars’ translating the codices’ mention of it as meaning “blind god” (we disclaim their references to the Most High as being “ God ”, or of him ever being with Him, to turn against Him): “The Greek version of Enoch used by the Byzantine Syncellus retained the form Σαμιέλ (Samiel). This form still retains the original meaning derived from the word sami (סמי), meaning blind, an etymology which was preserved in various Jewish and non-Jewish sources until the Middle Ages.” “The name first appears in the account of the theory of angels in the Ethiopic Book of Enoch 6, which includes the name, although not in the most important place, in the list of the leaders of the angels who rebelled against God. The Greek versions of the lost Hebrew text contain the forms Σαμμανή (Sammane) and Σεμιέλ (Semiel). The latter form takes the place of the name Sam ael in the Greek work of the Church Father Irenaeus in his account of the Gnostic sect of the Ophites (see below; ed. Harvey, I, 236).” These various sources are unaware that the Hebrew ’ë´l, אֵ֥ל means an exclusively demonic power; and when translating it as “god”, this misdirects it to allegedly originate from the Most High when it does not . The location of the contained chaos of darkness and its mock cosmos made by the adversary: This entire situation raises many questions whic h are unanswered in traditional Christianity. How can there be two cosmos (“worlds”), one in the Light, and another in the darkness, and none of the darkness have bee n in the Light? Why is the Light not threatened by the darkness? Why can’t it ever enter the Light though the ones of the Light can go throughout the darkness? Why do none of the divided house of sâţâ´n enter the Light? All restored scriptures say the adversary was misconceived in the darkness and was never in the Light. The adversary made his own imitation cosmos within the darkness, and the darkness is contained, whereas the Light is not contained nor limited. This reality is the opposite of what the material versions of “darkness” and “light” are in this cosmos. The spiritual containment of the true darkness is done by the spiritual barrier of the Testimony, which is an affixed-affirmation (“firmament”) of the ones (m.), which separates between yisrâ’ë´l of the middle, and the (living) Water of yisrâ’ë´l. This affixed-affirmation is called the dual-names of yisrâ’ë´l, Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, which partitions off from he who is without regard for the demonic-power of lucifer/aharón (“aaron”), those of yisrâ’ë´l outside and those not of yisrâ’ë´l. So, without this “firmament” (affirmation) nothing in the darkness can enter the Light, though ones in the Light can tour among the darkness. Thus, neither the adversary, nor any of his creations in his mock cosmos, can ever enter the Light, as none can have it. And even yisrâ’ë´l outside which does not have the “firmament”, cannot re-enter the Light until they are capacitated for it. The image below illustrates this containment of the darkness described a 4-dimensional container. Dimensions are defined as limitations, and the fourth being time duration: the darkness was granted a duration of 7000 years. Then it ends with all that is in it, since the evacuation of all yisrâ’ë´l from it will make its lack of light cause it to implode. “As I entered a lit room, although I did not see lights, windows, or walls, I saw a cylinder-type white tube floating in the middle. I wondered why it was in the room. My initial reaction was ‘looks like a telescope,’ and I thought to ask what it was, and before I could communicate, a voice told me to “look inside” it, and I, without asking any questions, allowed my Mind to project inside of it. While inside the tube, my Mind assessed the vast expanse of darkness. I had understood that the cylinder serves as a pressurized vacuum, keeping darkness from spreading into the Light.” - Yâhuw’a`íyd The various scriptural explanations of the temporary darkness is explained by this vision’s illustration. The darkness is contained within an impermeable barrier preventing the infiltration of the darkness into the Light: the "Firmament", which is the affixed affirmation which is the testimony of the dual-names of the Most High, Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwsh‎úa`. The darkness is thus made temporary, constrained and contained in dimensions, which are limitations, whereas the Light has none such limitations. The first three dimensions are apparently unlimited like a 'holodeck', and the fourth is time, the duration of which is portrayed in this model cylinder, viewed from outside of it, as length. It was granted to persist for the duration of seven great days, which inside appear as 7,000 years. Yâhuwsh‎úa` descended into the cylinder containing darkness to do His Work midway between the Flood judgment and the End, in the year 4000. Thus, He did this in the middle of everything, to be the End of the descent of the cosmos of Light into the darkness, and the Beginning of the restoration and reemergence of the cosmos of Light out of the darkness. This container and its contents can also be likened to a Matrix , the incubator thought up to develop the undeveloped seedlings, misconceived by Wisdom when She strayed into the darkness. How the adversary hid the debacle: he attributed his own ridiculous quote to the Most High [Note in the following quote: ‘god’ would have been ’ë´l in Hebrew, meaning “demonic-power”, or if indeed it had said ‘god’ (Hebrew Strong’s #1408/1409), that would mean “fortune-distributor”, which in Greek is “daemonion/daemon”. Note also that since the adversary took creative powers from his mother, the term “creator” is not specific to the Most High as claimed by some mistaken ones.] Three Forms of First Thought – Yâhuwshúa`’s exalted voice causes a great disturbance in all the material dimensions, and all the rulers gather to confront the chi ef creator . They said to him, “What kind of boasting is this? Didn’t we hear you say, “ I am god, and I am your father, and it is I who produced you , and there is no other but me ’? They realized their creator was a created creature, and he lost all credibility and loyalty. These created lower rulers moved away from the chief creator before they were “forcibly imprisoned and taken down to the bowels of the underworld.” “But wait a minute,” Christians might ask, “according to the [satanic] establishment-authorized Bible, wasn’t this quote supposedly said by our Father, according to Exodus 20: 5, Exodus 34: 14, Deuteronomy 4: 24, 5: 9, 6: 15, Joshua 24: 19, even Nahum 1: 2?” Yes, but the chain of custody of these scriptures permitted the satanists to alter them with their systematic abbreviating code, which changed their meanings. And sâţâ´n wanted them all to say that it was the Most High, our Yâ-hwéh Who said it, so we might be fooled to think sâţâ´n is the Most High, and to cover up the debacle. Yet this quote sho uld be recognizable to ones knowing our Savior, that it was not Him saying it. The term for “jealousy,” also means “envy,” which describes the proud adversary, who intensely envies the Most High. It knows it is inferior, incapable of being any better in any way, yet believes in nunquam concedere , never concede, which is his motto on his crest he made for himself. It knows it is not the least of the ones of the feet, so it considers itself the flip-flop thong sandal (“tied-on sole”) binding itself to the feet (Exodus 3: 5). So how does it pretend to be the Top? By making his ‘cosmos’ upside down, where he is the capstone, and where our Savior Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, the Upholder of all, our Foundation, appears to be at the bottom, disparaged by the adversary, not fitting in at all. In summary: the adversary (ha-sâţâ´n) made this world (cosmos) and ruled it as its god (demon); he lied, then the Most High exposed his lie, and the debacle divided his house. But he still wants everyone to ‘wake up ’ to believe his original lie; he said he is “the power, the only one, and a jealous one.” But to give his lie credibility, he and his satanist followers teach Christianity that it was the Most High Who said it! And meanwhile, the first batch of created rulers who turned against him, of the members of sâţâ´n’s divided house, currently occupies positions of power within this material chaos, as controlled opposition in the demonic civil war. How mankind became the annulment of the adversary – History in scriptures: In the ‘Secret Book of John ’, the arrogant ruler creates a body in the image of the Most High, made from earth. He does so, but the human is merely material and lies on the ground, incapable of rising. So, he hears a voice to breathe life into the dirt body. In the Three Forms of First Thought , Yâhuwshúa` says the chief creator of ignorance reigned over material chaos and the underworld and produced a dirt man in His likeness. Still, he did not know that his creation be a decree of his annulment, nor did he recognize the power (Wisdom) that was (with-)in him. Note that “ignorance” means the absence of acknowledgment of the Most High. The meaning of the “annulment” of the adversary was that, by his blowing out the last non-renewable vestige of Light left in him by his mother Wisdom, venting it on the dirt-man likeness to make it in turn to be a living néphesh, the adversary was made to be absolutely devoid of any residual Light and thus annulled. And the adversary not recognizing the power that was in him meant that the adversary did not acknowledge the power being from the Light that had been in him prior to blowing It out; he literally “blew it”. “The arrogant ruler wanted to recover the power he had passed on to the first dirt body, but he was unable to, so he thought to cause a deep sleep – a loss of sense, making the dirt man’s mind sluggish, to neither understand nor discern, which can be passed down to generations.” The adversary sought to recover the vestige of Light he lost, but being unable to do so, his plan B was to prevent the loss of his hostages by enforcing the adage whoever forgets history is condemned to repeat it, by worsening the forgetfulness in the material dirt-flesh bodies which is his domain, within which he buries us. But for certain, after losing his vestige of Light, his limited view became total blindness to true Light, making him indeed a blind demon. What are the divisions of the divided house of the adversary? In the usual divide and conquer and misdirection strategy, the adversary does divide the non-satanists in groups, but his house is basically divided into those dissident demons which prece ded his debacle exposure being against him, and the loyal demons he made afterwards supporting him. Since all demons are unable to be greater than he is, none of those dissident demons turning against him are turning to the Most High. So, since the dissident demons cannot overcome the adversary, they decided instead to try to obstruct the End. The End of the adversary also inversely resembles his beginning, so all the demons will join back to him, and implode without there being anything good in him. And the way the dissident demons thought to prevent his New World Order (renewed order of his cosmos) is to be pro-chaos and against the worship of the adversary (religion). The newer demons, not knowing of the debacle, work for the worship of the adversary and for its order out of chaos, a freemason slogan. The dissident pro-chaos anti-satan-worship demons are known by the people in this world as left-wing, liberal, supporters of all non-reproductive sexual practices, against all religions, atheistic, anarchists, and are frequently called “black hats”, blue team, alt-NWO, and the cabal. The loyalist anti-chaos pro-satan-worship demons are known by the people of this world as right-wing, conservative, supporters of family and biological reproduction, are for religions (except the true one), and are frequently called “white hats”, red team, NWO, and the alliance. These agree about killing off the non-satanists, and this has been one of the first things in their plan. Between the two sides, both controlled by the adversary, they contrive problems and provide their own solutions to sway public opinion to support the adversary to the point they wish to present him as the counterfeit savior. Because of this manipulation of public opinion through extreme events, Christians and other non-; living during these times have noticed sea changes happen during their lifetime. Political upheaval, financial instability, unnecessary wars, destruction of the centralized food industry, manufactured earthquakes and weather modification and false rumors, scam epidemics with lethal and tyrannical establishment solutions, conspired scams obviously artificial, proclaiming doomsday events, enemy immigrant invasions, all being highly materially profitable for the elite, the exposure (and flaunting) of fraudulent elections worldwide, and the exposure of satanism in all high places in governments and this world’s society, with all their crimes against humanity. And most obviously, nobody is getting prosecuted for all this mayhem by the court system of this world. Why now? The season of the separation had to come sometime! They knew it and were right on schedule. Because they , the satanists, wish to inform the non-satanists, “we the people,” that they rule and serve the God/god of this world and that there is nothing any of us can do about it, and we cannot change this world. They have always been the ones to mislead the unsuspecting non-satanists throughout history, because this as we said, cosmos is upside-down, making the lowest be the top dogs. So, their version of a wake-up call is to say, “If you can’t beat us, join us!” Like their misleader, the satanists have no regard for the fact that the assessments of the Most High Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` are accurate. They are only 1/10 of the total number of yisrâ’ë´l, and they are the forsaken widow called yisrâ’ë´l underneath, who deliberately scorn Him, worshipping sâţâ´n knowingly (see the classification page ), and they continue to work at transferring the middle sea to their lake underneath, t he meaning of “Mar-a-Lago”. What is “the Plan” of Q+? How he makes his lemonade from his lemons. Those conservatives who are aware, know Q is the current version of the Operation Trust used in Russia’s communist revolution, used in the United States of America to keep the armed population from rising against the stolen 2020 election know that Q+ is Trump, the current incarnation of sâţâ´n to become his counterfeit savior. Q+ is the leader of the Q movement, which pretended to be a secret military resistance to the controlled opposition to himself, puppets known by various terms. To be apparent to those well-informed about this, “Trump and the patriots” are known as white hats (highest level freemasonry satanists), the alliance, the red NWO, and they pretend to lead conservatives, the political right, anti-communists, and Christians. Still, these are led by Trump-sâţâ´n and his newer loyalist demons who did not see the debacle. But the controlled opposition puppets are known as the black hats (lower-level freemasonry satanists), the cabal, the blue alt-NWO, and those who pretend to lead liberals and communists and the political left. Still, these are led by the pro-chaos anti-order dissident demons. The adversary uses the existing division in his house, red versus blue, to involve his hostage lights, represented by white, to mislead them back and forth in Hegelian dialectic. This basically means manipulating public opinion utilizing two opposing sides secretly working together, without any absolute truth on either side, to herd the sheep to where the adversary wants: to usher in the ideal situation for him to make a grand entrance as the counterfeit savior. Thus red, white, and blue are frequent colors used in the flags of countries led by satanists to represent this. And today’s most powerful religion worshipping the adversary knowingly is Judaism. But which side do they work for, blue or red? Both. Both sides of all conflicts are visibly misled by them throughout history. How does the reconciliation of the divided house of sâţâ´n reflect in current events and future events in this physical world? Governments literally have made sham “elections” for centuries to “elect” preselected covert-satanists pretending to represent “we the people,” who switch sides every election in two or more satanist-party systems, thinking “the enemy of my enemy must be my friend”, “selecting the lesser of two evils”, to switch again when disappointed again at the next “election.” This voting system has kept the non-satanist public pacified though disappointed, tolerating years and years of tyrannical satanists governing in the hopes of voting them out in the next election. All the while, not realizing the satanist government just stages that puppet show for that purpose, while satanists continue to rule unabated as a non-representative government over non-satanists. But who has that complete picture? But currently, even the election system is being exposed worldwide as being a fraud, in order to bring on a world government led by their predesigned solution, as world emperor, the counterfeit savior. Mark Twain, a freemason satanist, was correct that it is easier to fool somebody than to convince them they have been fooled. But now, since even the evil satanists know the season of “judgment” (separation) is upon us all, their actors take off their masks and put on their credits and their final call to join them to worship their insane God/god (Demon/demon). The explanation for their currently allowing their being exposed as satanists, exposing all their self-pleasing heinous crimes against humanity, and their immunity from prosecution in their world’s fake justice system, is that it is a recruiting drive ! They also have started mounting promotions of their satanist demon-worship religion, revealing all their satanist contributions to every religion out there, to distill and package their deception, concentrated, without using terms Christians know, like “demon” or “satan” to not awaken that awareness. This recruitment drive is to lure the spiritual daughters of Wisdom and the adversary, which we have classified as “B2” in the Classification composition page , also called night-middle yisrâ’ë´l in 1 Moshéh (“Genesis”). These are the most susceptible and most prone to voluntarily switch to judas-Christianity, which, since Judaism and Christianity are supposed to be opposed, is a merging for the worse. Those have a choice to switch temporarily to be with the widow underneath, though Yâhuwshúa`’s assessment stands in the End. But the satanists have always been trying to transfer all the middle flock outside, which they have been leading for so long, to full satanism, ratcheting them by degrees , like in their own groups. They have most of their job already done, having switched Christianity to the impostor’s names (See the impostor’s name exposed ) Judaism rejects our Savior and rejects the Most High and admits worshipping “lucifer” and the “angel of death”, commonly called “sâţâ´n”. Christianity, in contrast, does the opposite. Christianity and Judaism do not coexist well knowingly, though satanist preachers fully support their counterfeit “Israel” that still rejects our Savior. How can these opposites be combined ? While everyone still looks like they are created equal, sâţâ´n thinks he is preparing his way into their hearts. But true middle Christians are made to reject him once they awaken to figure out who he is. This design is the living Scroll staking Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`’s claim on their cross. But it takes a lot of waking to manifest it. More details helps to understand the true history, not satanist-revised rewritten history. The scriptures mentioned also were coded into shorthand, and can be to some degree, decoded according to the pattern found in the LXX coding. Here we examine what further information would be revealed if this were done: The debacle: the undoing of the Old World Order The Secret Scroll of Yâhuwchânâ´n says this: This mention of the First Adam (’Âth â´m), though sounding like it was Yâhuwshúa` alone when the decode is applied, says that it was yisrâ’ë´l above , manifesting the Image within, who were displayed in the form of a dirt-man (adam), and each of the demons were agitated and moved away from the adversary. This constituted the dissolution of the Old World Order of the adversary, and he had to spawn a new brood of demons to be loyal to him, as this first litter became dissidents. As we pointed out from Luwqá` 18: 18, none of the dissident demons can turn for the Most High, they remain angry from realizing they have no future, so they try to stave off the end by trying to prevent sâţâ´n’s New World Order from happening by promoting chaos and disorder. But the subsequently created loyalist demons believe the lie of sâţâ´n and support worshipping him and his NWO. And now, both sides are seen to be alike, like Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dee, of Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There , deciding to have a battle. Did the Pharisees know? Today’s Jews openly and proudly portray themselves as the legacy of the Pharisees. But does establishment scripture accurately portray them? When Yâhuwshúa` walked this earth, all the middle was captive in the underworld (sh’ówl). The ones of yisrâ’ë´l above , all 144,000 of these , had volunteered to give Him their garments and descend with Him, and thus being unpaired, resembled the middle and were the crowds following Him around. And in MattithYâ´huw 12: 22-23, one of these unpaired ones from above was brought to Him being under the power of a demon. And Yâhuwshúa` serviced/cured this one to not be spiritually blind or mute, to come to exist of yisrâ’ë´l. But those there not being the ones (m.), who actually were yisrâ’ë´l underneath, did not understand, believing that one to be an inferior sheep without regard for the Son. The KJV translators, not decoding nor understanding what they translated, translated MattithYâ´huw 12: 24 to say that the Pharisees alleged This One, Yâhuwshúa`, to be casting out by Beelzebub, the chief of the demons. They wrongly assumed the Pharisees to be non-satanists, that they would criticize Yâhuwshúa` as being a satanist. In reality , when this passage is restored, it says the Pharisees were alleging Yâhuwshúa` to be “the sheep outside of yisrâ’ë´l, casting out the (dissident) demons who are not in alliance with the middle sister, if those (demons) weren’t of the ‘Abaddon’ (father of the sovereign) among yisrâ’ë´l, of the (dissident) demons not being the lord of death, (being) against the chief archon of the (loyalist) demons not being the adversaries of the gods (’elohíym).” This means they were considering Yâhuwshúa` to be red-team pro-adversary, not of their “yisrâ’ë´l”, casting out blue-team dissident demons. This gives a view heretofore unfamiliar to Christians of what the satanist Pharisees were teaching their followers. The Pharisees were for the red-NWO alliance satanic-theistic loyalist demons, and alleging Yâhuwshúa` to be of yisrâ’ë´l outside, but working for their white-hats alliance ousting dissident demons from the middle they thought to be beneath themselves of yisrâ’ë´l underneath. Thus, they pretended to be over Him on the same team. The Consequences of the sâţâ´nist misrepresentation of Yâhuwshúa` with their impostor sâţâ´n. Yâhuwshúa`’s response to them was epic but only understandable when decoded. He knew they had no regard for Him, being who they were, and that their internal conflicts in their divided house were those not of the same ones (m.) of Himself. His response is documented in FPS MattithYâ´huw 12: 25-37. Here we share it, without most of the restored literal translation’s formatting for study, thus it is simplified. An explanation of what Yâhuwshúa` said, when accused of being a demon: The 144K were despoiled like a vessel of yisrâ’ë´l outside His principality . Though every one of those being the City or the House, were being distributed out, sâţâ´n is not who will be established of yisrâ’ë´l. If it were a dissident demon over yisrâ’ë´l outside, disliking sâţâ´n, who were casting out demons out of the one (m.) not opposing Yâhuwshúa`, sâţâ´n has been divided. Then how will the royal authority of the one (m.) of the Son of yisrâ’ë´l be established to give birth? Yâhuwshúa` asks a rhetorical question, if He were the lord of death, would He cast demons out which do not belong in the principality ? The ones (m.) have no regard for the Pharisees, so for Whom d o they cast out? Because of yisrâ’ë´l being that thing, the ones (m.), the Profession of Yâ-hwéh, will be the ones choosing. If Yâhuwshúa` was casting out demons not belonging to the principality of the Yâ-hwéh within the ones (m.), then the not at-that-time existing royalty did precede in rank over the Pharisees outside yisrâ’ë´l. Yâhuwshúa` had to free His ones (m.) for these to rescue and give birth to the middle sister, not of the Strong one, yet when the widow underneath binds them to the one NOT strong, then the ones will plunder them from him. The ones with no regard for ‘Abaddon’ are His existing ones – accompanying no one of yisrâ’ë´l of the false “Yahweh.” His existing ones of yisrâ’ë´l have no regard for ‘Abaddon’ – are not gathering with the no one of yisrâ’ë´l of the false “Yahweh” who scatters away. Daughters of Wisdom, being the mistake (middle) and the scorn (satanists underneath), will be divorced from it. Daughters of Wisdom and sâţâ´n who are of the scorn of you , deliberately worshipping sâţâ´n, will not be divorced from him. And those who speak against the Word of the Way will be dismissed from being in association with the ones (m.) pertaining to the Son. One of the ones of Yâ-hwéh who testify of Him among every vessel of yisrâ’ë´l will not be dismissed from being one of His by any group. If they would have kept His name and made Him the beautiful Saying, those of the cross would have acknowledged Him. But since they replaced Him with the corruption on the cross, they became rotten “Israel,” so their recognition of Him is made when the ones (m.) (144K) of the Fruit, not of the cross, go down. Yâhuwshúa` asked a rhetorical question: how can they, the offspring of vipers, say anything good if they, though being ones to come to exist in the future, are the ones without any surplus and do not keep the true heart (testimony of Yâ-hwéh), thus not having the Mouth that speaks of Him? Dirt-men like the Pharisees of the one not good throw out what is good from yisrâ’ë´l, but the ones (m.) without regard for the evil one throw out what is evil from the storehouses of yisrâ’ë´l. Utterances that do not work spoken by dirt-men with no regard (like the Pharisees), they will have to repay the Christians they harmed. The justification is by the Words of The Way of Yâ-hwéh, not of the ones of the adversary. The true awakening is to acknowledge Yâhuwshúa` is the true Yâ-hwéh, and the true Plan is the One of the Most High. Back to Top Back to Who is Trump? We are follower s of The Way of Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa ` , the Narrow Path, and by the supports of Wisdom, we only follow Yâhuwshúa`our Husband, Who said He is "the Truth, the Way, and the Life."

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